The Rise of the Sorcerers: Chapter Thirteen - ON THE COMMUNICATION OF THE WORLDS

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The ascent of young Bingham. - Machu Picchu. - The enigma of Tiahuanaco. - The beacons of the Nazca plain. - Phoenicians in the Brazil. - Language and object matches. - A trip of Benvenuto Cellini. - Japanese in Ecuador. - A city in Amazon? - Colonel Faucett and scout Varrill. - Crystal unknown. A mysterious prison.

One morning in July 1911, an Indian farmer, a soldier and a young professor from Yale University, named Hiram Bingham, they walk on a fragile bridge of branches and branches, lying in the void, between two gigantic blocks of rock. In the At the bottom of the abyss, the Urubamba roars, pouring its waters into the Amazon.
The men continue their climb, clinging to the trees that sprout from the peaked wall, and discover some terraces topped by a maze of admirable pale ruins granite. Underneath the vegetation, the formidable citadel appears. It is dominated by the imposing peaks of Huayna Picchu and Machu Picchu.

Bingham, a fighter pilot in World War I and later United States Senator from Connecticut, will stubbornly defend, in the course of his varied career and until his death, which occurred in 1965, his interpretation of the origins of the mysterious citadel of Machu Picchu.
According to him, it is the Tampu Tocco of which the Spanish priest Fernando Montesinos, in his History of Peru before of the Conquest. Montesinos was the first historian of the Peruvians, and we owe him the first work on the resources of the mineralogical buildings of the Andes. He died in 1562. According to the father Montesinos, the dynasty of the Amautas reigned in the Andes for a long time. time before the Incas, and, during the reign of the sixtieth After the second Amauta, barbarian hordes invaded the Empire.
In the In the year 500, several soldiers of the defeated army carried the remains from their king to a refuge called Tampu Tocco, where they built a citadel, from which around the year 1300, an Amauta, Manco Capac, to seize Cuzco and found the Inca Empire.

It's a controversial thesis. The existence of Manco Capac has not been Shown. Maybe it's a legendary hero or the name symbolic of a pre-Inca dynasty. According to certain traditions Manco Capac was a native of Tiahuanaco. And here we are Headed for another ruined city of the mysterious past prehistoric.

Between 1200 and 400 B.C., the civilization of the Chavines spread over the high plateaus of northern Peru and bequeathed to us the vestiges of a work of art full of fierce Gods. In the In our own places we find the traces of civilizations prehistoric buildings that built pyramids and colossal fortresses of sun-baked clay blocks.
There are fossils that attest to the presence of mastodons in these lands. To the southeast of Lake Titicaca, stand the witnesses of the most astonishing culture prehistoric, Tiahuanaco. On several hectares of land, we see truncated pyramids, artificial mounds, rows of monoliths, platforms, underground chambers, two-pillared porticoes and lintel, carved into the hard stone.
The famous Puerta del Sol, with its inscriptions, suggests, as has been said, a calendar astronomical.
  • Is it the center of an empire, like Machu Picchu?
  • And if these two high places, beaten by the winds, unsuitable for cultivation, and of an antiquity impossible to determine, they were not Housing centers, what were their functions?
  • And what was the civilization of the Nazca, on the northern coast of Peru?
Older than the kingdom of Chimu, which bequeathed us the imposing ruins of ChanChan, the Nazca civilization, whose origin we do not know, left on the desert plains, on the sand and the stony grounds, gigantic geometric figures, silhouettes of birds, whales and of spiders, whose lines are about seven kilometers long And it seems that they were traced to be deciphered from the sky, great height.

