12:11:18 From Yvonne Kester : No laughing. 12:11:21 From Yvonne Kester : ;-) 12:11:52 From Shannon Pritting : https://www.twinkletoessoftware.com/ 12:11:57 From Noah Roth : I’m not sure I can manage that…twinkletoes is pretty memorable though 12:12:06 From Shannon Pritting : I like it: "silly name, serious software".... 12:13:15 From Yvonne Kester to Shannon Pritting(Privately) : Thanks Shannon! :-) 12:15:41 From Shannon Pritting : To Diane: this could potentially be a good use of the self-check web app that ITEC/OLIS have developed. We're working on having authentication in front of the app and then passing the authentication identifier into the app so that users could check out their own materials themselves. 12:23:45 From Anne : Too funny. 12:24:00 From Anne : @Shannon that sounds amazing. 12:25:27 From Mustafa Sakarya : As Marsia suggested, social media is often our most effective means at Purchase. 12:25:30 From Shannon Pritting : If you'd like to set up the self-check web app, please let us know by submitting a ticket (info@slcny.libanswers.com) and we can start the set up for you. 12:27:28 From Anne : @Noah- priceless 12:42:19 From Shannon Pritting : nice job Marsia! 12:42:33 From Marsia Riley : Thank you 12:42:34 From Anne : Way to go Marsia! 12:43:03 From Marie Sciangula : awesome job, Marsia! 12:44:01 From Anne : Much appreciate Mustafa! 12:44:24 From Susanna : Springshare is now advertising a "Pick-Up Manager," maybe just as another part of LibAnswers? https://blog.springshare.com/2020/10/14/pickup-manager-is-here/ Maybe worth a look, too? 12:44:46 From Marsia Riley : Yes, I attended the webinar yesterday 12:44:57 From Noah Roth : Thanks! 12:44:57 From Anne : that is really neat! 12:45:16 From Susanna : Thank you, everyone.