

Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2024-02-26

1. RTP-MIDI initiator sessions now have the three characters "[I]" prepended to them. This is intended to work around the problem where users give both initiator and responder sessions the same name (which won't work). This has the added bonus of clearly showing (in Audio MIDI Setup) which sessions are in initiator mode and explains why you can't initiate a connection to them from your Mac.

2. Modified the USB-MIDI host reservation system so that devices with no serial number will use the port names (in and out) for matching.

3. Fixed a problem where it was not possible to host more than 4 USB-MIDI devices (sometimes no more than 3 devices, depending on the number of hubs used).

4. Relaxed the rules for MIDI port naming: 
 a. must be at least 1 character long, 
 b. characters allowed are letters (A - Z and a - z), numbers (0 - 9) and some special characters (defined in lookup table)

5. Added support for configuring OLED parameters (brightness, invert, display sleep).

6. Increased the number of interfaces allowed per device from 5 to 6 so that USB hosting works with Intech Studio MIDI controllers. This may fix issues with other MIDI controllers.

7. Added HID keyboard to USB descriptor so that PA1U can send keyboard reports to host computers.

8. The device name is now used for product name in USB descriptor. Previously, the product name was always "PlayAUDIO1U" which made it difficult to distinguish between multiple units connected to the same computer, especially when creating aggregates. The default device name is "PlayAUDIO1U xxx" where xxx are the last three digits of the serial number. Use Auracle to change the device name to something unique and memorable. You must disconnect/reconnect the USB cable after changing the device name before computer will see the new name (you do not have to reboot PA1U).

9. Fixed a number of problems with Bonjour, mostly related to name conflict resolution not working properly and broadcast packets not being received.