Mike Tyson knows a thing or two about fear. His life journey has been a zig-zag burning path of root cause and Kaizen. Likewise is the case for anyone who makes it through the fire of life and comes out on the other side still swinging. The jigged success path looks exactly like a piece of IKONICK ARTwork I have shared before that is hanging by the entrance to my bsoul place of worship = my WFH Mini Gemba! 😎
Before I enter, I prayerfully remind myself of the fear and fire——and the zig-zag! And today's bless up media clip always keeps me in check. As Sir Mike has been thru multiple deep dark challenges—even the tragic death of his 4-year-old daughter 😢—that would have broken most people to the point of no return.
Yet he is a fighter and someone who NEVER EVER FREAKIN' gave up! Where he is today is flat-out a miracle. Sir Mike is an overcomer who packs an almighty punch, not just in the ring but at the travesty of life. Jabbing at his lower self over and over and chasing his business soul higher-self-hero, he has some fighting words on fire for you today.
Powerful indeed. "POWER!" A true inspiration. I have mad respect for you, Sir Mike. ✊🙏
Until I SEE YOU again, be like MIKE ⬇️
ZIG and ZAG. Don't get burned. Root Cause and Kaizen. Make fear your friend. 🔥💙 And of course, never ever freakin' give up.