Nazca remains an enigma.
And Sprague de Camp, in his beautiful book Ancient Ruins and Archealogy, writes:
"For the people of Tiahuanaco, like the other disappeared civilizations of the Americas, of the South, it lacks any written tradition, it cannot be deciphered No registration. Nothing allows us to uncover the lost history of Tiahuanaco. Events that could not be recorded by are lost forever when those who They kept his memory. Hence the history of the Inca fortress of Machu Piecchu, as well as the enigma of the lost Empire of Tiahuanaco, have a high probability of remaining hidden from always, in the mists that swirl around the haughty peaks of the Andes."
We shall not return, under a romantic pretext, to Horbigger's theses. that we evoke in The Return of the Sorcerers. We know that, according to Horbigger, who knew glory under Nazism, man was already civilized in the tertiary era. According to Horbigger's theory of "cosmic ice," before our current Moon existed, six satellites, formed by exploding stars, were attracted and destroyed by the Earth, in different geological eras. When it comes to It brought the satellite closer, disintegrated into the atmosphere, and its Fragments stretched over our planet.
The Flood, the Atlantis, would be episodes of this story.
The "moon" of the The Tertiary Empire fell 25,000 years ago. All Tropical Lands were submerged, with the exception of a few high mountains, such as the of Peru and Ethiopia. According to Horbiggerians, such as Hans Bellamy and Arthur Posnansky, Tiahuanaco and Machu Picchu would date from this time. They had been refuges of the human elite of the era tertiary land, situated, at that time, at sea level.

There are, perhaps, some clues to follow in this delirium, but they have been There have been too many recent astronomical observations that have to destroy Horbigger's assertions, so that we may Let us decide to follow them on our own, not even out of love to dreams.
We'll just take a quick look, crossing in zigzag South America, to some questions based on research and discoveries, verifiable in whole or in part.

According to the chronicles, the Inca Huayna Capac, the living God, Son of the Sun, he heard it said, back in the year 1526 of our calendar, that some strange, pale-faced men had come very near the northern shores of his empire, in a Boats of extravagant shapes and abnormal dimensions.
In In 1532, Pizarro landed on the coast of Ecuador and advanced to the south, crossing the Inca Empire. But, when Huayna Capac He heard of pale faces, and behind him was a long tradition that spoke of white men coming from the sea, in the Night of time.
Father Montesinos wanted the Peruvians to they were descendants of Ophir, Noah's great-grandson. The only evidence of a Ancient Contact Between South America and Civilization Mediterranean has only recently been discovered. Professor Cyrus H. Gordon, who teaches archaeology at Brandeis University, The U.S. claims to have deciphered a Phoenician message on a rock in the Parayba, Brazil. This rock, covered with inscriptions, was discovered in 1872; but then it was believed that it was a falsification, since the grammar did not correspond to what was known of the Phoenician script of the time.
But, later, they met numerous inscriptions of the same style in the Near East. The authenticity seems to be beyond doubt, at least to Gordon. who observes that the Phoenician ships were larger than Columbus's men and had circled Africa several times. ¿Why couldn't have made it to Brazil?

Let's look at the text:
"We are children of Canaa, and we come from Sidon, the king's city. When We were trying to do trade, we were thrown into this remote country and mountainous. We have sacrificed a young man, in honor of the Godis and goddesses of great power, in this nineteenth year of Hiran, the great king. We set sail from Ezion-Gaber in the Red Sea with ten boats. We all sailed together for two years circling the earth of Ham. A storm separated us from the main body of the fleet, and we searched for to our colleagues. Thus we arrived, twelve men and three women, to a new land, of which he took possession as admiral. May the high Gods and the mighty Goddesses protect us!"
Naturally, we would like to know what became of these Phoenicians, when they penetrated inland, and if the Indian legends about Gods The Whites would not have originated in this landing. If we admit the the existence of a bond between the Mediterranean peoples and the Americas. of the South, the whole interpretation of the Pre-Columbian History. Here's a beautiful theme for our dreams.
And we could add something else to it: when these Phoenicians, or their descendants, roamed the mysterious lands, did they find worlds older and more civilized than their own? What were the Its repercussions? Could traces of other encounters be found? in the past of these lands that have been so little deciphered?

If we consider this question of contacts forgotten by the History, we see, suddenly, that a whole series of discoveries and observations are grouped into a single, aggressive enigma. All over the Amazon, we find ceramics dating back to at least, from the year 2000 B.C.; They are decorated with snakes remarkably similar to those of certain ancient ceramics from the Near East.

