This is revealed to us simply by observing the actions and words of the leaders of World Zionism and World Communism, the twin vehicles of global Jewish subversion.
Kaufman’s call for “Union Now” was strangely similar to a proclamation made by Adolph Crémieux, a prominent French-Jewish lawyer and statesman who founded the Jewish Masonic order “Alliance Israelite Universelle” in Paris in 1860.
At an Alliance meeting Crémieux declared in true ‘Protocols’ style:
“The Alliance is not limited to our cult; it voices its appeal to all cults and wants to penetrate in all religions, as it has penetrated into all countries.
Let us endeavor boldly to bring about the union of all cults under one flag of “Union and Progress”: such is the motto of humanity.”
Crémieux and his secretive Jewish order were named as the prime conspirators in the formulation of The Protocols of Zion, in an enlightening essay entitled, “The Protocols of the Ruffle Crested Kikes of Zion”.
With the advent of Communism in the early 19th century, we saw the world plunge into a brutal chaos of social cataclysm and economic decay.
Indeed, the goal of International Communism was never to “free the workers” from capitalist oppression, but rather to further enslave them to a small cadre of self-declared and self-perpetuating elite vanguards who ruled their subjects with an iron fist.
From its inception, Communism was a Jewish endeavor to usurp the remaining Gentile nations free from Jewish control, plunder their wealth, and enslave and murder the best of their people!
Less known, however, was Communism’s true prophet — the Jewish supremacist, Talmudist, and racist Zionist Moses Hess, whom Marx called the “Red Rabbi.”
(See: Avineri, Shlomo. Moses Hess: Prophet of Communism and Zionism. NYU Press, 1987)
Hess was Marx’s guide and teacher and converted both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to Communism.
These two sordid snakes — Marx and Engels — went on to author “The Communist Manifesto”, “Das Kapital”, and other works, which crystallized this wretched brain-trust of sanguinary scoundrels and their grandiose dreams of a one-world global communist dictatorship.
In 1920, Winston Churchill — who later sold out to the Jews and became their tool — ominously warned the world of the menacing movement that was Jewish Bolshevism.
Writing in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920, page 5, Churchill opined:
Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence.
From the days of Spartacus — Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to:
Trotsky (Russia)
Bela Kun (Hungary)
Rosa Luxembourg (Germany)
and Emmace, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.
It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution.
It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire…
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and an the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews.
It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others.
With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews.
Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders.”
Many misinformed patriots have been led to believe Churchill’s “Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People” article (quoted above) was somehow a courageous anti-Zionist statement — it was not.
In fact, in the concluding paragraph of the article Churchill gave a ringing endorsement of Zionism, encouraging Jews to follow the course of Zionism rather than Bolshevism:
“Zionism has already become a factor in the political convulsions of Russia, as a powerful competing influence in Bolshevik circles with the international communistic system.
Nothing could be more significant than the fury with which Trotsky has attacked the Zionists generally, and Dr. Weissmann in particular.
The cruel penetration of his mind leaves him in no doubt that his schemes of a world-wide communistic State under Jewish domination are directly thwarted and hindered by this new ideal, which directs the energies and the hopes of Jews in every land towards a simpler, a truer, and a far more attainable goal.
The struggle which is now beginning between the Zionist and Bolshevik Jews is little less than a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people.”
Churchill was, by his own admission, a radical Zionist who — as Prime Minister of Britain during WWII — hypocritically went on to collaborate with Bolshevism, establishing a cozy relationship with Josef Stalin’s genocidal Soviet Bolshevik Regime.
Churchill’s abhorrence of Bolshevism disappeared as rapidly as his reservations about International Jewry as soon as it suited his personal ambitions.
Even his “Zionism versus Bolshevism” article was disingenuous in the sense that he offered the world a Hobson’s choice of “Zionism or Bolshevism”, a false dilemma in that both options produced the exact same result: a World Government under Jewish domination as foretold in the Hebrew Old Testament.
Wise and Most Noble Adolf Hitler, eloquently explained this Jewish trick in his book, Mein Kampf,
“The Jew’s domination in the state seems so assured that now not only can he call himself a Jew again, but he ruthlessly admits his ultimate national and political designs.
A section of his race openly owns itself to be a foreign people, yet even here they lie.
For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim.
