Nicolás Boullosa (on camera or voiceover):
"Hi, I’m Nicolás Boullosa, CEO and co-founder of Biokabin. I want to build more & better houses. Biokabin wants to scale modular units and communities in California. From the bottom up."
[Cut to Kirsten Dirksen]
"Meet Kirsten Dirksen, our Chief Multimedia. A YouTuber with 2 million subscribers and 720 million views. She’ll make our project popular."
[Cut to Julio Menéndez]
"Meet Julio Menéndez, our CTO. Julio is coding our platform to help people build Biokabin Communities."
[Cut to David Tapias]
"Meet David Tapias, our Chief Architect. He’s a PhD and expert in modular architecture."
[Cut to Gerard Marmolejo]
"And this is Gerard Marmolejo, our Chief Machinist, also an architect. He fabricates our designs with CNC precision."
[Cut to a group shot of the remaining team members]
"We’re supported by a talented team.”
"Together, we’re building a future where homes are beautiful, healthy, and attainable.”
Join us on this journey with Biokabin!"
[End Screen: Biokabin logo, website, and tagline]