3/1/19 Minutes

Michelle Eichelberger (SUNY)
Michelle Eichelberger (SUNY)
Last updated 
Recorder: Nancy Babb

  • Local Notes and display
    • Nancy reported on research on local notes in catalog records and interest in making this local information available to users viewing the records via the NZ (i.e. other SUNY catalogs), an enhancement that is of particular interest for special collections that use local notes to describe special aspects of uniquely held materials.
      The Discovery WG previously disapproved the suggestion to display all local notes within the body of the catalog record and suggested that holdings or item notes would be more appropriate.  Nancy tested and confirmed that public holdings and item notes do display throughout the NZ; users can view these notes by clicking to expand the display of the other library’s holdings and items (GetIt other/SUNY holdings area of record).
       A related request was to enable linking/view of another library’s catalog record from the NZ. Nancy asked on Basecamp and confirmed that such linkage is not existing Primo VE functionality; it would be an issue for the Idea Exchange (see Basecamp discussion: “Linking to/displaying other SUNY catalogs in Primo?”). However, it is possible to include links with html coding within the public holdings and item notes, so individual institutions might opt to create links to their catalog records through this route.
      Nancy has tested with UBuffalo’s special collections holding: Selected poems / Barbara Guest, adding public holding note “View University at Buffalo Special Collections copy details.” with link to UBuffalo catalog record; the note and link are accessible in UAlbany (and other SUNY) Primo instances, ex: https://suny-alb.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay?docid=alma990009622470204808&context=L&vid=01SUNY_ALB:01SUNY_ALB&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&tab=Everything&lang=en 
      Nancy has shared this research with her local special collections librarians and SUNY MSP WG liaisons. The Discovery WG can consider the issue resolved unless/until there are additional questions or requests.

  • Label names:
    • Label for SUNY Holdings/getit other - ideas for name? GETIT Other SUNYwide Wording & Config Recommendation - Discovery Working Group The default label for the GetIt Other area of the Primo VE record, in which other SUNY holdings are displayed, isn’t generally helpful nor appealing. Different institutions are trying different labels, such as, “Other SUNY Libraries,” and statements, such as, “Click below for SUNY Library Availability.”
      Ex Libris has created a button that can be added to the GetIt Other display to toggle the display/hiding of the list of libraries. The default text above the button is, “Other SUNY Libraries.” The button can be added to an institution’s Primo VE display via Discovery > Configure Views > Manage Customization Package > Inherit from Central Package (See Basecamp discussion, “Get it other - can this be moved?”)
      TO DO:  The Discovery WG will consider what recommendations should be made for SUNY default labels and configuration for the GetIt Other area and discuss at our next meeting.
    • Availability/Not Available, etc. https://slcny.libanswers.com/faq/232607 Michelle has created and shared an FAQ about Availability statements in Primo VE: 
      Q. What determines the "Available," "May be available," and "Not Available" messages in Primo VE and what can we do about it? https://slcny.libanswers.com/faq/232607 
      Different institutions are testing different options for the labels; both “Available” and “Not Available” are proving problematic, with “Available” potentially suggesting that non-circulating materials may be borrowed, and “Not Available” discouraging users from requesting materials (or even knowing that they may be requested). Jill has experimented with changing all the options to “Get It.”
      Some examples of different labels can be viewed in the GCC’s Primo https://suny-gcc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01SUNY_GCC:01SUNY_GCC&lang=en&sortby=rank and the College of Optometry https://suny-opt.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01SUNY_OPT:01SUNY_OPT&lang=en&sortby=rank
      TO DO:  The Discovery WG will consider whether it would be helpful to recommendation different labels for SUNY defaults and if so what values. We will discuss at our next meeting.

  • SUNY Catalog testing doc – need to add content - Records to test when we get new SUNY Catalog config from Ex Libris - Discovery Working Group TO DO: All Discovery WG members should list problem records found in the SUNY Catalog, including screenshots, MMS IDs, descriptions, etc.  MMS IDs will be helpful for copying and pasting in later testing phases.
    Example: Calculator TCCC: TCC01000072336
  • LibGuide Harvesting
  • Nancy has followed Heidi’s FAQ and Michelle and Rebecca’s tips and can confirm that they are easy to follow and work well.

  • SUNYLA Michelle and Jill are working on a proposal for a SUNYLA presentation, tentatively titled, “Usability and Customization Options for Primo VE: Learning to Love a Fixer-Upper”

    Presenters will be Michelle, Jill, and Rebecca.

  • User Interface Task Force proposal Shannon received a proposal for an interest group to focus on user interface issues. The group is especially designed for those with Java/angular skills and/or interests. The purpose of the group is to look at Primo add-ons, Primo Studio and other tools and provide support and recommendations to all SUNY users. 
    The Discovery WG would like to has a liaison on this task force; Jill volunteered and has been approved by the WG.

    NEXT MEETING:  Friday, March 15, 1:00 pm