An obscure philosopher's work:
Negative Alien Agenda - Anna’s Archive
Are Jews Reptilians? - Anna’s Archive
Reptilians - Anna’s Archive
Demiurge Deception and Spiritual Aryanism - Anna’s Archive
Aryan Imperium - Anna’s Archive
Black Light of Agartha - Anna’s Archive
Hyperborean Buddhism - Anna’s Archive
Woman Problems - Anna’s Archive
Eternal Poems - Anna’s Archive
Mother Goddess - Anna’s Archive
The Hyperborean Wisdom of Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano - Anna’s Archive
Anti-Bourgeois - Anna’s Archive
Poems In Time - Anna’s Archive
Confronting The Beast - Anna’s Archive
Master of the World - Anna’s Archive
Wise Warrior - Anna’s Archive
Terrorism of the Hidden Hand - Anna’s Archive
Ideological Critique - Anna’s Archive
Chang Shamballa - Anna’s Archive