Tree of Life: Map of the Human Soul

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The TREE OF LIFE has shown up in many spiritual traditions and mythology as far back as:

  • ancient Egypt
  • Assyrian
  • Sumerian
  • ancient China
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • ancient Mayan
  • Judaism
  • Kabbalah

and even the Book of Mormon to name a few.

The "Tree of Life" is actually a map of the human soul.

The trunk symbolizes the spine, and the branches represent the 144,000 nadis that circulate the chi life/kundalini force of consciousness connected to the spirit world.

The Effects of Kundalini on the Thoughts & the Mind (

The serpent seen in the caduceus used both by the American Medical Association and in Veterinary medicine represents the kundalini force connected to the angels of the spirit world represented by the wings.

Satanism & the Kundalini Serpent (

It’s mystical concept alluding to the interconnectedness of all life on our planet and a metaphor for the connection of humans to the spirit world through consciousness.

It’s believed people can connect to the Tree of Life in the human form through the chakra system as a vessel of the Merkabah of ascension and connection to the cosmic tree of the spirit world, which has a sacred space design like the Tree of Life as do the universe.

Merkabah means a light energy field that will take spirit and body into higher dimensions through consciousness or traveling at the speed of light/thought.

Mer (light)

ka (spirit)

ba (body)

are the breakdown of the meaning of the word.

Often the Tree of Life is represented in ancient artworks from various traditions to accompany a metaphoric snake that represents the movement of consciousness of the individual along the different chakras, knowledge of the different traits of divinity in the Tree of Life point systems and connecting to the angels stationed at different points of the Tree of Life through focusing our intentions on the chakra points in our bodies.

These points can also be referred to as dimensions separated by frequency of consciousness.

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According to the beliefs, the Tree of Life and the chakra systems are the only reference points.

One must attain the knowledge on their own by passing the spiritual requirement ordained by the angels in the spirit world to be able to fully teleport through your consciousness.

It’s believed that there’s no cheat sheet.

Satanism's Origins in the Far East (

You must complete the basic courses in “Life” and raise your cellular sine wave frequency in order to be able to maintain the level of consciousness needed to make such connections.

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Hacking the Meaning of Life (

Lower vibrating beings are too unstable to make this connection unless they start using best practices to raise their vibration by releasing negative emotions through forgiveness or transcending them.

Even Dr. John Dee of the 16th century who claimed to be able to connect to the angels to be given the Enochian Alphabet or Language of Angels that communicate through time and space mentions the angels had to squeeze him to condense his consciousness so he can maintain the frequency to hold enough consciousness to use the systems he asked to learn.

The God Frequency Explained. If you divide the speed of light by the… | by Luxury Botique | Medium

More recently, the Enochian Alphabet and the Book of Enoch have been used to derive Abha Torus Vortex based math that’s being engineered by volunteers who’s trying to translate it into a commercial scale to generate free, clean energy fueled by non-local consciousness.

The spine in the body is the kundalini serpent represented in the Tree of Life.

Concerning Kundalini Yoga (

Again, the coined term “serpent” is an allegory to represent the movement of consciousness along different points along the Chakra system and tree.

The coiling of the serpent is often referred to as the “Golden Spiral”, which can be seen as the double helix coil of the human DNA.

Triple helixes DNA in humans have recently been discovered as well showing our evolutionary potential.

A five-pointed star is the Merkabah in the body, which can be seen in the Star of David with the two triangles intersecting making a 5-point star of the human form.

In some traditions, some fruits are used to represent the 5-point star of the Merkabah.

Apples cut open has a five-point star in it making it the perfect fruit of sin for mythology.

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It’s believed that there is a light serpent guided by the higher self and dark serpent guided by the ego.

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Ego (

When someone lives with their mind only and not their heart, then they are living with the ego serpent as compared to the light serpent, which lives with the heart guiding the decisions of the mind.

The "Tree of Life" predates Judeo/Christianity by thousands of years.

Stolen from the Gentiles/Pagans/Goyim – Library of Rickandria

Unfortunately, this most sacred symbol in many, many ancient civilizations and indigenous traditions, which represents healing at all levels has been heinously blasphemed and corrupted to represent the story of Adam and Eve and scare people into not tapping into their divine consciousness through the Tree of Life and chakra system inherent in their DNA.

