Many researchers in the field claim that aliens-demons or ADs (let us link them together, as they work as partners) have been running the show for millions of Earth years, both on our planet and elsewhere in the universe.
They call the highest level of control the demiurge, a term first coined by Plato and later adopted by the Gnostics.
Others call this top honcho Lucifer or the Great Architect.
It is the god in charge of the mental, vital, and physical worlds that are in relation with planet Earth.
I like to call it the god of illusion.
A human being living on Earth owns a very special soul that grows from one incarnation to the next and a special body that is able to host this soul.
There have been so many combinations and alterations in the earthbound human body in the past millennia that it can no longer be ruled by a single deva (God of a species).
Thus, a human being only has one real boss: its soul, the Supreme Being individualized in space-time.
This means that the unlimited, omnipotent, omniscient creator of the whole universe lies hidden inside humans in an individualized format.
It can tell each person what to do and creates for each one exactly what is needed to advance its agenda, both on an individual and a universal basis.
Realize that humans are individual creators – not because they have an advanced mind, but because they have an advanced soul!
On the other hand, most ADs have much more powerful minds than humans and they have access to the subtle worlds.
They can ‘read’ what some call the akashic records, where everything that has happened since the inception of the universe is stored, including all possible:
Therefore, ADs can easily get information, but they are limited to their own level of consciousness.
They can only decipher deformed versions of the truth.
Unlike humans, they do not have access to advanced souls.
So, they are stuck in the illusion.
They need to feed themselves (often on us) and they eventually die, even if some live for thousands, even millions of years.
And with death come:
and deceit.
With such powerful souls, humans are not the victims of aliens or demons.
They are creators and willing participants in a cosmic experiment.
The latter is taking place only on Earth, but its repercussions affect the whole universe.
Astronomically speaking, our planet may appear like a small piece of cosmic dust floating among countless galaxies, a tiny grain of sand on a Bahamian beach.
However, on a spiritual level,
“Earth is the concentrated symbol of the universe.
It is much easier to work on one point than to work in a diluted immensity …
For the facility and the necessity of the work, the whole universe has been concentrated and symbolically condensed in a grain of sand called Earth.” – The Mother, Entretiens, 1953, my translation
Souls have agreed upon the procedure of this special experiment on Earth.
To our souls, the present earthly scenario is going according to expectations.
Whatever the elite does, whatever laws it passes on:
compulsory schooling
smart meters
despite the number of concentration camps it builds and children it rapes, kills and eats in satanic ceremonies, despite:
and nanotechnology, it follows the Supreme Being’s plan.
There is really nothing to worry about.
Yet, there is something we must do – we must change ourselves!
We are not, have never been, will never be victims.
We are creators!
True Trinity: Creator, Creature and Grace are one and the same
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Humans are a trinity:
Spirit, the creator of the video game.
Soul, the player pushing buttons on the video console.
Body, the avatar in the game, with its three main tools –
The trouble is I have forgotten who I really am.
I simply think of myself as the avatar in a multi-dimensional game of Dungeons and Dragons.
And I swear at the Dungeon Master (God of illusion) when things do not go according to my little egoic mind’s plan.
If my soul enlarges, I get to choose an improved avatar for the next incarnation.
The more lives my soul experiences, the more evolved it gets, and the better its control on the three bodies.
So, I am never a victim, I am both the creator (spirit) and the player of the game (soul).
Yet, I act as if I was strictly the avatar (body) in the game – and I am terrified of dying!
However, as a soul, I am immortal and as a spirit, I am timeless.
Whatever happens in the game allows my soul to grow in consciousness and enlarge its souled body.
And for a soul, the game can be a lot of fun.
My soul lives in bliss at all times, whether it is in a body or in between bodies.
Ego, the temporary cluster of personalities attached to my present avatar-body, is the one who follows the WSAD program – Work-Suffer-Age-Die.
So, when I experience fear, any type of fear, I can automatically conclude that I am identifying with ego, and not soul.
Most people mistake their souls with either their etheric body or their vital body.
Let me explain.
All of us are aware of our physical bodies, or at least the concrete part of it.
The subtle physical part is often called the etheric body and is well known to:
The door connecting our physical body to the etheric body and its corresponding world is the first chakra, below the vertebral column.
The etheric body houses several personalities, which are often mistakenly, called the "soul".
They can easily interact with:
the world of the subtle physical
the realm of electromagnetic and scalar energies
elementals (gnomes, undines, sylphs, salamanders) and other nature ‘spirits’
crytozoological creatures (sasquatch, lake monsters, chupacabras, mothmen, etc.)
Most real aliens pop in and out of this etheric realm:
This is especially true of those who are more physical.
They feed on human:
reproduce sexually or through cloning, have babies, and use technology to travel around and accomplish tasks.
Most people mistake vital egoic personalities with the soul, because these are easy to feel through desires and emotions.
Such personalities can easily detach from the physical body to visit the vital worlds.
