BOOK: EXCERPT: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) - Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – The Twelve Apostles

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T he careers of the Twelve Apostles spanned the times of several Roman emperors and are much ignored in the Scriptures. But knowing something about what happened to the original Apostles gives a greater understanding of Christianity as well as of the f low of history. Mark was the helper and writer for Peter. However, Mark was not considered an Apostle, but an Apostilic assistant as were Timothy, Titus, Epaphroditus, Luke, Barnabus, Silas, Acquilla, Priscilla and Erastus. T he New Testament as we have it, is the product of Matthew, an Apostle; Peter, an Apostle; John, an Apostle; and Paul, a liar and deceiver. [427] It should not be a mystery as to why the Apostles took the long travels that they did, because there were plenty of Jews to preach to all over the Roman Empire, all connected by the excellent Roman roads that led everywhere with regular shipping and passenger service to all ports. Peter By 52 AD, Mespotamia was one of the most populace centers of Jewery. Those Jews were very rich and influential and they had commercial settlements in many places on the coast of India, Ceylon, Malaya and on the farthest coasts of China. [428] The Eastern Churches trace their lineage to Babylon and the teachings of Peter. Peter preached in Babylon (1Peter 5:13) from 44 through 49 AD. He was crucified in Rome in 49 AD by Nero who had his wife, the Jewish convert, Poppaea Sabina, at his side, watching. Andrew Andrew was present with Peter on the Mount of  Olives. But to find out anymore about this Apostle, we have to go to extra-biblical sources. Saint Andrew traveled to Sythia (South Russia) around the Black Sea. He became the patron saint of Russia. He was stoned and crucified in Scythia. Some of his relics were transported to Scotland in the fourth or fifth centuries to a place named Saint Andrews. He became the patron saint of Scotland and Saint Andrews Cross became the official symbol of Scotland. He was also claimed as the patron saint of both Russian and of Greek Christians. [429] James the son of Zebedee T here are only two of the original disciples about whose death we have a Scriptural account, Judas and James. James was the elder brother of John, the beloved disciple. With John he was a partner with Andrew and Peter in the fishing trade along with Zebedee, his father. There is also some evidence that James was a f irst cousin to Jesus Christ and had been acquainted with Him since infancy. [430] James traveled on a missionary journey to India along with Peter, later he was a missionary to Sardinia and Spain. [431] After returning to Jerusalem, James was beheaded by King Herod Agrippa I, about the year 44 AD. John John was another of the sons of Zebedee and Salome who was probably a sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

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He grew up in the Galilee and was a partner with his brother and with Andrew and Peter in the f ishing business. He was a disciple of John the Baptist. With Peter and James, he was with Jesus at the raising of Jairus’ daughter and at the transfiguration. (Matt 17) He and his brother were called the “sons of thunder” when they sought to call down fire from heaven on a Samaritan village whose inhabitants had refused them hospitality. (Mark 3:17)

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He was present at the cross and was there given responsibility for Mary. (John 19:26) His brother James was the first of the disciples to die while John was the last to die about the year 100 AD. [432] He was buried at Ephesus. He was the only disciple to live to old age. John preached to the Parthians near Russia. Philip Philip traveled to Scythia and remained there preaching for twenty years. He then traveled to Phrygia were he was stoned and crucified at the age of 87. [433] T he Goths of the area later migrated to France where  there is a strong tradition of St. Philip. His body was later moved to Rome. Bartholomew He preached in Armenia and the Armenian Church claims him as their founder. There he was crucified by the king. [434] T homas Along with Peter, Thaddeus and Mari, Thomas preached in Babylon and helped establish the Church of the East which is called the Assyrian Church or the Chaldean Syrian Church. There had been merchant moneylenders in India since Sumerian times, but the f irst colony of Jews in India were established at Cochin in 70 AD. [435] Thomas went to Cranganore, India in 52 AD to preach to the Jews there. He also preached in Malabar, India, around 52 AD and there established churches. He suffered martyrdom and was buried at Mylapore, India.[436]

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Matthew preached in Ethiopia, Macedonia, Syria, and Persia. He wrote his Gospel in Hebrew but it was soon translated into Greek. He probably died in Ethiopia or Egypt.

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Whether he died a natural death or not is unknown but the Babylonian Talmud brags that the Jews killed him [437], so they probably did. James, son of Alphaeus James was a Zealot, one of the revolutionary group seeking to over throw the yoke of both Herod Antipas and Rome. He probably became an ascetic. [438] Tradition maintains he was crucified at Ostrakine in Lower Egypt where he was preaching the Gospel Jude Thaddeus Jude established the Armenian church during the years 43-66 AD where he was martyred. [439] Simon the Canaanite Simon also preached in Armenia and later in Britain around 50 AD. He traveled first to Egypt then North Africa, Carthage, Spain and then to Britain, then back to Persia where he was martyred with Simon who was sawed in two and Simon killed with a halberd. [440] Britain had been firmly established as a trading destination with the Greek mainland since at least 1500 BC. By the Roman period, it was a well known outpost of civilization.

Seneca, the mentor of Nero,  made large investments in Britian. So, why should some of the apostles not have traveled there? [441] The roads and shipping lanes of Rome led everywhere. Judas Iscariot T he name Judas Iscariot is a corruption of Judas of Kerioth. Kerioth was a small town a few miles from Hebron. Judas was the only one of the Apostles who was not a Galilean but a Judean. Judas is a form of the name Judah, his tribe of Judah. Of course, after his betrayal of the Christ, he hanged himself. [442] Matthias After the betrayal of Judas, Matthias was elected by drawing lots as one of the Twelve disciples. Matthias was one of the five disciples credited by the Armenian tradition with evengelizing Armenia. They were T haddaeus, Bartholomew, Simon the Canaanite, Andrew and Matthias. He was stoned to death by the Jews and buried in Jeruslaem. [443] T hus, all of the apostles met violent deaths except for John who lived into old age. What was it that they saw during their time spent with Jesus which made them go to such trouble and hardship to expound it to the world? You can know and understand this when you find your own Holy Spirit. Anyone can do it, but only those who seek, find. So, study carefully Appendix A for the secret to your true Self.

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