It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”(A. Hitler, English translation by Ralph Manheim, Mein Kampf, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, New York, (1971), pp. 324-325.)
The mischievous and cruel doctrines of Marx and Hess were zealously adopted by the world’s Jews who saw in it an opportunity to crush the Gentiles once and for all.
A Jew named Baruch Levy, in a letter to Karl Marx, stated that Communism was — after all — merely a way to transfer all the wealth of the world into Jewish hands and so fulfill the messianic vision of the treacherous Talmud:
“The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah.
It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.
In this new world order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition.
The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews.
It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state.
Thus, will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”(Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54, June 1, 1928)
Now see here Comrades, Jewish author Bernard Lazare tells us that Karl Marx was indeed a Talmudist:
“He had that clear Talmudic mind which does not falter at the petty difficulties of fact.
He was a Talmudist devoted to sociology and applying his native power of exegesis to the criticism of economic theory.
He was inspired by that ancient Hebraic materialism, which, rejecting as too distant and doubtful the hope of an Eden after death, never ceased to dream of Paradise realized on earth.
But Marx was not merely a logician, he was also a rebel, an agitator, an acrid controversialist, and he derived his gift for sarcasm and invective, as Heine did, from his Jewish ancestry.”(Lazare, Bernard. “Antisemitism, Its History and Causes”, p. 129)
In its article on “Messianic Movements”, the Encyclopaedia Judaica writes:
“In his letters to Leopold Zunz referred many times to the European revolution of 1848 as ‘the Messiah.’
Even many Jews who left the faith tended to invest secular liberation movements with a messianic glow.”
The Jewish supremacist rabbi, Harry Waton, confessed that not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews — a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud.
In his 1939 book, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer to All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity”, the racist rabbi wrote:
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews.
The Jews should realize that Jehovah no longer dwells in heaven, but he dwells in us right here on earth; we must no longer look up to Jehovah as above us and outside of us, but we must see him right within us,” (p. 148)
“Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the master's over the whole earth.
Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews,” (p. 99)
“Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society.
It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100)
Peculiar isn’t it that the supposed arch anti-capitalist, Karl Marx, never spoke a negative word about the Jewish banking dynasty, the Rothschilds, the richest of the world’s capitalist financiers, war profiteers and exploiters of the working class.
Mikael Bakunin, the prominent anarcho-syndicalist thinker and rival of Karl Marx, assailed Jewish control of the World Revolution, blasting Marx and his phony liberation ideology (Marxism) as a Rothschild-backed con for the Jewish financial oligarchy to undermine, loot and pillage the wealth of Gentile nations.
“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are everywhere: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce.
Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of bloodsuckers, a single gluttonous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild.
I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
This may seem strange.
What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which, speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ….” (Michael Bakunin, Polémique contres les Juifs, 1869)
In his novel, Conigsby, Disraeli made one of his characters say,
“I had on my arrival (at St. Petersburg) an interview with the Russian Minister of Finance, Count Canerin; I beheld the son of a Lithuanian Jew…. I had an audience on my arrival at Madrid with the Spanish minister; I beheld one like myself, the son of a Nuovo Christiano, a Jew of Aragon.
In consequence of that transpired at Madrid I went straight to consult the President of the French Council; I beheld the son of a French Jew….
We fixed on Prussia…. Count Arnim entered the cabinet, and I beheld a Prussian Jew.
So, you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages to what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.“
Then, four years after the Jewish-engineered outbreaks of 1848, Disraeli returned to the subject in his book Lord George Bentinck, stating,
“The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe.
An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property…
The natural equality of men and the abrogation of property are proclaimed by the secret societies who form provisional governments and men of Jewish race are found at the head of every one of them.“
Chaim Weizmann, the 20th century’s preeminent Zionist influence-peddler, architect of the ‘Balfour Declaration’, and first president of Israel, is quoted as saying:
“A beneficent protection which God has instituted in the life of the Jew is that He has dispersed him all over the world.”(JEWISH GUARDIAN, Oct. 8, 1920.)
Now compare this with the last clause of Protocol No. 11, of The Protocols of Zion:
“God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of dispersion, and from this, which appears to all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world.”
The remarkable similarity between Weizmann’s pronouncement and the passage from the Protocols proves that the Jewish Learned Elders exist, Weizmann chief among them.
