

Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2023-06-08

1. Various improvements to USB-MIDI hosting. Many devices that didn't work before are working now.

2. The default MIDI port names now reflect the default MIDI port routing. This applies to both the MIDI port names that can be seen only via sysex messages (i.e. Auracle) as well as the MIDI port names that can be seen by any app running on computer via the USB descriptor (i.e. MIDIMonitor, Pocket MIDI).

3. Fixed a problem where switching scenes via sysex messages was not working.

4. Fixed a problem where the failover system could be left in the ARMED state when manually changing the master to a USB port that was not meeting the ARMED state criteria. Also fixed an issue with the trigger flag getting set on the non-current master which would cause incorrect scene changes under some conditions.