00:25:40 Lauren deLaubell: Is this in Brightspace Discovery? 00:25:58 Lauren deLaubell: *Discover 00:26:18 Lisa Hoff: D2L? 00:31:25 Kelsey O'Brien: Great video! 🙂 How did you find students to participate? 00:31:26 Holly Heller-Ross: love the images of a student arguing with themselves! 00:32:19 Alice Wilson: We knew many of the students that we recruited. In some cases, we visited student clubs to recruit. We give each student a $ 30 gift card for participating. 00:32:32 Alice Wilson: Holly - I loved that part of the video too! 00:32:52 Holly Heller-Ross: Reacted to "Holly - I loved that..." with 🖖🏼 00:32:52 Kelsey O'Brien: Reacted to "We knew many of the ..." with 👍 00:34:15 Kelsey O'Brien: Are the Awards a feature of Brightspace or a third party tool? 00:34:32 Lisa Hoff: Those numbers are impressive! 00:34:56 Alice Wilson: Thank you! we're happy that the students found the tutorials helpful 00:36:02 Susan Perry: that's awesome :) 00:37:31 Susan Perry: Reacted to "love the images of a..." with 🙂 00:38:15 Lauren deLaubell: How are students enrolled in the course? 00:38:47 Lauren deLaubell: Thanks! 00:40:00 Lisa Hoff: Did you have help creating the badges in D2L? 00:40:03 Claire Ehrlich: Have you had any issues/confusion with all students being enrolled? Questions about what it is, why they're seeing it in Brightspace? 00:42:21 Kelsey O'Brien: So if a student is assigned the College Researcher course by faculty, is the badge their evidence of completion or is there a way to integrate the assignments within another course? 00:42:54 carli_spina: Do students complete the program when they aren't assigned in their course? If so, how do you track that usage and know when to give the certificate? 00:43:36 Kelsey O'Brien: This is awesome, thanks for sharing! 00:43:38 Alice Wilson: video playlist: https://www.youtube.com/@MCCLibraries/playlists 00:45:05 Lisa Hoff: Did you have Academic Affairs buy-in? 00:45:18 Claire Ehrlich: Reacted to "Have you had any iss..." with 👍 00:45:24 Claire Ehrlich: Thank you! 00:46:28 Kelsey O'Brien: Got it, thanks! 00:47:47 Holly Heller-Ross: Is this part of your college general education requirement? Or is there some other way student meet that? 00:48:21 Yvonne Rode: Can you talk more about the quizzes? how are they set up? Does anyone need to look at responses, or is it multiple choice questions etc? 00:48:30 Kelsey O'Brien: Can they share the badge outside of the course (e.g, after graduation) if they wanted to? Or it just lives in Brightspace? 00:48:49 Lisa Hoff: OK gotcha 00:54:06 Christina Hilburger (SUNY Fredonia/Reed Library): This was very helpful. Thank you for sharing your work! 00:54:15 Amanda McCormick: Thank you! 00:54:16 Holly Heller-Ross: Congrats and thanks! 00:54:25 Kelsey O'Brien: This was really interesting, great work and thanks for being generous with your licensing :) 00:54:31 Claire Ehrlich: Thank you- this was inspiring!