The story of the Tree of Life is as fascinating in ancient mythology and modern traditions, but all pointing to the same original meanings no matter the reference source throughout the world.

The basic meaning is that humans are reflections of divine source energy manifested in the physical and will always be connected to the spirit world.

People just need to look within to tap into their own wisdom and ask for guidance from their angels demons at times.

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To learn more about the universal Tree of Life, please review the videos below.

“Sex: The Secret Gate to Eden”.

This video covers similar stories covering a wide variety of spiritual traditions from:

  • Kabbalah
  • Western Europeans alchemy symbols
  • Tantra
  • Mayan carvings
  • Tibetan Buddhism

and various Christian gospels.

Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria

It also covers the meanings of the Tree of Life in the body and the chakra system.

As well as demystify the meanings behind bible stories as allegories that symbolize more complex mystic concepts.

Exposing Spiritual Corruption: Spiritual Alchemy & the Bible (


“Kabbalah: Tree of Life” (1/2) by Christine Schiavone and Stephen Popiotek. 

Here Stephen goes over the meanings of the Tree of Life in the body and how juncture points in the body represents a location to different archangel systems in the spirit world and how we may be able to connect to those systems using our own advance consciousness through 1st awakening into unity consciousness as a basic requirement for spiritual awareness. 

Stephen speaks about the Earth ascending into the 5th dimension and two more points will be added to the Tree of Life that is unknown as his thinks the spirit world is expanding as much of humanity ascends into the golden era fueled by unity consciousness.

Spiritual Exploration - Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Part 1

Spiritual Exploration - Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Part 2

“Tree of Life” by Wikipedia.

Tree of life - Wikipedia

“Caduceus As A Medical Symbol” defined by Wikipedia. Historically referred to as Greek mythology symbol in the reference to wisdom that’s linked lineage as far back as ancient civilizations of the Fertile Crescent.

It’s depicted as two serpents of duality leading to angel wings.

Caduceus as a symbol of medicine - Wikipedia

“How To Open Your Sacral Chakras” by Carol Tuttle.

How To Open Your Sacral Chakra Swadhisthana Chakra Healing With Carol Tuttle Video

“The Seven Chakra Meaning Decoded” by Carol Tuttle.

What Are the Chakra Colors and Their Meanings | Carol Tuttle

Chakra Colors: The 7 Chakras and Their Meaning Explained (

Decoding the 7 Chakra Symbols: Meaning & Benefits (

“Toddler in the World Diagnosed with Extra DNA Strand” covered by Fox News.

Fun fact.

Most people in the world do not get their DNA tested; this was a very rare exception that ended in a discovery that changed the study of genetics.

Toddler First in World Diagnosed With Extra DNA Strand (

“If An Electron Can Be At Two Places At The Same Time, Why Can’t You?” by Discover Magazine.

This is a basic understanding of the scientific discoveries that dumbfound quantum physicists when they discovered that sub-atomic particles of atoms can exist in two different places at the same time, why they vibrate, and move through matter showing in the atomic world of physics parallel realities do exists, are separated by some kind of frequency that may explain why atoms vibrate like energy particles, and there are multiple versions of the same exact atom having different experiences.

The question now is: Since humans are made of atoms, why can’t we be self-aware of the different parallel realities?

What separates these realities from each other?

How do humans vibrate energetically in this hologram?

Are there vortexes that connect these realities?

Can we consciously experience other realities through choosing to be self-aware in a certain reality over the others?

Can humans overcome physicality and consciously manipulate solid forms like bend spoons or walk through walls like sub-atomic particles?

And many more.

These discoveries are enticing scientists to look again at the ancient understandings of parallel realities in the metaphysic teachings in:

  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Kabbalah
  • Taoism

and many more indigenous beliefs about our weird holographic world.

If an Electron Can Be in Two Places at Once, Why Can't You? | Discover Magazine

“Aaron O’ Connell: Making Sense of a Visible Quantum Object” by TED Speaks.

Here. Aaron speaks to the TED audience about the concept of humans being in two realities at the same time to have different experiences.

That it’s not an imagined possibility, but it exists.

We just don’t know how to do it or why atoms and people exist in parallel realities.

This new frontier of quantum mechanics is further being explored as we move forward together in unified consciousness to understand our oneness with each other and our own divinity in how we create and manifest our own and collective reflective projections to be experienced.

