Awesome FIO Jeanette! ๐Ÿ‘

Bryan Harris
Bryan Harris
I noticed a really simple and greatly impactful fio from Jeanette this week that I wanted to share here.

Like the previous one from Drew, this isnโ€™t her primary fio of the quarter. Itโ€™s even better, itโ€™s a natural one she noticed and executed on immediately thats already having great ripple effects.

Here it is...

Problem: We have been getting 2-4 emails per month from coaching clients that have varying degrees of concerns (down on themselves for not getting results, not understanding a new feature etc). These emails can come across negative and mentally taxing on the coaches.

Solution: Jeanette has started to call a quick 15-minute huddle every time a CWC email (client with concern) comes in. All four of us jump on a zoom call, ideally within 24 hours, and talk through it.

Iโ€™m the cwc huddle we analyze it from four angles:

1. What could the student have done better?
2. What could the coach have done better?
3. What could the program have done better?
4. What could the sales person have done better?

Two magical things happen with this setup:

Magical thing #1: it forces us to nom-emotionally evaluate and learn from and make adjustments from every CWC.

Magical thing #2: it takes the majority of the mental load of a CWC off of any one individual and pushes it to the group where we all share in it and support each other.

Also, after doing 2 of these itโ€™s started to help us come up with common language and best practices for helping clients get through these concerns and make progress on their business.

Such a great example of a simple and elegant solution to a hairy problem.

Great work leading this
Jeanette Stein Jeanette