HEY Calendar campaign

Elaine Richards
Elaine Richards
Last updated 


There's a reason most of us still have a digital calendar and a physical one. Digital calendars are for deadlines. Physical calendars are for milestones. One is for creating meetings, the other is for creating memories. They're both important, yet the digital calendar lacks emotion, you can't bring the physical calendar with you, and neither are in-sync. HEY Calendar bring the best of both of these calendars together.

We'll position HEY Calendar as a consumer product that brings their life and personality into a digital product. For this reason, we'll focus on moments more personal than work, rather than ways to enhance your productivity. These moments will be relatable while showcasing novel features in HEY for a busy professional.

Similar in style to our Scenario videos for HEY Email, we’ll create a batch of six short HEY Calendar videos in Cycle 1. With three weeks left, we can produce and edit these videos to begin releasing by mid-Feb.

1. Date Night
Digital calendars are so… office-y. That date night you’ve been looking forward to just looks like another meeting. With HEY, you can label the day [❤️4th Anniversary ❤️], circle that dinner reservation, and even add a photo [add an embarrassing photo]. (Says under breath), Maybe a better photo. 

2. Getting Fit
Staying in shape is a full time job. Now it’s easy to keep track of healthy habits like running, swimming and the gym with HEY. And create a meal plan with recipes, a grocery list, add run routes, workout videos, meditation time (trailing off)… you get the point.

3. The Big Move
Moving takes months longer than people think. Make time to research neighborhoods and schools, view new homes, mark the big day, purge all of that old stuff, packing, going away party, cleaning and countdown to moving day. Annnd, to moving in. (Show all the calendar plans for move-in). 

4. Traveling
The big trip is coming up and your calendar has your flight and hotel information scheduled. Good to go, right? In HEY Calendar, add some excitement to that week off you’ve been looking forward to (different photos for each day), include in travel time to and from the airport, dinner reservations, show tickets, time for tours, shopping, and find time for everything else you want to do (sometime this week).

5. Birthday
Someone’s got a big birthday coming up, so you decorate the whiteboard calendar, circle the big day, and stick a photo to it. Well with HEY, you can do all that and add a countdown clock. Now you can count down the days to that Magic Mike show. Hey, we’re not judging. 

6. Parents 
Do your kids have busier schedules than you? Oh right, they don’t have a calendar. Use HEY to add in playdates, school closures, pajama day, tumbling class, piano recital, chess club, soccer, doctors appointments. Make sure they finished their homework and chores (habits). Plan their meals, who’s doing drop off, pick up (share calendar), and whew. That’s a lot. Oh yeah, and that one kids’ birthday party this weekend. And buy him something… I guess.

7. Tracking
So, you have a lot of clients you bill by the hour and a huge paper calendar where you have an… intricate system of jotting down time you spend with each of them. With HEY, just click the time tracking button. When you’re done, hit stop and add a note about it. And all the tracked time is in one place. That’s… a whole lot of time with Amanda.