

This app allows you to view MIDI meters.

Current version: V1

Notifications were not working for MIDI meters, you will need updated firmware if you want to use notifications with this app:
  1. PA1U: 1.0.7b2
  2. mioXL: 2.2.3b2
  3. mioXM: 2.2.3b2

Connect PA1U/mioXL/mioXM to computer, click Search button, select your interface in the list and then click Get Settings. This app does not write to interface so there is no save button, this app just reads MIDI meters.

MIDI meters are a "read and clear" type of operation. When MIDI events are received, a bit is set for each MIDI port to indicate "this port has received (or sent) a MIDI event". These bits stay set until the meters are read and then they are cleared. Software should not read MIDI meters more than once per update interval otherwise all but the first read will likely return all zeros for the MIDI meters (i.e. if updating the MIDI meter display every 100 ms, don't read the same port several times every 100 ms, just read each port once every 100 ms). This app can read MIDI meters manually, poll for MIDI meters every 40 ms, or use notifications to get MIDI meter updates (also every 40 ms).

There are two different types of MIDI meters. The "coarse" meters have one bit for each in and out port. This works well for devices that only have LED displays that light up to indicate "some kind of MIDI activity occurred" (e.g. everything before mioXL). The "fine" meters have 18 bits for each in and out port. These 18 bits correspond to the 18 types of MIDI events seen in my MIDIMonitorSetup app and is used by mioXL and PA1U to display different icons on the OLED for different types of MIDI events. This app reads the "fine" meters for any selected port.
You can monitor up to 16 MIDI ports at once. Use the 16 comboboxes along the left side to select a MIDI port.
Use the In and Out buttons to select either MIDI events into the device or MIDI events out of the device on the selected port. Not all ports have both in and out MIDI ports (e.g. DIN9-12 on mioXL do not have an in port).
Click the Hold button to prevent clearing the MIDI activity indicators when polling the interface for MIDI events (or when using notifications). Handy for debugging (i.e. did I see a program change event, it went by so quickly?).
Select Manual checkbox to read the "fine" MIDI meters (for every port selected in the 16 comboboxes) only after clicking the Get Meters button.
Select Poll to read the "fine" MIDI meters every 40 ms (for every port selected in the 16 comboboxes) .
Select Notify to register for MIDI meter notifications. When selected, device will send "coarse" MIDI meters every 40 ms. For any ports that have the "coarse" meter bit set, this app will query the device for the "fine" meters (only if that port is selected in one of the 16 comboboxes).

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