This Hidden Hand of Jews was subtly identified by Walter Rathenau (1867-1922), a German-Jewish industrialist, writer, and statesman who served as Germany’s Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic.
Writing in the Wiener Freie Presse, December 24, 1912, he said:
“Three hundred men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of the European continent, and they elect their successors from their entourage.”
This reality was confirmed by Jean Izoulet, a Jewish professor at the College of France and a member of the Jewish-Masonic secret society Alliance Israelite Universelle.
Writing in his 1926 book “Paris Capital of Religions”, Izoulet said:
“I certainly do not want to relinquish their Magisterium temporal the three hundred bankers who, at the moment, dominate the world.”
At the Zionist congress held in Basel in 1898, Dr. Mandelstam, a professor at the University of Kiev, proclaimed:
“The Jews energetically reject the idea of fusion with the other nationalities and cling firmly to their historical hope of world empire.” (Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. “Foundations of the Nineteenth Century“, p. 335)
The Talmudic Jew David Wolffsohn was Theordore Herzl’s successor as leader of World Zionism and chairman of the World Zionist Organization (WZO).
The New York Times tells us that in his closing address Wolffsohn pleaded for more unity among the Jews and said that Jewry eventually must conquer the world! (“ZIONIST LEADER DIES. – David Wolfsohn Was Once Chairman of International Committee.” The New York Times. 17 Sept. 1914.)
was a Jewish construct and tool, and that Jerusalem will one day be capital of the world upon the realization of their dark plans:
“The League of Nations is a Jewish idea, and Jerusalem someday will become the capital of the world’s peace.
We Jews throughout the world will make the League’s struggle our own and will not rest until there is ultimate victory.” (“SAYS JEWS OF WORLD WILL BACK LEAGUE – Dr. Sokolow Tells Zionist Congress Jerusalem Will Be International Peace Capital.” The New York Times. 28 Aug. 1922.)
I have already told you about this worm in my previous articles also, who published a book in 1941 calling for the extermination of the entire German race and nation in a “final solution” of sterilization. (See: Kaufman, Theodore N. Germany Must Perish! Newark, NJ: Argyle Press, 1941)
In the same year of his book’s publication, this devilish Jew gave an interview to The Canadian Jewish Chronicle in which he fervently articulated his desire not only for the annihilation of all German Gentiles, but also for Jewish World Government, stating:
“I believe that the Jews have a mission in life.
They must see to it that the nations of the world get together in one vast confederation.
‘Union Now’ is the beginning of this. Slowly but surely the world will develop into paradise.
We will have perpetual peace.
And the Jews will do the most to bring about this confederation, because they have the most to gain.”
Kaufman’s call for “Union Now” was strangely similar to a proclamation made by Adolph Crémieux, a prominent French-Jewish lawyer and statesman who founded the Jewish Masonic order “Alliance Israelite Universelle” in Paris in 1860.
At an Alliance meeting Crémieux declared in true ‘Protocols’ style:
“The Alliance is not limited to our cult; it voices its appeal to all cults and wants to penetrate in all religions, as it has penetrated into all countries.
Let us endeavor boldly to bring about the union of all cults under one flag of “Union and Progress”: such is the motto of humanity.”
Crémieux and his secretive Jewish order were named as the prime conspirators in the formulation of The Protocols of Zion, in an enlightening essay entitled,
“The Protocols of the Ruffle Crested Kikes of Zion”.
made a vocal pledge to American Jewry that upon the defeat of the Axis Powers in WWII he would do his utmost to help realize the formation of a “New World Order” in the world, led and dominated by the Jews.
The groveling Zionist stooge proclaimed,
“When we have achieved victory, as we assuredly shall, the nations will have the opportunity of establishing a new world order …
In such a world it is our confident hope that the conscience of civilized humanity would demand that the wrongs suffered by the Jewish people in so many countries should be righted.”
He added,
“In the rebuilding of civilized society after the war, there should and will be a real opportunity for Jews everywhere to make a distinctive and constructive contribution.” (See this facsimile of the New York Times article)
In World War I he was Woodrow Wilson’s chief adviser on national defense and was appointed chairman of the War Industries Board (1918-1919), thus bringing the American war machine under the heel of Jewish financiers.
Baruch, and a contingent of his kinsmen, helped frame the economic provisions of the Versailles Treaty of 1919 which carved Germany into pieces after WWI.