The language of the Mahua Indians has characters in common with the Semitic languages. The language of the Quechua people resembles Turkish.

La asociación de Venus con la serpiente que gira sobre sí misma se encuentra tanto en el Codex Borgia mexicano como en determinadas inscripciones del Próximo Oriente y, sobre todo, de Ras Shamra. Mitra tiene una serpiente echada a sus pies.
El Codex Troano nos dice que, en México, el haz de luz divina se sostenía verticalmente, con una serpiente echada a sus pies. En Bolivia, encontramos la misma serpiente, así como inscripciones parecidas a las del Próximo Oriente y hombres con turbantes. El bajorrelieve de Itacuatiara de Inga (Brasil) muestra una gran cantidad de inscripciones semejantes a las del Próximo Oriente.

Se han descubierto más de dos mil coincidencias de palabras entre la antigua lengua egipcia y las inscripciones brasileñas. Lo cual induce a C. W. Ceram a decir:
«Cuanto más antiguas son las lenguas, más se parecen entre sí, demostrando de este modo que todas ellas proceden de una misma lengua madre.»
El estudio sistemático del monumento de Itacuatiara de Inga muestra, no solamente una relación con el Próximo Oriente, sino también elementos comunes con la isla de Pascua, Mohenjo Daro y Harappa. ¿Revela esto un origen común? Se suele pensar que aquel monumento fue esculpido hace treinta o cuarenta mil años. ¿Y qué encontramos en sus bajorrelieves? Símbolos fálicos; mandalas en forma de flores múltiples, que se parecen curiosamente a las de la India; y un símbolo repetido, que hace pensar en el número ocho: dos serpientes, o un signo doble de infinito.

¿Podemos, en fin, buscar una relación entre Itacuatiara de Inga, la civilización de Marcahuasi, descubierta por Daniel Ruzo, y la civilización de Nazca, estudiada por Maria Reich?

Another civilization has just been discovered by the Peruvian engineer Augusto Cardich on high altitudes near Lake Lauricocha, in the Andes. It seems to be at least thirteen thousand years old.

If there were flourishing civilizations in South America, and if they They established contact with the outside world through visitors coming from the Middle East, the secret of South America is, perhaps the most extraordinary of those mentioned herein work.

A century after the discovery of America, they still persisted important residues of techniques from ancient civilizations, which which aroused so much curiosity that Benvenuto Cellini travelled to Mexico to learn the means used by artists from the United States. Andes to make silver fish with gold scales. But without He was no doubt denied the information, because he returned to Italy with the Empty hands...

In Peru, we find metal objects dating back to ancient times. at least 500 B.C., as well as decorative techniques in which cinnabar and stone powders were used Beautiful.

Back in the time of Jesus Christ, Colombians already knew the Foundry of the metals. In Ecuador at that time, platinum was used, and Paul Bergsoe has shown that Ecuadorians practiced Metallurgy of metal powders.

In the year 1000 B.C., artisans from Colombia, Panama and from Costa Rica they did wax molding. Recently, it was They discovered, in a cave in Honduras, beautiful bird heads molded in this way. In Panama, they found beautiful golden reptiles.
Welding was commonplace, and the manufacture of metallic wire. The origin of these techniques seems to be that you have to look for it in the Andes. But this only makes it more difficult to the problem in the past. Well, even if the Phoenicians had arrived to Brazil, they would not have been able to teach procedures that they themselves Ignored.

In northwestern Argentina, in Cobres, a facility was exhumed shocking for its modernism, destined for extraction and manipulation of copper ore. Objects were also made in that place. among which a special ornament is particularly striking. of figures of animals and birds, intertwined, in a similar to that of Archimboldo.

Finally, it should be noted that the uraeus, a symbol of the power of the Egyptian pharaohs, it is found among the Campa Indians of the Andes, and note, in this regard, that, until the end of the XVIII, some linguists, whose works were unduly underestimated during the nineteenth century, they claimed that the Egyptian was the original language.

Let us now consider the relations of South America, on the coast of the Pacific. Today, it has been proven that the Japanese landed in Valdivia, Ecuador, about four thousand years ago.

