BOOK: EXCERPT: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) - Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d - Matthew 20

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In Mathhew 20, Jesus foretells his own suffering on the cross.

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He is fully committed to fulfilling all of the Hebrew Bible prophecy about himself.

He fulfilled all of the prophecies.

A word here about “prophecy.”

This word means:

“telling forth.”

It does not mean:

“telling the future.”

The hairy-faced old goat-rustlers among the Hebrews saw dreams and visions in their heads and wrote down stuff that the priests thought would impress the Hebrews and scare some extra shekels out of them.

The various words from these so-called “prophets” were unconnected with anything that could make any sense, but by stringing various words and phrases together and cherry-picking the phrases that seemed to tell some sort of future, the rabbis put together a whole list of requirements for the future Messiah, the superman who would free them all from worldly troubles.

The rabbis never expected that anyone could fulfill all of those seemingly impossible requirements, so they felt safe in their demonic depredations upon Mankind.

But Jesus proved to every Hebrew Bible expert that he was The One.

And as such, smashed the schemes of the Jews.