In his address to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission on the 14th of June 1946, Baruch made the following “Protocolist”, One-Worldist pronouncement:
“Behind the black portent of the new atomic age lies a hope which, seized upon with faith, can work out salvation …
Let us not deceive ourselves: we must elect world peace or world destruction. …
Peace is never long preserved by weight of metal or by an armament race.
Peace can be made tranquil and secure only by understanding and agreement fortified by sanctions.
We must embrace international cooperation or international disintegration.”
peculiarly predicted the ascendancy of Woodrow Wilson to the presidency, and in his autobiography, “Challenging Years,” (p. 161) boasted:
“That an immensely influential hidden power” — with which he was intimately acquainted — “had chosen Wilson as a major pawn in their political game” even before the president of Princeton University had entered into politics.
Wilson, of course, was the “poodle on a string” of the conniving Protocolist Jews, having signed into law two of the most important planks of their Communist Manifesto — Plank #2,
“A heavy progressive or graduated income tax,”
and Plank #5, the creation of a central bank,
“With exclusive monopoly.”
Perhaps in a fit of rebelliousness against his masters, Woodrow Wilson made this ominous remark about the secret forces controlling the United States government from behind the scenes,
“…we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world — no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.” (Woodrow, Wilson. New Freedom: a Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People. [S.l.]: Indypublish Com, 2007, p. 201)
Further clarification and confirmation of this ongoing Jewish World Government project was provided by Israel’s first prime minister — the Jewish supremacist, Talmudist, Zionist terrorist and Bolshevist internationalist — David Ben-Gurion.
In 1962, Ben-Gurion predicted the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s, and went on to express a burning desire for world governance, led by the Jewish nation:
“The image of the world in 1987 as traced in my imagination: the Cold War will be a thing of the past. Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligensia in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union.
On the other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers, and rising political importance of men of science, may transform the United States into a welfare state with a planned economy.
Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a Socialist and democratic regime.
With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force.
All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the scene of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.” (Gurion, David Ben & Duchovny, Amram. David Ben-Gurion, In His Own Words. Fleet Press Corp., 1969, p. 116; also quoted in Look Magazine, January 16, 1962, p. 20)
Ben-Gurion reiterated his ostentatious dreams of a Jewish Utopia when he said:
“Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel and world Jewry, it aspires to become the spiritual center of the world.”
The Israeli prime minister was a chauvinistic Jewish supremacist who stated his rotten aims openly.
He spilled the blood of tens of thousands of Palestinians and was responsible for the uprooting and beheading of their nation.
He, along with his clique of ferocious Zionist bandits, gangsters and thugs, masterminded “the Nakba” which has been described as
“The mass deportation of a million Palestinians from their cities and villages, massacres of civilians, and the razing to the ground of hundreds of Palestinian villages.”
Flaunting his Jewish pride and arrogantly mocking his victims by falsely claiming to be a victim, Ben-Gurion sanctimoniously said:
“We would not have taken on this war merely for the purpose of enjoying this tiny state.
There have been only two great people: the Greeks and the Jews.
Perhaps the Greeks were even greater than the Jews, but now I can see no sign of that old greatness in the modern Greeks.
Maybe when the present process is finished, we too will degenerate, but I see no sign of degeneration at present. […]
Suffering makes a people greater, and we have suffered much.
We had a message to give the world, but we were overwhelmed, and the message was cut off in the middle.
In time there will be millions of us — becoming stronger and stronger — and we will complete the message. […]
Our policy must be the unity of the human race.
The world is divided into two blocs.
We consider that the United Nations’ ideal is a Jewish ideal.“
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations, Volume II: Since 1914
Ben-Gurion believed Jews to be living gods on earth, superior to Gentiles in every way, stating:
“My concept of the messianic ideal and vision is not a metaphysical one but a socio-cultural-moral one …
I believe in our moral and intellectual superiority, in our capacity to serve as a model for the redemption of the human race.
This belief of mine is based on my knowledge of the Jewish people, not some mystical faith; the glory of the divine presence is within us, in our hearts, and not outside of us.” (Hertzberg, Arthur. The Zionist State. Jewish Publication Society, 1997, p. 94)
Ben-Gurion’s “prophesy” of an earthly Jewish kingdom ruled from Jerusalem was similarly expressed by the Temple Mount Faithful organization newsletter (2000), which says:
“The real “United Nations Organization” will be the Kingdom of G-d which will soon be established in Jerusalem, based on the holy laws of G-d.
