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Notes from SUNY - Ex Libris Discovery Team Meeting
Information on Primo VE Meeting on August 6th and 7th - Discovery Working Group
The minutes provide a good summary of meeting in Buffalo. The primary focus of the meeting was the speed issue with Primo VE and the openURL. There are also concerns about the speed of Alma (although that wasn't the focus of the meeting).
Follow up on speed issues and other ongoing problems
ExL recently placed an injection on the server and scheduled a re-index so most of the issues concerning publishing delays should have been resolved.
Documentation in progress: Alma/Primo timing
Michelle has started on a publishing/timing document for Alma to Primo changes. Please provide feedback by the next meeting.
It was noted that the Discovery FAQs have been helpful not only to SUNY institutions but to other libraries and even ExL.
Report on CDI development and anticipated involvement
Michelle, Amanda, Heidi, and Nancy are serving on this task force. The group has not started its work yet but based on what was explained at the meeting in Buffalo they are optimistic that the CDI will be an improvement. It will streamline activation and will provide (hopefully) better access to EBSCO content.
Areas of focus for working group: setting priorities and assigning tasks (or call for volunteers?)
In addition to working on the speed issue and the CDI the group may want to help with documentation (e.g. how to do specific things in Primo like generate new books list) and usability.
Matters arising
Students/faculty will be returning in a few days. We are waiting to see how they will respond to the new system.
Discussion on whether there was an interest from committee members to present at ENUG. Some members would be willing to participate on a panel.