April 1, 2020

Kristy Lee (New Paltz)
Kristy Lee (New Paltz)
Last updated 
We are still meeting tomorrow morning Wed April 1 at 10am

1. check back on the list of reports in the Consortia Folder
2. the status of the other folder in 01SUNY Institute
3. review Analytics WG charges https://slcny.libguides.com/c.php?g=776920&p=5572519
4. other business

Please feel free to add/edit the agenda. See you all tomorrow morning.


1. check back on the list of reports in the Consortia Folder
In the Physical Items folder - Encountered a report posted by KG from Farmingdale asking for help ("Test Shelf List with prompt for...").
Solution for now - leave those reports in that folder for now, if we have time after finished checking all folders, we can go back and work on them later.
Note - not now but a good suggestion- create a SUNY shared folder for "dev" "working-in-progress" reports for campuses to ask for help/collaboration/assistance.

2. the status of the other folder in 01SUNY Institute
Gail has deleted and cleaned up some folders that are verified duplicates in the Consortia folder. David verified that /Surveys folder can be deleted from 01SUNY Inst.
Please send verified duplicate folders to Gail.

3. review Analytics WG charges https://slcny.libguides.com/c.php?g=776920&p=5572519
We found a revised version of the charge started in the Docs & Files. Kristy will email Wendi to see if there's a draft in Google doc. 

4. other business
ELUNA is most likely canceled or postponed this year. 
Next meeting Wed 5/6 10pm same zoom link.