If, as everything leads us to believe, they existed in those times civilizations capable of complicated techniques and refinement aesthetic and intellectual, which were in turn dispersed and residuals of much older and more accredited high civilizations by enigmatic ruins, such as those of Tiahuanaco, forcibly They had to learn, repeatedly, of the existence of another world beyond the great ocean, and somehow assimilate this information.

Undoubtedly, as Professor Marcel F. Homet says,
"There is a indisputable fact: in the past South America flourished a marvellous civilization, of which we know nothing."
But perhaps some day we shall know something of them, for the spirit of adventure has not perished in the world, and the mysterious lands are, They are even more numerous than is generally believed.
Disappointment is not a On the contrary, it is a product of ignorance. The who is eager to know discovers that every one of his steps is rests on the surface of deep mines, where the powers that be sleep and the knowledge of buried worlds. Everywhere they are kept secrets, from Celtic Numinor Ireland to the Australia strangely mutes from Lascaux to Easter Island, from the Gobi Desert to the Amazon.

Some researchers have insisted that a civilization unknown, heir to the fabulous past, still exists in the jungles unexplored areas of the Amazon, and, more specifically, in the region bounded by the Xingu River, the Tapajos River and the Amazon.

The "City Z" of this persistent romantic dream would be situated at 19° 30' south latitude and 12' 30' west longitude. In the strange notebooks of Colonel Faucett, who disappeared in these regions, in 1925, without leaving a trace, we read:
"The Origin Solution of the Indians of America and the prehistoric world, we shall have it when they are discovered and opened to scientific inquiry the ancient cities of the solar civilization. 'Cause I know you're cities exist."
In fact, some Indians had told Faucett of a city that was still alive, inhabited, illuminated by the night. But no one has yet entered the forbidden land.

Alpheus Hyatt Varrill was, like Colonel Faucett, a prodigious Romantic explorer figure. He died in 1964 at the age of ninety-three years, after having written a hundred works on the Americas. Central and South America. He never tried to force the earth forbidden, convinced that he would die in the effort; But he was able to consult, he says, the secret archives of the Duke of Medinaceli, in which the maps used are found, he says. by Columbus, in which not only the outline of the two Americas, but also the details of the interior.
Varrill, and his widow after him, they have not ceased to affirm that they existed extraordinarily advanced civilizations in South America, and that considerable remains of them still remain alive. Since the Most of Varrill's predictions have been proven, in particularly those relating to the Phoenician inscriptions and the chemical methods employed by the ancient Peruvians for the granity treatment, we must regard with some respect its more stubborn assertion.

We will add, in memory of Colonel Faucett and Varrill, two information that is of no decisive value, but which was collected by us over the last few years. The first was provided to us by Mr. Miguel Cahen, one of the directors of the company "Magnesita, S. A.", dedicated, in the Brazil, industrial minerals and, in particular, derivatives of magnesium that are used in metallurgy.
A prospector of this society found, along the borders of the forbidden land, a A strange crystal that Mr. Michael Cahen sent to Jacques Bergier. When examined, this crystal turned out to be magnesium carbonate, Endowed with extraordinary transparency and highly in the infrared spectrum, with polarized radiation. No crystal of this type is described in mineralogy.
Bergier sent this crystal to the National Bureau of Investigation French Aeronautics. The specialists of this office They declared that the aforesaid crystal could only be of origin artificial. And it stayed that way, for "Magnesita, S.A." did not have from other samples.

The second piece of information came to our attention by means of a Brazilian journalist, Cecilia Pajak, of the newspaper O Globo. According to Cecilia Pajak, back in 1958 the extradition of A number of German war criminals, refugees in the Brazil. Some of them went to hide in the forbidden land.
In general, those that penetrate this area disappear forever. But this was not the case with them. Nazis. Since 1964, his relatives living in Brazil have received letters, sent from the inside. These letters state that Those men remain prisoners, but they are treated well. They are forbidden to say who their jailers are...
¿Be held hostage in one of those secret cities of that Colonel Faucett spoke to us with so much faith?