Join us to learn about School Health Services staff’s professional development needs for 2022.
In the Fall of 2021, staff from the MDH Office of Statewide Health Improvement Initiatives, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease, and Maternal and Child Health invited school health services staff across the state to participate in an online survey about professional development opportunities and school health infrastructure. The intent was to learn about participants’ interests to inform planning of future professional development opportunities by MDH and community partners. We analyzed 247 survey responses from school health services staff, 77% of whom were School Nurses by role. Our survey focused on chronic disease management and components of the National Association of School Nurse’s (NASN) Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice. We did not ask about COVID-19.
Please join us for a webinar sharing the full results of the survey. We encourage all partners that create and promote professional development for school health services staff and any interested school partners to attend - this can be shared widely.
Highlights of the results will be discussed, including:
- Professional development topics, ranked by interest
- Logistical preferences for professional development events (length, time of day, and other scheduling considerations)
- School health infrastructure (case management provision, student health data methods, EHR systems, and familiarity with WSCC model)
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Recording: Will be posted on various MDH Basecamp sites
Questions: Jeremy Vann, MDH School Health Services Coordinator,
Login Information:
Meeting Number: 2495 445 1840
Password: SHS2002
Join by phone
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1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free
Access code: 2495 445 1840
Added by
Jeremy V.