Jan 5, 2022

Kathy O'Brien (UBuffalo)
Kathy O'Brien (UBuffalo)
Last updated 
1. Update
Group members shared their findings of analytics reports and dashboard from the shared community folder.

2. Fulfilment reports/dashboard etc. from other consortia
Shared findings posted in the Message:
Kristy Lee (New Paltz)
Expired Patrons with Active Loans
  • IPEDS Spring 2021 (the entire folder)
  • Inventory List (with options/prompts for library, location, call number etc.)
    /shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/Orbis Cascade Alliance/Circulation & Resource Sharing/Circulation & Resource Sharing
Joan Cook (SCCC)
  • IPEDS and ACRL dashboards and reports
    /shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/VCCS/IPEDS/ACRL Y21/IPEDS/ACRL Reports Dashboard
  • Various Call Number Range reports
    /shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/WACTCLC/Analyses by Call Number Ranges
  • LC-Based Collection Development and Titles Added reports
    /shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/WACTCLC/Collection Development
  • IPEDS reports and dashboard
    /shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/WACTCLC/IPEDS WACTCLC (DO NOT REMOVE OR MODIFY !!!!!!)   <<love the warning note!
  • Percentage of Items Loaned
    /shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/Orbis Cascade Alliance/Resource Sharing and Fulfillment/Fulfillment Reports
  • Resource Sharing Lending - Fill Rate & Turnaround Time
    /shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/Orbis Cascade Alliance/Circulation & Resource Sharing/Circulation & Resource Sharing/Summit - Lending - Fill Rate & Turnaround Time - no prompt for institution
  • Resource Sharing Borrowing - Fill Rate & Turnaround Time
    /shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/Orbis Cascade Alliance/Circulation & Resource Sharing/Circulation & Resource Sharing/Summit - Borrowing - Stats (including Fill Rate & Turnaround Time)
Kabel Stanwicks
I found the course reserves reports that Orbis Cascade has to be helpful. I made a copy of the Course Reserve Titles by Course and the Course Reseve Usage by Title reports and updated them both a bit to meet my local needs. These are in  /shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/Orbis Cascade Alliance/Circulation & Resource Sharing/Course Reserves.

Kathy O'Brien
CalState Reports of possible interest:
/Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Institutions/CalState/Fulfillment/Verified Reports/
Users folder:  User Group Counts-Part 1 (Summary) and Part 2 (detailed user info)
Circulation Statistics folder:
  • All Active Loans Due: within time period
  • Copy of General Circulation Statistics: good summary data and tables; report called General Circulation Statistics fails so check out the copy.
Fines, Fees, and Bills folder:  Patrons with active credit balance could be useful for clean up

WRLC Reports of possible interest:
/Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Consortia/WRLC/Reports/Requests and Fulfillment
  • Loans Checked out per Library:  set your own date range in criteria; has nice table as well
  • Use of XXX Collections reports (currently created at institution level) could be useful at consortial level?
  • WLRC Consortium Loan reports may also be useful at consortial level.

3. How to create links/hyperlinks to Primo in an Alma analytics report
See attached power point slides, also in this link:
How to create a link to Primo in an Alma Analytics report.pptx 7.11 MB Download

https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Training/Extended_Training/Presentations_and_Documents_-_Analytics# has lots of good resources for Alma Analytic procedures and includes the How to create a link to Primo in an Alma Analytics report.pptx that Kristy shared. 

4. Other discussion 
Next meeting Wed Feb 2.