Extraterrestrial Technology & Reverse Engineering

Last updated 
 ACC (American Computer Company) and The Roswell 1947 Story - Reverse Engineering
Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies
Are suppressed Healing Technologies being Mass Produced on the Moon for Public Release?
Classified Advanced Antigravity Aerospace Craft Utilizing Back-engineered ET Technology
Could Mysterious Cosmic Light Flashes be Powering Alien Spacecraft?
Electromagnetic Fusion and ET Space Technology
Everything Has a Beginning - Even the Universe...
Evidence of 'Special Access Programs' and Reverse Engineering - Admiral Wilson Leak
Extraterrestrial Base On Earth, Sanctioned by Officials Since 1954
Extraterrestrial Technologies and Viable Counter Strategies
Extraterrestrial Technology and Edgar Rothschild Fouche
Extraterrestrial Technology, The Black Budget, and International Politics
Fiber Optics, Supertenacity, and Other Artifacts - from 'The Day After Roswell'
Galileo Project's search for ET Techno Signatures and Advanced Aliens
Historic Interview Reveals Government Secrets Learned from Extraterrestrials
Interstellar Visitors - 'Oumuamua and Borisov
Orion Technology & Other Secret Projects (basecamp.com)
Past, Present and Future Stars that can see Earth as a Transiting Exoplanet
Philip Corso and The Roswell Incident - Main File
Project Looking Glass
Second Director of Lockheed 'Skunk Works' Shocking Comments about UFO Technology
Technology of The Gods 
Teleportation (basecamp.com) - Main File
Time Travel (basecamp.com) - Main File
The Ancient Disc of Life
The New Medicine Can Be Back-Engineered
There are Over 4 Quintillion (4,000,000,000,000,000,000) Alien Spacecraft in Solar System - Harvard Professor
The Saga of Flying Objects - Present and Past - Main File
The Search for Alien Tech
Using Technology from Alien Civilizations - Is There a Black-Ops Cabal, Even More Powerful Than...
Vimanas - Main File
Winked Out' - UFOs Or High Tech Camouflage 

Additional Information


Admiral Tom Wilson Leak Documents - Highly Advanced Technology
Ancient Hi Tech Evidence - The Modern Past - Main File
Area 51 - Main File
Dawn of A New Cosmic Day
Element 115
ETs Working in U.S. Military Bases - Philippe de La Messuziere Validates The Revelations of Dr. M.Wolf
Germany's ET Contacts? - Its Legacy on the Twentieth Century and After... - Main File
Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects - Main File
Henry Deacon' - A Livermore Physicist
History of RAND Corporation and Secret Space Programs
Holographic Medical Pods - Med Beds
Human Simulacra … On The Manipulation of Society Via Artificial/Reprogrammed Humans
Internet Alien Presence
Is David Rockefeller About to Approve the Release of Suppressed Technologies for Interstellar Space Travel?
Kailasa Temple - This 1,200-Year-Old Temple was Carved out of Solid Rock
New Videos Reveal Celestials Helping Humanity With Extraterrestrial Technology
Official Within MJ-12 UFO-Secrecy Management Group
Open Letter From a Group of French Scientists to the Initiator of the Disclosure Project
Pentagen/Crystal Rectangle/Nevada Test Site - Classified National Security Document
Planetary Take-Over - The Covert Conquest of a Dying Planet
Putin's Wild Card in Syria
Pyramidal Constructions in The World - Main File
Researcher links Artificial Intelligence, Geoengineering, Smart Dust and Morgellons to ET's
Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites & Artificial Humans (basecamp.com) - Main File
Targeting UFO/ET Corporation X
The Algo-Matrix and the ETs - Earth as an Alien Enterprise
The Biggest World Change Secret - Jake Simpson
The Carp-Guardian Case - Documents Received from Guardian in 1989
The Covert Organization Responsible for the UFO/ET Issue - PI-40
The "Frequency Fence-Mystery
The Gnosis by Montalk
The Inferred Abundance of Interstellar Objects of Technological Origin
The Killing of Science - Spread Elimination of Scientists Worldwide - Main File
The Laser - from 'The Day After Roswell'
The Militarization of Space - Military Research Agendas for the Future
The Mystery of the Drones
The Pretenders - UFOs And Camouflage
The Suppression of UFO Technologies and Extraterrestrial Contact - from 'Suppressed Inventions and...
World Peace and Dawn of a New Age - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

The Monolith

2001 - An Alchemical Spatial Odyssey
2001 - A Space Odyssey - by Arthur C. Clarke
2010 - Odyssey Two - by Arthur C. Clarke
2001 - An Alchemical Spatial Odyssey
Apollo 10 gets Glimpse of an Extraterrestrial Monolith in Space
Buzz Aldrin Stokes the Mystery of the Monolith on Mars
Further Disclosures by Consultant to National Security Council's Special Studies (UFO) Group, Dr. M.Wolf
Mysterious Underwater Obelisks at the Opposite Side of the Great Pyramid of Giza
Object Found in the Middle of Greenland - It is 79,83 Kilometers Long - That is 49,61 Miles
Quantum Leaping from Tula to the World? - Continent-hopping Monoliths are result of Russian Teleportation Test
The "Black Knight" Satellite
The Black Knight Satellite - Sentinel from Space
The Black Knight Satellite - What's this Object Nikola Tesla Concluded was Extraterrestrial?
The Phobos Monolith
Three Extraterrestrial Beacons, Stolen from Space and Placed on Earth, now Returned

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