The Temple will again be the heart, soul and focus of Israel and the nations.
Mashiach ben David will come and will be the king of Israel and the world.
He will come to Jerusalem and rule from there and establish the Kingdom of G-d over all the world.
Jerusalem instead of New York will be the center of this godly “United Nations Organization” and a new era of justice, spiritual holiness, a real law based on the word of G-d in the Torah and a real peace will open and will be established in Jerusalem exactly as Isaiah prophesied:
“The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.
And many people shall go and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for from Zion shall go forth Torah, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
And he shall judge among the nations and shall decide for many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war anymore.
O house of Jacob, come, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.” (Isaiah 2:1-5)
“Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings: and thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.”
When Ben-Gurion referred to “everybody” in his Protocolist Prophecy he was most likely only referring to Jews, since the Zohar states: “’living soul’ refers to Israel, who have holy living souls from above, and “cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth” to the other peoples who are not ‘living soul’.”
who cursed Gentiles, claiming we possess evil souls:
“Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order.
They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever…
All Jews are innately good, all Gentiles are innately evil.”(quoted in Foxbrunner, A. Roman. Habad: the Hasidism of R. Shneur Zalman of Lyady. University of Alabama Press, 1992, p. 108)
Rabbi Kook the Elder, the revered father of the messianic tendency of Jewish fundamentalism, said,
“The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews—all of them in all different levels—is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.”(quoted in Shahak, Israel & Mezvinsky, Norman. Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. London: Pluto Press, 1999, p. 176)
The late, highly revered Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the “Lubavitcher Rebbe” who headed the Chabad movement and wielded great influence in Israel as well as in the U.S., explained that,
“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’
Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species.
This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world…
A non-Jew’s entire reality is only vanity.
It is written, ‘And the strangers shall guard and feed your flocks’ (Isaiah 61:5).
The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews…”(Ibid., p. 59)
An immigrant to Israel from the U.S., Rabbi Ginsburgh speaks freely of his belief in the Jews’ genetic-based, spiritual superiority over non-Jews:
“If you saw two people drowning, a Jew and a non-Jew, the Torah says you save the Jewish life first. …
If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is part of God.
Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA…
If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him?
The Torah would probably permit that.
Jewish life has an infinite value.”(Ibid., p. 62)
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages, declared that Gentiles exist solely to serve the Jews as slaves.
According to the rabbi:
“Goyim were born only to serve us.
Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”(Mandel, Jonah. “Yosef: Gentiles Exist Only To Serve Jews.” The Jerusalem Post. 10/18/2010)
And these are just the statements Jews have made aloud my fellow comrades.
Just imagine how these bastards talk when they know Gentiles aren’t listening.
Another cardinal proof of the Zionist World Conspiracy was the incredible foresight displayed by Zionist leader Simon Maximilian Südfeld (alias Max Nordau), Theodore Herzl’s close confidant who convinced him to organize the first Zionist conference in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.
At the sixth Zionist Congress in 1903 — eleven years before World War I commenced and forty-five years before Israel was established — Nordau spoke of a coming “World War” resulting in the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, which England would help to procure for them:
“Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created.” (quoted in Rosenthal, Litman. “A Prophet Speaks”, American Jewish News, New York, Vol. 4, No. 2, September 19, 1919. p. 464; also quoted in Stevens, Richard P. Zionism and Palestine Before the Mandate. Institute for Palestine Studies, 1972, p. 153)
Strange and incredible — is it not Comrades? — that a leading Zionist Jew was able to predict the course of events of the next several decades.
It appears Max Nordau was not the only Jew with an uncanny gift of foresight. Leading communist ideologue and co-author of “The Communist Manifesto”, crypto-Jew Friedrich Engels, made it clear that he and his fellow communist comrades were comfortable with human sacrifices amounting to the loss of tens of millions of lives, in order to pave the way for revolution and a global communist imperium.
In 1887, Engels somehow knew a “World War” was on the horizon and would soon arrive on the shores of Europe, laying waste to Europe’s empires and thus leaving the continent vulnerable to communist revolution, upheaval and subversion:
“No other war is now possible for Prussia-Germany than a world war, and indeed a world war of hitherto unimagined sweep and violence.
