Senior full-stack dev @ NewArc

Kirill R
Kirill R
Last updated 
by Kirill R, co-founder at

Remote | EEST +- 4h | $6k/m | Contract work turns sketches into images, enabling footwear, apparel and product designers to quickly visualize their ideas.

We serve thousands of customers across the globe, including designers from Puma, Adidas, Decathlon, Sketchers, Under Armour, Salomon, and many others.

We've launched on June 2023 and have consistently grew 10-30% every month ever since.

Why us

  • Small team, big impact. Our product team is co-founder + co-founder + full-stack dev + you. You'll have a huge effect on our product/tech decisions and our culture.
  • Lean processes. No unnecessary sync-ups, no day-long sprint reviews. 
    Just decompose->implement->review->deploy->analyze->repeat.
  • Total ownership and work across the stack: from <button> to SELECT to AI to alerts.
  • We are bootstrapped and profitable. We grow at meaningful pace and won't disappear or cut staff once the VC money dries out.
  • Zero micromanagement, lots of autonomy.
  • Calm deep work. We prioritize the actual work over everything, and protect large chunks of deep focus from meetings and other distractions.

Why you

  • 5+ years of full-stack experience
  • Our stack is mainly Next.js + Elixir + Postgres
    • The closer you are to this stack the better, but it's not a hard requirement
    • Significant experience with any of React/Angular/Vue/Svelte/etc + Rails/Laravel/Django/Node/Java/etc counts
  • Strong reasoning
  • Strong English: both spoken and written
  • Good sense of where to Do Things Right™️ and where to cut corners
  • Great manager of one (self)
  • Significant Infra / Ops / DevOps experience is a plus
  • AI (ChatGPT, Claude, Stable Diffusion) experience is a plus

Interview process

  • Screening call (30m)
  • Tech interview (1h)
  • Founder interview (1h)
  • Work together for 8-16 hours (fully paid)