They do so when their unwilling human host is sleeping (dreams) or daydreaming.
A willing human can allow her vital personalities to detach deliberately through:
astral projection
by using psychoactive drugs (LSD, ecstasy, ayahuasca)
sound patterns (drumming, binaural beats, music)
magic rituals
remote viewing technology
and so on.
When you hear people talk about ‘astral-soul matrix’ or ‘soul-body consciousness’, they are referring to one of many vital personalities.
These remain attached to the physical body with what is called a silver chord.
If this is cut, a large part of the vital body leaves the physical body, which may die unless another vital personality is forcefully inserted:
another alien
Such replacements are done regularly in secret laboratories, to create interdimensional spies (astral operators) who gather information and even possess other humans.
Some abductees and milabs say that their ‘souls’ have been imprisoned inside Faraday cages (electrified metal enclosures) or similar technologies.
There is NO way such procedures can work on a real soul, which vibrates at an extremely high frequency and is not affected by electromagnetic and scalar fields.
Yet, this is entirely possible for etheric and low vital entities and egoic personalities.
As mental egoic personalities vibrate at a higher frequency, they are often equated with spirit.
The so-called negative entities that live there cannot access the physical world directly.
These mental demons (called asura in Sanskrit – Hinduism) use the vital demonic hierarchies and STS aliens of the subtle physical realm to do their job.
Our mental egoic personalities are thought forms crystallised around specific beliefs or dogmas, whether:
Most of these have been programmed into us soon after birth and many are intergenerational, dating back thousands of years.
Through atavism, they are carried inside invisible portions of the parental DNA.
Mental egoic personalities can be modified in many ways (education, media), but they cannot be technologically controlled or abducted like vital personalities.
Yet, alien-created religious beliefs can influence humans drastically and stop them from truly understanding their external and internal environments.
Be aware that such religious disinformation also includes scientific materialism, which is full of false assumptions.
We have been taught that there are invariable physical laws:
quantum mechanics
Others talk about universal and cosmic laws.
Actually, these are all false, and many have already been proven wrong.
In reality, there is only one law: higher frequencies have precedence over lower ones.
Therefore, mental personalities are able to affect our vital personalities directly, and the latter can control etheric ones.
This also means that soul has priority over mind.
Now, that is interesting!
Because their frequencies are higher than those of etheric and vital realms, mental vibrations are often mistaken for spiritual vibrations.
Some even call the Supreme Being the ‘Universal Mind’.
In doing so, they remain at the level of mind, with its worlds of division, right/wrong duality, ethical conduit, justice for all, etc.
A very limited and falsified vision of reality, whose vibrations are very low as compared to the highest vibrations of the Supreme Being, which exist far beyond mind, in what Aurobindo calls the supramental (beyond mind) worlds.
Homo sapiens was never meant to last forever as an animal species.
Just like the Acanthostega was the transition between fish and amphibians and the Archaeopterix was the short-lived temporary species between reptiles and birds, humanity is an intermediate link between two reigns:
This leap is much bigger than just another new species, genus, or any other taxonomic category manifesting for the first time.
It is bigger than passing from the non-living mineral to the living vegetal kingdom.
We are talking about a new being, with,
“a body made up of a new matter that has unlimited and instantaneous creative powers.”[1]
A divine being with all of the divine attributes!
Aurobindo describes this new matter as,
“more fluid than a gas and harder than a diamond”.
(Evening Talks)
Don’t worry about the survival of our species.
rampant Satanism
the New World Order
the medical mafia (jjabs, cancer and AIDS treatments, toxic pharmaceuticals)
nuclear radiation
and mind control, Homo sapiens is doomed.
It has served its purpose and is now finishing its mandate.
No problem.
We are not humans – we are souls getting ready to switch from a gas-guzzling Hummer-type human body to a free-energy stargate-jumping divine body.
Nothing to cry about!
Please, don’t read my car analogy wrong.
I am not saying that the answer is technological.
Quite the opposite!
Technology is simply a lazy person’s answer to her dreams of infinite powers.
I would rather continue to use limited and limiting devices:
cell phones
free energy machines
than become who I really am:
all-loving being!
The use of technology actually slows down the evolution of consciousness, unless it is soul guided.
The manifestation of a divine being made up of divine matter does not rely on transhumanism and its GRAIN technologies:
Artificial Intelligence
and Nanotechnology.
Nor is the solution chemical, through drug-induced states of consciousness or by other artificial or magical means:
binaural beats
We cannot force the evolution of consciousness in such a way, and even less the transformation of human into divine beings.
Neither can such a change be provoked by an external facilitator, through a Oneness Blessing (deeksha), despite Amma Bhagavan’s claim, founder of the Oneness University:
“Man cannot make it on his own; it has to be given to him.”
Indeed, but not by another human.
Rather, the body must surrender its free will to its soul and follow its injunctions blindly.
So, forget any type of external help:
mystery schools
secret societies
ley lines
and sacred sites.
