Health Checklist and Primo Certification training: Follow up to our last discussion. How can we help? What's needed? How do we fit in with this week's Ex Libris Primo VE health checklist training?
- Although Ex Lib covered the health checklist during this week's training it would be helpful to provide more documentation and guidance for campuses. Michelle is considering creating some videos but it may be sufficient to provide some information in a document that includes links to the FAQ and Ex Lib documentation. Michelle volunteered to take the lead in putting this together.
- The WG plans to work with the TrainingWG to develop training materials for Primo Certification. We will plan to have something prepared by mid to late March. Shannon will add this to the master schedule. We agreed that the training should focus on the more crucial skills and tasks that discovery administrators at each campus will need to know rather than teaching to the certification test.
Do we want to recommend that people don’t use the Database search and instead add their own A-Z list in the Primo header menu?
- There was a discussion on Basecamp about the database search. From our understanding so far, it does not seem like this search should be be/could be a replacement for database lists that libraries currently use (e.g. via Libguides) since it requires a lot of configuration. Erin plans on having a student search Binghamton's databases list to see what percentage of the databases appear in the search (for curiosity).
Question about whether or not we're going to recommend that people use the SUNY Catalog scope as their main scope. The Discovery Working Group recommends that all SUNY campuses keep the SUNY Catalog as a search scope, but it is up to each campus to decide which scope they'd like to use as their default search.
Meeting Schedule: Do we want to keep the same one for the spring? The time is never good for Esta but she said that she could work with it.
- We agreed to keep the same schedule for Spring 2019. Michelle will add the dates to the Basecamp calendar.
A&I Databases: The project managers have had questions from campuses about how their A&I databases will be migrated. They won't be part of migration from EBSCO or Serial Solutions (or wherever). Things to consider: budget tracking (do they need them in Alma for acquisitions tracking?), do they need them in database search, what if they don't have a current A-Z search? Big question: "how will people know that we have this database?"
- The DWG will develop recommendations and/or advice for campuses on how to provide access to their databases. These recommendations may include information about the resource recommender and instructions on how to replace the database search in the menu navigation. The WG will try and get this completed by the end of January.
Misc Basecamp discussions:
Activating PCI databases for alternative coverage - activate all suggested databases? This is still a little confusing to many of us. Some members of the WG are planning to do more testing on the the alternative coverage and on the EBSCO api.
Setting up resource types for Primo - limitations of needing to fully match field contents (Nancy asked if we could use wildcards = no). See Basecamp discussion. This is something we are still testing.
Authentication - forced for SAML? (Ulster question). Waiting for Ex Libris to respond to question. The DWG will draft some pros and cons for "forcing authentication" vs having patrons sign in at the point of need. Jill will start drafting this on Basecamp.
From 4-day training: we should work with Resource Sharing to decide parameters for requests - what shows should be a consortial decision
The RWG will probably be making changes to the request form that will impact all campuses.
The RWG will probably be making changes to the request form that will impact all campuses.
Anything else that’s come up? Erin R mentioned that they have removed access to the classic catalogue from their library website and are now directly patrons to Primo (Binghamton's current Primo, not Primo VE/Alma). She will keep the group updated about any reactions, concerns, etc