Time related Questions

Impana Gudnavar
Impana Gudnavar
Last updated 
1. What do you think time is ? 

2. What if there were no clocks ? what according to you are 2 pros and 2 cons of not measuring time 

3. When do you feel like time is going slow or fast ? 

4. Why do you think sometimes it feels like it going slow or fast ?

5. What are your views about productivity / saving time? 
  1. Do you feel time puts pressure on us/ limits us sometimes ? Or do you thinks it's the opposite ?
6. What is productivity according to you ? Do you feel guilty if you are not productive?

7. Do you believe slowing down time can help us give more attention to things ?

8. Do you believe everybody persives time differently ? If yes what impacts the perception ?

9. When do you feel like I don't have time ? (Give a specific example )

10. What would you do if you had unlimited time ? What activities would you do/change? 

11. Do you remember any proverb/ poem or anything about time in any language apart from English ? 

12.  Do you have any questions/ any curiosities related to /about time?