00:11:02 Michelle Eichelberger: And I need to fix the date! sorry all! 00:14:26 Maureen Clements (SUNY): https://el-una.org/ 00:15:07 Maureen Clements (SUNY): https://el-una.org/leadership/ 00:16:55 Maureen Clements (SUNY): https://el-una.org/leadership/working-groups/ 00:17:38 Maureen Clements (SUNY): https://el-una.org/leadership/advisory-groups/ 00:19:04 Maureen Clements (SUNY): https://el-una.org/leadership/communities-of-practice/ 00:20:55 SUNY OLIS: 🎉 00:26:50 Maureen Clements (SUNY): https://sunyolis.libguides.com/c.php?g=1040067&p=10102161 00:28:38 Maureen Clements (SUNY): https://el-una.org/leadership/working-groups/primo/ 00:39:35 Maureen Clements (SUNY): http://e-nug.org/ 00:44:13 David Schuster - Bing: OhioLink - will be migrating to Alma as well - so there will be more consortium discussions! 00:44:23 Maureen Clements (SUNY): Reacted to "OhioLink - will be m..." with 👍 00:44:26 Susan Davis (UB): Reacted to "OhioLink - will be m..." with 👍 00:44:29 SUNY OLIS: Reacted to "OhioLink - will be m..." with 👏 00:49:13 Joe Riggie | Buffalo State: need to run - thanks for doing this - take care everyone! 00:50:21 SUNY OLIS: Thank you for representing us!! 00:50:22 Katherine Latal (Albany): Thanks for the presentations. 00:50:23 Alana Nuth: Thank you!