Trifecta Research is a leading research and advisory firm serving fortune 1000 companies and agencies. Some of whom provide construction products or services. When those companies want to improve their decision-making process, Trifecta assists them by providing access to their subject matter experts.
That’s where we come in. There are companies that want the opinion of design professionals. To those who manufacture and market residential building products, we are subject matter experts. Trifecta will be connecting us with them.
If you qualify for one of their surveys or focus groups, you will have a chance to be one of the few designers that get to see new-to-the-world concepts and give your opinion. Sometimes there is compensation.
The first email seeking 30 SMEs for a new project went out last week.
But the first step in our partnership was Trifecta getting to know us and our industry. You may recall replying to a survey they published in August. The questionnaire asked about the type of projects you work on, how long you've been in the industry, and more.
Over 400 responded and last week I had the opportunity to Zoom with Linda MacKenzie, Senior Vice President of Trifecta Research to discuss the results. I recorded our conversation.
In our conversation we discuss how the information gathered can benefit AIBD, as well as some potential studies we may be interested in hiring them to perform. Such as, how many homes are actually designed by people who are not architects, and a consumer study asking them questions that would be derived from our membership.
Below is the written part of the presentation shown in the video.
Going forward this report and the accompanying video will be very useful tools when it comes to recruiting corporate members and sponsors.
A webpage will be created making it easy for you to lead your corporate contacts to the information they need to see how influential AIBD is when it comes to specifying products.