Aaron O'Connell: Making sense of a visible quantum object | TED Talk

To learn more about sub-atomic particles behavior, please Google it for a wide variety of papers and online presentations from various research facilities and university studies around the world.

“Buddhism and Quantum Physics: A Strange Parallel of Two Concepts of Reality” by Christian Thomas Kohl. 

Author Kohl discusses the scientific findings that show we exists in parallel realities and the speculation that we choose to be self-aware of the reality we are in as it’s easier to focus on one at a time.

He discusses the metaphysics of quantum mechanics/physics and how it gets closer to mirroring the ancient findings already mentioned 2500 years ago in Buddhism and much older Puranas text in Hinduism.

Purana’s in Hindu spiritual texts discuss an infinite number of universes with its own planets, people, and Gods.

Gods & Religions on Planet Earth (

We experience the reality in matching vibration to our own consciousness and we jump around often not knowing how we are unconsciously changing our reality.

Buddhism and Quantum Physics: A strange parallel of two concepts of reality (

“Multiverse” by Professor and Nobel Prize Winner in Physics (1979), Steven Weinberg.

"There are hundreds of different radio waves being broadcast all around you from distant stations.

However, if you turn on a radio, you can listen to only one frequency at a time; these other frequencies are not in phase with each other.

Each station has a different frequency, a different energy.

As a result, your radio can only be turned to one broadcast at a time.

Likewise, in our universe we are tuned into the frequency that corresponds to physical reality.

But there are an infinite number of parallel realities coexisting with us in the same room, although we cannot tune into them."
-Steven Weinberg.

Science's Path from Myth to Multiverse | Scientific American

“Quantum Jumping” by Burt Goldman.

Burt Goldman has been quantum jumping parallel realities for over 30 years.

He claims he has done from his early studies with the Hindu yogi Maharishi Mahesh who through his associations with various university studies reintroduced to the world “transcendental meditation” to get into alpha brain waves that change the individual and collective experience as studied under lab experiences.

He has clarified the basic principles of jumping parallel realities in a easy to understand, non-religious manner so anyone who wants to know how the use their consciousness to jump can.

The program seems like a self-help metaphysical mystic life experience, but in essence that’s how you jump realities through your consciousness.

Burt discusses finding some form of meditation to get into the alpha state, deprogramming your social conditioning, letting go and forgiving the past regrets that hold you down in the present unwanted reality, and changing the picture to link up with the matching frequency of the YOU in the reality you want to be present in 1st hand.

Physical life is a spiritual journey in this hologram and knowing how to move through it makes the ride more enjoyable.

There are still potholes in each reality, but you can choose to plant yourself in the reality and version of you that you best resonate within.

Quantum Jumping by Burt Goldman | Mindvalley

How to use your emotions & heart as a tool to jump parallel realities:

We all live in a series of NOW moments that are pivotal that can relate to be a fork in the road.

In each pivotal moment, there is a series of choices you can make.

After getting all the information regarding any situation you are dealing with and analyzing your FEELINGS regarding each decision.

You can use your logic to think about the different decisions on how you want to move forward in your relationship to that situation or person(s).

You can also use your human EMOTIONS as tools to decide what resonates inside you regarding what kinds of synchronistic events you may experience if you choose one decision over how you will react over another decision.

Along with using your emotions as a tool to decide the next parallel reality you want to experience firsthand; you should also use your heart (gut/intuition) to check to see if the decision you choose resonates and feels good in your heart.

If the decision you make feels like you're going against your heart resonance, then you should explore your options further before making a decision if you can.

Your heart is the largest and greatest organ in your physical body that creates the largest torus frequency around your body.

The Heart (

It is the energetic vessel that will carry your body of light into the next self-projected reality.

Your mind is a logic tool to allow for your individual experience.

It can be seen as a tool of the ego to be able to have individual experiences such as being the control room.

Your heart is the engine room that has the largest weigh and most critical for ensuring a smooth ride.

And your spirit or higher self is the captain guiding your mind and checking with your heart and emotions to make sure this next self-projected reality is truly what you want or need to experience next.

Once your mind and spirit feel good about your intended reality you want to experience next, then use your body and put it on motion in a series of baby steps towards manifesting that new reality of life you want to experience.

The baby steps will be bigger steps and slowly the big picture you intended and have been working towards will be the new manifested physical reality or life you slowly worked towards.

