Minutes of April Meeting

Last updated 

7th April held online

Committee Attendees: Martin Dower (MD),  Jennie Rolls (JR), Sean Kelly (SK), Vicky Lowcock (VL), Jacqui George (JG)
Apologies: None
Guest Residents: None
Guests: None
No Show: Scott Robert (SR), Becky Lloyd (BL), 


  • There are sufficient committee members in attendance to pass motions
  • Approval of March minutes are pending
  • The COVID-19 issue is making a lot of what we do either hard or just not that important but we have started a "what do we need to look at when life returns to normal"
  • School Buses for FHV: Sean had some updated information and was going to to confirm with the council the state of play for the next meeting (SK)
  • Road Sweeping: This has now been sorted, in the sense that CMBC look after Ovenden Wood Road only, the remaining roads are still under the care of the developer so any issue related to roads and pathways such as sweeping and keeping drains and gutters clear need referring to the developer. We have created a draft version of Who looks after what - FHVRA for FHVRA which will be published as part of the new newsletter. (MD)
  • Easter Egg Hunt: This has, sadly, been cancelled, VL is a tenner out of pocket.
  • PotHead Festival: We discussed bringing this forward, possibly to tie-in with the relaxation of the lockdown we are currently in. We judge that the restrictions will start to be relaxed in June, although the 2m social distancing rules are likely to be one of the last restrictions to end. We talked about expanding the role of PotHead to include more of a festival and JG and JR are going to get some ideas together on PotHead Festival 2020 - FHVRA for FHVRA (JG & JG)
  • Noticeboard: The funding has been awarded and now we need to decide where and when. We are restricted due to COVID-19 in terms of getting it sorted but we should ask the village formally where they would like it. There are already a number of possible sites suggested and we should poll the village on FB. (VL)
  • Cask Court Wall Collapse: We have an initial quote and are waiting for another one but due to COVID-19, no one is available to either quote or do the work (PENDING MF)
  • Grants & Funding: This has all disappeared into a black hold as the council struggles with COVID-19. Vicky is to chase up the revised timescale of awards as that is likely to have moved. (VL)
  • New Residents Issue: The state off of some off the BDWH land behind Admiral Way, it's overgrown and encroaching into at least 2 peoples gardens. Raised by SR (absent, so no further details available). This is the responsibility of BDWH so SR to communicate this back to the issue raisers. (SR)
  • Village Survey: This has been ready to run for a while so will be sent out in the next month or so. (MD)
  • Bathouse Plan: No further details or movement, to be chased up (SK)

Meeting started at 7:30pm, closed at 9pm.