Eight to ten million soldiers will mutually kill each other off and in the process devour Europe barer than any swarm of locusts ever did.
The desolation of the Thirty Years War compressed in three or four years and spread over the entire continent: famine, plague, general savagery, taking possession both of the armies and of the masses of the people, as a result of universal want; hopeless demoralization of our complex institutions of trade industry and credit, ending in universal bankruptcy; collapse of the old states and their traditional statecraft, so that crowns will roll over the pavements by the dozens and no one to be found to pick them up; absolute impossibility of foreseeing where this will end, or who will emerge victor from the general struggle.
Only one result is absolutely sure: general exhaustion and the creation of the conditions for the final victory of the working class.” (quoted in Wolfe, David Bertram. Marxism, One Hundred Years in the Life of a Doctrine. Dial Press, (1965), p. 67)
Another who predicted the impending doom of a grand European conflict was Jan Gotlib Bloch, a Polish crypto-Jew, banker/financier, Zionist activist, “campaigner against Russian antisemitism“, and acquaintance of Theodore Herzl.
In 1899, Bloch published a book about military warfare titled, “Is War Now Possible?”, within which he envisioned a “long war”, a “great war of entrenchments”, which would involve some ten million men.
Bloch asserted that economic factors would be “the dominant and decisive element in the matter” and that the future of war was not fighting but famine, resulting in the bankruptcy of nations and the break-up of social organization of societies. (Ferguson, Niall. “The Pity of War”, p. 9)
It is clear that International Jews foresaw the First World War.
Did they do nothing but foresee it?
The facts do not stop at foresight but run on to provocation.
Perhaps prominent Zionist Jews and Communist Jews were cognizant of the eventual outbreak of a World War because they strove to bring it to fruition utilizing their unmatched money, media and political clout?
The Protocols of Zion gives us insight into this question Comrades…
“We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.” (The Protocols of Zion, 7:3)
Zionist Jew kingpin, Chaim Weizmann, admitted as much in a letter to Winston Churchill.
Historian David Irving documented Weizmann’s venture to persuade Churchill to help the Zionists create a Jewish Fighting Force — an army of Jewish terrorists to be used as a battering ram to forcefully overtake Palestine and wantonly genocide the Arabs living there — in exchange for the Jews’ dragging America into WWII on England’s side.
The arrogant and conceited Jew, Weizmann, couldn’t help but boast about how his fellow Jews
“Did it in the last war and are keen to do it again.”:
“On September 10, 1941, Weizmann therefore wrote an outspoken letter to the prime minister in which he recalled how the Jews of the United States had pulled their country into war before; he promised that they could do it again – provided that Britain toed the line over Palestine.
Two years had passed since the Jewish Agency had offered the support of the Jews throughout the world – the Jewish ‘declaration of war’ on Germany; a whole year had passed, he added, since the P.M. had personally approved his offer to recruit Jews in Palestine for service in the Middle East or elsewhere.
For two years the Agency had met only humiliation.
Ten thousand Palestinian Jews had fought in:
and Syria, he claimed, but this was never mentioned.
“Then Weizmann came to his real sales-pitch:
‘There is only one big ethnic group [in the USA] which is willing to stand, to a man, for Great Britain, and a policy of “all-out aid” for her: the five million Jews.
From Secretary Morgenthau, Governor [of New York State] Lehmann, Justice [Felix] Frankfurter, down to the simplest Jewish workman or trader, they are conscious of all that this struggle against Hitler implies.’
British statesmen, he reminded Churchill, had often acknowledged that it was these Jews who had brought the United States into the war in 1917.
‘They are keen to do it – and may do it – again.’
All that he and the Jews of the United States were asking for, therefore, was the formation now of a Jewish Fighting Force.” (Irving, David. Churchill’s War: Triumph in Adversity Vol. 2. Focal Point Publications, 2001, Pp. 76-77; also see this facsimile of Weizmann’s letter to Churchill)
The desolate reality of Jewish warmongering was elucidated in the August 1877 issue of Frank Leslie’s “Popular Monthly”, later known as “The American Magazine”, which reported:
“To-day, the great Jewish bankers, such as the Rothschilds, may almost be said to hold in their hands the peace of Europe.
