During the initial conditioning phase of the session, the operator regresses the subject into childhood.
Regression plays a very important part in establishing control over the subject.
An operator who works for the government as in producing spies, will look for the most aggressive of the imaginary friends, in attempting to artificially split the personality.
The most aggressive aspects of the personality are the ideal in destroying all inhibitions.
Artificial splitting of the personality occurs where the imaginary playmate is brought out in the subject and the subject becomes the playmate on cue.
The playmate usually emerges through one of the subject's chakras.
The operator informs the subject that "playmate's name" will come through subject's stomach, third eye, throat, etc.
The subject is further told again that he/she will not remember anything of the session or the emerging personality.
In actual cases, the emerging stronger personality is conditioned through programming and suggestion to be hostile to the root personality of the subject.
This aggressive personality in nearly all cases is stronger and can take more abuse.
The world powers use the subject as robotic spies.
Extensive programming is instilled in the aggressive personality, so that they will never divulge certain information, even under torture.
The root personality, who is amnesiac of the entire experience, is often the one who endures systematic torture, with no memory or recall of the information the interrogator is attempting to force them to reveal.
Through repeated sessions the personality is brought out more and more and becomes much stronger, completely splitting off of the root.
The subject, due to being programmed not to remember, has no knowledge, only gaps in time and missing pieces in the memory.
Much time slips by unnoticed and is unaccounted for.
Further conditioning sessions, while under, include talking the subject through an experience completely abhorrent to their nature, where the subject is made in his/her mind to do something he/she would never consciously do.
The subject actually experiences what the operator says.
Through repeated sessions, all inhibitions are overcome, and the personality is shaped into whatever the operator wishes.
This is where the subject, for example, can murder ANYONE without hesitation or do anything else the operator commands.