既存スタートアップのサーベイ Takaaki Umada Last updated December 7, 2020 4:33am You can see the related documents here. There are some hints for how to survey startups.既存アイデアのサーベイ手法約 100 のプロジェクトに見る、超初期のスタートアップの成功パターン、失敗パターン スタートアップや製品のサーベイをしよう!フォーマットIf you do not decide specific categories, use this information source.ListTechCrunch Demo Day ListCB Insights (Know Your Industries)CB Insights Industry MapPitchbook (Report)New ProductProduct HuntBeta ListAcceleratorAngelPadAlchemist AcceleratorComparisonSiftery (B2B Saas)G2StackShare (for developer tools)Owler (similar service list)SearchGoogleCrunchbaseAngelList
既存スタートアップのサーベイ Takaaki Umada Last updated December 7, 2020 4:33am You can see the related documents here. There are some hints for how to survey startups.既存アイデアのサーベイ手法約 100 のプロジェクトに見る、超初期のスタートアップの成功パターン、失敗パターン スタートアップや製品のサーベイをしよう!フォーマットIf you do not decide specific categories, use this information source.ListTechCrunch Demo Day ListCB Insights (Know Your Industries)CB Insights Industry MapPitchbook (Report)New ProductProduct HuntBeta ListAcceleratorAngelPadAlchemist AcceleratorComparisonSiftery (B2B Saas)G2StackShare (for developer tools)Owler (similar service list)SearchGoogleCrunchbaseAngelList