LSP Advisory Board Meeting Notes
Date 9-13-21
Members attending: Marla Gruner (Ulster), Nancy Babb (U. Buffalo), Nicole Colello (U. Buffalo), Fatoma Rad (Farmingdale), Michelle Eichelberger (SUNY SLC), Shannon Pritting (SUNY SLC)
- Ex Libris Community Cataloging Initiative
- Ex Libris working toward creating a MARC environment similar to WorldCat using records from Alma institutions
- Will be released in near future, unclear the exact timeline
- Free and included in Alma subscription
- Not suggesting any major change or that the rollout will be smooth but OCLC Cataloging costs are substantial across the system
- Maggie discussed this with SMSP Committee. They would like to stick with OCLC as the standard
- Should we pursue this or let them develop it without our input? What is the workload for SLS and/or SUNY Libraries?
- Trust the expertise of the SMSP Committee. The CZ record quality is poor which does not bode well for an Ex Libris managed Community Catalog.
- If/when this does get put into place, interested in putting a group together to test its viability.
- Ask SMSP to analyze this again when it is in production in Alma environments
- Access Services WG increase in membership
- Motion carries
- Discovery Working Group transition to interest group
- Group is exploring strategies to change its charge/name since working group doesn’t really fit
- Support and troubleshooting group would be valuable
- Group will continue on Basecamp and open things up more for non-group members
- Does the board want to ask for anything specific? There is documentation for what a working group is expected to do and be. Does the LSP Board want to create some kind of template/outline to assist
- An official/unofficial charge
- Outline of rationale for the group’s existence and their end goals
- Next Meeting
- Cancel October meeting
- Plan to keep the conversation going offline about the new direction of the Discovery Working Group so we are reading to discuss at our next meeting in November
- Next Meeting: Monday, November 8, 2021