Girls at Camporee

Lynn Hamilton
Lynn Hamilton
Last updated 
There are many ways girls can attend Camporee.  This explains our understanding of the BSA rules, and the procedures we have created for running the event.

Girls can attend Camporee as part of one of the following types of groups:  Webelos Den, Crew, or Girl Scout Troop.

There are three issues - check-in, camping, and program (attending stations).


At check-in Troops supply separate rosters for Troop members and Webelos.  The Webelos roster(s) will now indicate which members are girls.


A campsite can be owned by a Boy Scout Troop, Crew, or Girl Scout Troop. Webelos (boy or girl) camp as guests of a Boy Scout Troop. A girl Webelos den, camping with a Boy Scout Troop, needs appropriate leadership.  This means at least one female leader 21 or older. What Troops can a girl Weblelos den camp with? That is a private agreement between the Den and Troop. For the event we only register/manage Troops and Crews.


Youth attend stations in a group of 6-8 members. This can a regular standing Patrol or an activity Patrol assembled for the event. We do not regulate the membership of a Patrol except to say that all-Webelos Patrols not allowed.  A Patrol that includes Webelos must also have regular Troop members. We firmly believe in youth led Patrols. Patrols do not include adults. Some stations are not age-appropriate for Webelos.  When possible we plan alternative activities.  This would hold for girl Webelos as well.

These rules will be adjusted in 2019 when All-girl Troops are introduced to BSA.

If you have questions please contact the Camporee Administrator - Liz Brandenburg <>.