This is how we manifest into a new parallel reality.

Everything you experience in this hologram began with a belief and thought you had about yourself and others.

You cannot change others.

You can only change your perspectives and your own actions.

By changing you through accepting others as they are, forgiving repressed issues you were involved in somehow, and loving them unconditionally, you propel yourself into a parallel reality in matching frequency to that which you are.

Everyone and everything external have changed because you moved into another reality.

Some who are self-aware will know what you are talking about, but most will not as they are subconsciously asleep in that reality, whereas you are awakened and know how to use your Merkabah to have the best life you desire to manifest.

Your wish is your command.

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You are the god or goddess of your own reality, which is the greatest gift that source energy/ universal consciousness gave you from your conception as a new self-reflected light form.

Consciousness & the Conscious Universe (

Be good to yourself and don’t die with the music still inside you.

Live your life to the best you can be instead of living a life directed by the holographic self-projections/mirrors you created to help you make decisions in each pivotal NOW moment.

It has been said some people can see what lies ahead on the road if one were to make a certain decision and what lies ahead to be experience if one were to make the alternate decision.

These roads are parallel realities all existing simultaneously.

Your spirit will be self-aware in the reality you choose to experience after making that pivotal decision.

“Everything you experience is a REFLECTION of how you feel inside” –Buddha (500 BC).

In Hinduism, they call jumping parallel realities as “Puranas”

By choosing the decision that makes you most happy and has the highest emotional frequency, you then propel yourself into another parallel reality with the same people, but with the synchronistic events and characteristics (people) that vibrate at that higher, more harmonious reality. 

A caveat is that some people you remember may not exist in your new reality because the frequency of the new reality may be too foreign to them and cannot resonate that frequency to be present there. 

You should not remember them, but if you do, then don’t be surprised if everyone there doesn’t know what or who you’re talking about. 

The relationships we have with our loved ones are the best way that is non-physical that provides the best opportunity to expand one’s consciousness and increase your vibrations. 

I think if more people choose the higher frequency, then they also will manifest a collective experience in harmony with the Earth and manifest a self-projected reality that’s also in balance and harmony. 

A world of emotionally dysfunctional people can affect the Earth harshly to manifest a destructive Earth and self-destruct amongst themselves too. 

I believe life is not always easy and God/source energy will give you only what you can handle one at a time, but the physical life experience is the fastest way to expand your consciousness. 

Another caveat is that some higher vibrating beings will choose to incarnate in the physical because they enjoy the act of creating physicality. 

They enjoy the experience of watching a flower bloom or children grow, etc. 

I hope this helps clarify to others how to jump parallel realities using your consciousness/Merkabah in this holographic reality we self-project. 

I know I love all my loved ones unconditionally, accept and respect their decisions, and try my best to make the highest decision for me as I can only control what I do. 

Often I know I have moved into a new parallel reality when people behave different than before, when certain circumstances have changed that I don’t remember ever experiencing, but everyone else remembers that such as someone is alive whereas I remember they passed on in the other previous reality I was self-aware in, certain details have changed such as some peoples eye color changed, such as seeing something there for the 1st time and having no recollection it previously existed, etc. 

The key is always trying to choose the decision that has the highest vibrations which are unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness, etc. 

Try to use your emotions as a tool to decide what resonates inside you and choose the higher vibrating frequency. 

Life can be hell if all you choose is the lowest frequency in each pivotal NOW moment, you’re self-aware in. 

These are indications to me that I have jumped realities.

Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness | Official Trailer

I hope that helps everyone looking to find knowledge how to jump parallel realities using their Merkabah.

Good luck and God/Goddes speed always.

All energy medicine is linked to the human chakra system and the unified field or force of universal consciousness.

Energy Medicine Resources:

“Biomeridian Technology” by Innovative Health Technology.

This machine measures the acupuncture points in the hands and feet that emit energy to measure the human energy field a.k.a. human aura or torus vortex as believed by many esoteric traditions regarding the human chakra system that begins from the heart torus field out into the other torus fields of other chakras into one big torus field around the body that has been measured through the HeartMath Institute regarding magnetic fields emitted from the heart to communicate with others and in measuring of impending heartfelt events from mass consciousness to predict major events hours prior to them happening through measuring the magnetic frequencies of the heart chakras at Princeton University’s Global Consciousness Project.

