Research and interesting reads overview document

Gwen Tresidder
Gwen Tresidder
Last updated 
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Collated by Chris Dale and Jen Shearman, NCETM.

1.  NCETM, Evidence-based considerations
This short document aims to synthesise the evidence into a set of prompts to consider when designing online or blended PD. 
It would be useful as a reflective tool for leaders of PD and those designing and delivering PD.
2. University of Birmingham and CUREE, Teacher Education Modality Rapid Review   Modes, Affordances and Evidence on Remote and Blended Initial and Continuing Teacher Education
This substantial paper starts with a literature review to develop principles for effective teacher education and then uses these to structure the discussion on advantages and limitations of remote and blended modes.
It would be useful for those colleagues wanting to explore this area in more detail through an academic paper. 

3. Salmon G, Five Stage Model 
The author offers a structured developmental process for online learning. The five-stage-model provides a framework or scaffold for a structured and paced programme of ‘e-tivities’.
It would be useful for colleagues wanting to explore how to increase levels of interactivity through structured hierarchical approach to online PD.

4. Patrick R. Lowenthal, Problems Measuring Social Presence in a Community of Inquiry
This paper explores the concept of different types of presence, but mainly the development of social presence in online learning.
It would be useful for leaders and deliverers of PD wanting to understand the concept of social presence and how it might be developed in online PD.

5. OECD, Innovating teachers’ professional learning through digital technologies.
This working paper brings together background information on the opportunities and challenges brought by new technologies, for teachers’ professional learning. 
It would be useful for those colleagues wanting to explore this area in more detail through an academic paper.

6.  EEF, Remote Professional Development – Rapid Evidence Assessment. 
This recent document considers a range of evidence in this area and pulls this together into six key findings and implications as well as acknowledging the limitations of the existing research.
It would be useful for leaders, designers and deliverers of PD to support their understanding of research in this area and consider 6 key findings and implications.