In the past, these helped the evolution of consciousness.
Now, they hinder our transformation.
Let us go back to the subject of:
demonic entities
As a human being, I am perpetually bathing in subtle worlds brimming with forces and beings of all types.
Personally, I am not a milab, abductee, or contactee, but like all humans, I am surrounded by invisible beings who attempt to influence me and feed on me – 24/7.
However, whether they are human, alien, demonic, I am never a victim.
I am always a participant.
The solution is obvious:
I must learn to say “no, thanks!” to all those entities.
Refusing their offers and repelling their attacks works only if I am sincere.
In most cases, one or more of my egoic personalities agree to play the game, whether it is physical or subtle in nature.
One part of me wants the contact or abduction in order to feel wanted and special.
This fulfills my desire to be more powerful and important than other ‘normal’ humans who do not face such ordeals.
Abductees and contactees are told they have been "chosen".
Milabs are taken by the military because they are already abductees whose occult powers can be used to participate in delicate missions.
To be liberated from military/alien/demonic influence, I must dissolve the egoic personalities that profit from their actions.
These parts of me must accept to die and I have to face the void.
I must continue living while I have the impression of being nothing.
A very uncomfortable experience!
The problem is that I identify with my ego, not my soul.
I remain so attached to my present-day egoic personalities that I cannot imagine being anything else.
Who am I if I am no longer a milab/ abductee/ contactee?
Surrendering my free will to my soul, that part of me about which I know nothing, that I cannot hear and hardly feel, requires immense courage.
Aurobindo summarizes this quite well:
“Ego must disappear and be replaced by the true spiritual person, the central being, and life itself must be turned towards the fulfillment of the Divine in terrestrial existence; it must feel a Divine Force awaking within it and become an obedient instrumentation of its purpose.” – The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo
"Truth of philosophy is of a merely theoretical value unless it can be lived, and we have therefore tried in The Synthesis of Yoga to arrive at a synthetical view of the principles and methods of the various lines of spiritual self-discipline and the way in which they can lead to an integral divine life in the human existence".
There have been many advanced civilizations before ours.
Every time humanity on Earth became too technological or magical, and erred away from its mission – the manifestation of a divine being made out of divinized matter – some cosmic event brought about a planet cleansing.
The destruction of Atlantis and Noah’s Great Flood are simply two recent ‘resets’.
LOR note:
Or is it the same event, simply retelling & disguising a larger cataclysm that occurred?
Courtney Brown, a remote viewing specialist, summed it up well in a recent interview:
“You need a million years of uninterrupted growth for a civilization to really mature and do something.
You can’t grind it down to a pulp every twenty-five thousand years or sixty thousand years and expect it to start all over again, where there is no memory of what happened before.
And this is what happens regularly [on Earth]…
We have these pole shifts that happen regularly; we have these coronal mass ejections that happen every two thousand years that ruin all the electrical stuff…
This is not a good planet to have a long-term civilization on.”
You are right, Courtney, but it is a perfect planet for the evolution of souls and the creation of a new reign IN MATTER!
What is coming now is not a ‘reset’.
It is an apocalypse, a Greek word that means,
“revelation, disclosure of what has been concealed”.
The present climatic and geological changes on Earth and other planets of our solar system are evident proof that something big is coming.
However, it is much more than just a regular mass-extinction event, much bigger than the end of a cycle.
It is the end of ALL cycles!
It is the beginning of a new kingdom:
divine beings made out of divine matter and living divine lives outside of the space-time illusion.
For the divine chicks to hatch, they must break their shells.
This has already started in the invisible realms, but we cannot yet see it in the concrete material world.
In order for the shells to crack open, we need a critical mass of human beings who surrender to their souls and allow the immensely powerful energies of spirit to transform their mortal and limited human bodies into immortal, unlimited divine bodies.
When this critical mass is reached, aliens and entities that have been feeding on humans will simply disappear.
Now, you finally understand why they are so desperate at stopping this emergence of divine beings by all means possible:
With their time machines, they are able to see the future.
They know that they will not succeed.
They can only delay the inevitable.
Even if the transformation of willing humans into divine beings is inescapable, we need to participate willingly to the birthing process.
How can we help?
Each one of us needs to say “No, thanks!” to the skillful maneuvers of ADs.
And don’t think that Jesus, son of God, or any other past spiritual teachers, can help you.
This may have worked in the past, but that time is over.
Don’t expect either that good, STO aliens (Service-To-Other) will tell us how to get the job done.
They can no longer help, because this is a first time ever event.
Only our souls know how to proceed, and they are hidden inside our bodies!
Our transformation into divine beings' rests in our own hands.
We must refuse to participate as willing:
even if it means the death of our physical bodies.
After all, as humans, we own immortal, forever-evolving souls.
Aliens and demons don’t!
We do not need to be afraid.
They do!
All spiritual people are quick to admit that they are divine.
Well, it’s time to walk our talk – and trust our souls, at all costs!