They are creditors of most of the Governments of the world and there are few nations willing to risk the dangers and losses of war unless they have assurance from these potent capitalists of such monetary aid as may be necessary for carrying on a campaign.
In the present European war, one of the combatants, having nothing to lose, is reckless of the consequence to her already bankrupt treasury, and the other, while yet the conflict has scarcely begun, has been compelled to seek the aid of Jewish bankers to secure means for its prosecution.”
In 1881 the prestigious banking journal, Rhodes’ Journal, informed us that Jewish international bankers held the keys to peace and war in Europe (often instigating the latter for monetary gain, evidently):
“It must be admitted that the Jewish people control the financial markets of Europe, possessing a much greater influence than in this country.
The Emperor of Russia found that he could not place a loan in the Continental markets, because Rothschild did not view such a loan as favorable to the interests of England.
A few Jewish bankers are therefore really the arbitrators of peace and war in Europe.”
The Rothschilds’ official biographer, Niall Ferguson, explained the “quasi-royal status” of this Jewish banking dynasty and how their wealth is believed by some Jews to be:
“For a higher purpose… to avenge the wrongs of Israel”:
“To poorer Jews throughout Europe, Nathan Rothschild’s extraordinary rise to riches had an almost mystical significance—hence the legend of the “Hebrew talisman,” the magical source of his good luck, which became associated with him in Jewish lore.
This extraordinary story—a version of which was published by an anonymous author in London just four years after Nathan Rothschild’s death (1836)—imagined that the source of Nathan’s financial success was his possession of a magical talisman.
His wealth was in fact intended for a higher purpose: “to avenge the wrongs of Israel” by securing “the re-establishment of Judah’s kingdom—then rebuilding of thy towers, Oh! Jerusalem!” and “the restoration of Judea to out ancient race.” (Ferguson, Niall. The House of Rothschild: Volume 1: Money’s Prophets: 1798-1848, Viking, (1999), pp. 21/22)
“… because of their wealth, other Jews looked to them for leadership in their pursuit of equal civil and political rights.
As we shall see, this leadership was forthcoming from a remarkably early stage… acquiring quasi-royal status in the eyes of other Jews.” (Ibid., p. 22)
The Niles’ National Register published in 1828 states:
“… the house of Rothschild certainly stands preeminent at the recent death of one, who was thought the richest banker in Europe.”
The Niles’ National Register published on Sept 19, 1835, says:
“The ROTHSCHILDS are the wonders of modern banking … we see the descendants of Judah, after a persecution of two thousand years, peering above kings, rising higher than emperors, and holding a whole continent in the hollow of their hands.
The Rothschild govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease, from Petersburgh to Vienna, from Vienna to Paris, from Paris to London, from London to Washington.
Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary people.
He holds the keys of peace or war, blessing or cursing.”
The Bankers Magazine printed in 1847 states:
“The five brothers (Anselm, Solomon, Nathan, Charles & James) have taken part in most of the great financial affairs of Austria, of France, of England, and of almost every country.
They have formed among themselves an invincible phalanx.
By themselves, or by their agents, they have exercised a great control over the principal places in Europe, and, faithful to their habit, never to undertake anything separately and to concert all their operations, they have followed one unvaried and identical system.
Their power was such, that at one time they were free to make either peace or war.“
The Ladies’ Repository published in 1863 states:
“Baron Lionel Rothschild, the first Jew ever admitted into the English Parliament, and the wealthiest man, it is believed, now residing on our planet.”
The Cyclopaedia of Commercial & Business Anecdotes printed in 1865, writes:
“The Rothschilds, Wealthiest Bankers in the World.
The house of Rothschild is the impersonation of that money power which governs the world.”
The Review of Reviews printed in 1890 opined:
“The change in the position of the Jew within the last half of the century is one of the most remarkable character.
Fifty years ago, the Jew was inert and imbecile.
Now he exercises a power greater than in the days of David or Solomon.
The Jews to-day influence more people, control more bullion, and exercise more legislative power than they did when they had their temple their land, and their sceptre.”
Printed in 1905, Jewish Literature & Other Essays says:
“The palaces of the Rothschilds, the richest family in the world, harbor many a warm heart, whose pulsations are quickened by the thought of Israel’s history and poetic heritage.
Wealth has not abated a jot of their enthusiasm and loyal love for the faith.”
