00:27:21 Maureen Clements (SUNY): https://youtu.be/mEwFioE54gI?si=cUKWP2Zd5Y1pGb2R 00:30:25 Catherine Stollar Peters: https://dtp.suny.edu/ 00:40:47 Maureen Clements (SUNY): https://sunyolis.libcal.com/calendars?cid=-1&t=d&d=0000-00-00&cal=-1&inc=0 00:45:53 Catherine Stollar Peters: Super fun to see it! 00:46:14 Michelle Beechey: Woo hoo! Albums!😁 00:46:17 Michelle Eichelberger: Monroe's library is wonderful 00:46:26 Michelle Beechey: Reacted to "Monroe's library is ..." with 🥰 00:46:28 Catherine Stollar Peters: Reacted to "Woo hoo! Albums!😁" with 👍 00:46:30 Catherine Stollar Peters: Reacted to "Monroe's library is ..." with 👍 00:46:40 Marcy Strong: Reacted to "Monroe's library is ..." with 👍 00:51:21 Ken Fujiuchi: For anyone interesting in the AI LibGuide Working Group feel free to email me at fujiuck@buffalostate.edu 00:51:40 Michelle Eichelberger: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/ 00:53:38 Michelle Eichelberger: AI Research Assistant session: https://sunyolis.libcal.com/event/12984656 00:55:35 Susan Davis Bartl (UB): $25 per lend? Seems steep to me, IMHO. 00:55:42 Michelle Eichelberger: Reacted to "$25 per lend? Seems..." with 👍 00:55:50 Michelle Hendley: Reacted to "$25 per lend? Seems..." with 👍 00:56:05 Michelle Beechey: Reacted to "$25 per lend? Seems..." with 👍 00:57:17 Susan Davis Bartl (UB): OER Summit conflicts with ENUG for some. 00:57:59 Nancy Babb: Could you share about the AI Discussion Group? 00:58:16 Nancy Babb: Right on; thanks 00:59:24 Michelle Eichelberger: November Metadata Interest Group registration: https://sunyolis.libcal.com/event/11974338 01:09:16 Michelle Eichelberger: good news is that the NDE isn't coming until next summer 01:09:58 Susan Davis Bartl (UB): Replying to "good news is that th..." You hope. :-) 01:10:12 Marcy Strong: Reacted to "You hope. :-)" with 😆 01:10:24 Michelle Eichelberger: Reacted to "You hope. :-)" with 😄 01:11:56 Susan Davis Bartl (UB): No need to be on the bleeding edge for the Research Assistant Ai. 01:12:05 Michelle Hendley: Reacted to "No need to be on the..." with 👍 01:13:06 Lisa Errico (Nassau): will these be recorded? 01:13:10 Michelle Eichelberger: yes 01:13:24 Lisa Errico (Nassau): Great! Thank you. 01:13:58 Susan Perry: LibCal - SUNY Office of Library and Information Services 01:14:06 Michelle Eichelberger: Reacted to "LibCal - SUNY Office..." with ❤️ 01:16:51 Ken Fujiuchi: A current topic would be the proposed addition of AI as part of the information literacy gened competency 01:17:01 Catherine Stollar Peters: Reacted to "A current topic woul..." with 👍 01:17:19 Jennifer DeVito: Reacted to "A current topic woul..." with 👍 01:17:27 Nancy Babb: Reacted to "A current topic woul..." with 👍 01:17:33 Cori Wilhelm: Reacted to "A current topic woul..." with 👍🏻 01:19:00 Justin Cronise (SUNY Erie CC): Reacted to "A current topic wo..." with 👍 01:20:12 Catherine Stollar Peters: https://sunyoried.github.io/rdaf/ 01:21:14 Catherine Stollar Peters: https://sunyolis.libcal.com/event/12858452 01:26:09 Catherine Stollar Peters: https://sunyolis.libguides.com/rdm/dryad 01:29:09 Marcy Strong: Thanks Susan! 01:29:39 Michelle Eichelberger: You keep the conversation going! Thanks so much.