Neuroplasticity or brain research has found that the brain also emits a smaller torus field, but not to the magnitude of the heart, which has also been depicted for ages in many spiritual artworks around the world accompanied by the human aura vortex.

This human torus has always been portrayed in many indigenous spiritual artworks through depictions of the human torus as our individual Merkabah’s designed like the sacred geometric shapes of Metatron’s cube of oneness in the:

  • Sri Yantra
  • Star of David
  • Flower of Life

which are all the same things.

Measuring a patient’s health through reading the energy patterns shows that the human form is a hologram in the matrix and information is stored in the human energy field as practiced through energy medicine in the East and now in the West.

Matrix (

In essence, we are all energy, and a healthy torus field indicates a healthy immune system against diseases and break down of the body over time. 

What the machine does is measure the frequencies emitting from the patient and compares the notes to registered frequency rates in a healthy human’s energy reading to diagnose any issues in someone’s immune system and organs. 

Different frequencies in the holographic body will say if someone is prone to heart disease and many other dis-eases. 

This also suggests that causes of immune deficiency may stem from stress caused from emotional imbalance. 

It is fascinating how modern medicines are becoming more Star Trek and metaphysical in conception to help us all live enlightened lives in the physical.

Janeway vs Archon - Star Trek Voyager

At this rate, death may someday be a choice as we learn more about our holographic reality and ourselves.

What is Biomeridian Testing?

The Best Doctor in the World - Immune System

Malfunction of Immune System (Autoimmune diseases)

“Matrix Energetics” by Dr. Richard Bartlett and Matrix Energetics.

Introduction to Matrix Energetics (6 min)

 Matrix Energetics Transformational seminars taught by Richard Bartlett & Melissa Joy

Another resource for learning how to do quantum healing with your fingertips. 

Focuses on teaching children and their families how to do it to heal themselves and others. 

There’s nothing religious about it. 

We all have the God/Goddess/source consciousness within each of us unbiased and all we have to do it tap into the force and pull some of that energy out. 

Matter is just a delusion of the mind. 

We create matter. 

We can all heal ourselves and each other on a quantum level.

matrix 2 point new

“Reconnective Healing” by Dr. Eric Pearl.

Here’s another resource in quantum healing that anyone can learn to do on themselves or others through tapping into the force of universal consciousness.

Matter is created in the mind.

We live in the matrix, and everything is interconnected.

This is why anyone can heal with quantum healing techniques.

“Quantum Entrainment” by Dr. Frank Kinslow.

And another doctor teaching the public how to tap into the force of the unified field of consciousness in this matrix to conduct quantum healing.

Home - Kinslow System

“Energetics of Healing” (1/10) by Caroline Myss, PhD.

This is a complete presentation to understand how our chakra system functions and how it is linked to our bio-energy field (aura) that manifests in physical ailments.

Caroline goes over many people’s fears of self-healing, forgiveness and our attraction to staying in pain and suffering.

We are energy and we have a bio-energy field that can be healed through connecting to the force field of universal consciousness and an oneness with all things in this matrix.

Nothing is separate.

You are not separate from others either.

She urges us to completely heal our self and social conditioning to feel attracted to suffering to get attention we get when in pain.

We all deserve better, and it starts with each of us alone.

Caroline Myss The Energetics Of Healing 1998 Part 1

“Power of Every Hour” by Gerhard H. Eggetsberger, PhD. Dr. Eggetsberger is a biochemist and technical head of the Institute for Applied Biocybernetics and Feedback Research, in Vienna.

Dr. Eggetsberger offers his eBook for free to the public as a download so that everyone can benefit from harnessing their life force commonly understood as “Kundalini Energy” or “Chi/Prana” in which he scientifically proved exists inside each and every living thing and human.

The human chakra system or crystalline flow of consciousness linked to the unified field of universal consciousness is real and beaming from inside each person on Earth unbiased of long held religious separation.

We are one and each a unique split reflection of source energy having unique experiences individually and also collectively.

In light of Dr. Eggetsberger’s findings and so many more consciousness research findings that substantiate indigenous, ancient esoteric beliefs of universal spirituality, many religious institutions around the world are challenged to adapt to universal spirituality with fractal religious heritages or loss relevance in modern mystic beliefs.

Power_fuer_den_ganzen_Tag-english_Power_for_Every_Hour_.pdf 332 KB View full-size Download