Printed between 1901 and 1906 The Jewish Encyclopedia asserted:
“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”
British economist J. A. Hobson’s seminal book, “Imperialism”, published in 1902, states:
“Does anyone seriously suppose that a great war could be undertaken by any European State, or a great State loan subscribed, if the house of Rothschild and its connections set their face against it?”
Another of the family biographers, Derek Wilson, conceded that critics of the Rothschilds have legitimate reasons for anxiety, affirming:
“The House of Rothschild is immensely more powerful than any financial empire that has ever preceded it, and it is able to control governments behind the scenes, secretly.”
Dutch economist Ad Broere, in his 2010 book “Ending the Global Casino,” informs us that,
“The 19th century became known as the age of the Rothschilds when it was estimated they controlled half of the world’s wealth.
While their wealth continues to increase today, they have managed to blend into the background, giving the impression that their power has waned.
They only apply the Rothschild name to a small fraction of the companies they actually control.”
This Jewish World Plot is not a new phenomenon by any means, and most likely originated with the advent of Judaism itself over 3000 years ago.
A shocking clue to its existence was left behind in 1492 by the Grand Sanhedrin which resided in Constantinople
“In 1492, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, when a Spanish law threatened expulsion.
This was the reply:
Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring.
We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.
The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
(Signed) PRINCE OF THE JEWS OF CONSTANTINOPLE.” (L. Fry, Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ. TBR Books, Washington, D. C., (2000), pp. 51-52; also see these facsimiles of this letter, one & two)
The Jews hide behind a bogus veneer of victimhood in order to deceive naive Gentiles about their sinister agenda and carnivorous quest for World Governance.
This guilt and sympathy peddling charade is laughably transparent.
Zionist kingpin, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise (1874-1949) — the co-founder of the World Jewish Congress and other subversive groups — frantically howled that the whole of Christendom owes the Jews a homeland in Palestine for perceived wrongs done to the Jews.
Stephen S. Wise annoyingly squawked:
“The rebuilding of Zion will be the reparation of all Christendom for all the wrongs done to the Jews.”
In 1900 Rabbi Wise let slip the premeditated hoax of holocaustianity when he spoke of
“6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.”
That was one of dozens upon dozens of references and invocations of the cabalistic fable of “6,000,000 persecuted, dead or dying Jews” from 1900 through 1945, leading up to the creation of the state of Israel on the back of this deceptive, yet obvious hoax, in 1948.
United States Federal Judge, Julian Mack (1866-1943), chaired a plethora of Zionist organizations and worked vociferously to establish a Zionist state on stolen Palestinian land.
In true Jewish supremacist fashion, this rabid nutcase demanded money from Christians to fund the heinous Zionist colonial project in Palestine, saying that this must be done:
“In appreciation of the debt which all the world owes to the Jews.”
Believing the world owes them, these pompous, supremacist Jews don’t just demand Palestine — they want the entire planet handed over to them on a silver platter along with all of its valuables and treasures!
These damning facts, quotes and pronouncements — taken together — are extremely significant bits of evidence bearing on the existence of the Jewish World Plot and the authenticity of the Protocols of Zion.
Many of these astonishing statements are completely mimetic of what is outlined in the Protocols — a one-world tyrannical state governed by Jews upon which a Jewish World Tyrant, whom they refer to as the “King Despot of the Blood of Zion” (a descendant of the House of David), will be crowned king and rule the earth:
“Ever since that time we have been leading the peoples from one disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us in favor of that KING-DESPOT OF THE BLOOD OF ZION, WHOM WE ARE PREPARING FOR THE WORLD.” (The Protocols of Zion, 3:15)
“The recognition of our despot … will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence – a matter which we shall arrange for – of their rulers, will clamor:
“Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders – frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts – who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.” (The Protocols of Zion, 10:18)
“When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred head the crown offered him by Europe, he will become patriarch of the world.” (The Protocols of Zion, 15:23)
Much of this was affirmed by a man named Benjamin Freedman.
Freedman was a successful New York businessman who had been for many years on a first name basis with many leading Zionist powerbrokers as well as several American presidents.
and, in 1961, gave a very illuminating speech at The Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., primarily exposing the role of Zionist Jewry in bringing America into World War I in return for British support for the Zionist ambition to seize and colonize Palestine at the war’s end.