1 Update on membership:
- The LSP Advisory Board met to discuss the applications for group membership. Four candidates were approved.
- Not sure when their start date will be as The LSP Advisory Board will need to double check those candidates that are currently on another task force.
- The DWG will need to check with the LSP Advisory Board on the process of how to formally invite the new members
2 Sandbox release testing
- Nancy shared two bookmarklets she's been using for testing, that reload a search or record in UB's live Primo instance to the Sandbox or another test view, using url.replace:
Sandbox example:
javascript:var url = window.location.toString();window.location = url.replace(/search.lib.buffalo.edu/, 'suny-buf-psb.primo.exlibrisgroup.com');
Test view example:
javascript:var url = window.location.toString();window.location = url.replace(/vid=01SUNY_BUF:everything/, 'vid=01SUNY_BUF:everything_nodedup'); - The release testing scripts look good.
- The group should try to keep testing each Primo VE release
- Note: Dedupe and FRBR issues can be tested by creating a test view with both of those turned off
Ex Libris will be rolling out accessibility fixes to Primo VE sandboxes on 10/18. Will need to test this to see how much impact those CSS changes will have on campuses with customized views (UB)
3 Status of ongoing issues / new issues
Ex Libris seems to have fixed the lag problems with openURL, and the problems with silent login. Nancy worked with ExL to send them examples, and a UB login for testing. The solution was rolled out to all Primo VE instances.
Gale linking problem: Still having problems with the parser for Gale. JSTOR linking has improved.
Primo Analytics:
Jill’s Personal Primo Project: how forgiving is Primo on spelling errors? She is looking at the analytics to test this, using the ‘popular searches’ analytic. She is testing the searches in Primo to see what the results are for each term. Primo’s ability to deal with spelling errors has a big potential impact on library users. Should be interesting to get the results.
Heidi - ran Primo analytic reports and has found many glitches that were not obvious in Alma, and has used this data to fix linking problems and to delete collections. Could be helpful in finding CDI glitches.
4 Future directions for the DWG:
- Primo analytics, depending on the focus of the Analytics Task Force
- Release testing
- Usability testing
- Accessibility testing