Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation - Chapter 5: Conflict & Creation

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To stop the fighting and make the Earth peaceful enough for colonization, a meeting was held by a council from the Andromeda Galaxy, on a planet called Hatona.
This meeting took place outside of the Milky Way Galaxy with a neutral council because all civilizations within the Milky Way Galaxy were in some way connected to the fighting, and all had some sort of stake in belonging to the winning side.
Interesting prequel to letters from andromeda from Alex Collier (author of "Defending Sacred Ground").
The Hatona Council convened for many decades as the fighting continued in this solar system.

Finally, with their intercession, an agreement was reached between some of the human factions and the Reptilian Earth colonists.

Keep in mind that this agreement was without the participation of the Reptilians from the original Draco Empire.

The agreement stated that a new breed of humanity would be created on Earth that would contain the DNA of all interested parties who participated in the "peace" process.

A designated area on Earth would be set aside for the creation of this new species.

The Earth-based Reptilians of Lemuria agreed to this under the condition that the Reptilian body be the foundation for this new being.
This is why the original Bible states,

"Let us make man in our own image."

This is a plural statement because it was a group project.

To achieve a new species from a Reptilian androgynous body, it was necessary to separate the genetics into male and female components.

This is the allegorical story in the Bible of Adam and Eve.

Creating Eve out of the rib of Adam is actually the story of separating the androgynous Reptilian body into male and female.

This is why all humans on this planet have Reptilian DNA with Reptilian traits.

This is also why human fetuses go through Reptilian-style development in the womb before looking humanoid.

Many prototypes were developed over millennia.

Under the supervision of the Hatona Council, races were created and then destroyed when it was not acceptable by all parties.

This explains why ancestors of mankind appear and then suddenly disappear in layers of archaeological analysis.

Twelve humanoid, and one Reptilian, groups donated DNA for this purpose.

Mankind was developed in the area now known as Iran/Iraq, as well as parts of Africa.

Hybrids were also developed on Atlantis and Lemuria.

Remnants of these are seen today as the Bigfoot or Yeti in North America and Asia; the aborigines of Australia; and the pygmies and Watusi in Africa.

The African versions were created by beings from a nomadic, artificial planet known as Nibiru, or Marduk.

These Reptilian-like beings travel in a manufactured world looping our solar system.
The Sumerians called them Anunnaki.

It is here, we would have to assume, the family of AN, with son’s Enki / Enlil (Lucifer / Michael - Adon / Yahweh) arrived from Sirius techno craft, with all the Nephilim genetic disasters we called THE RETURN OF ENKI.

While people like
Sitchin can add useful puzzle pieces like how their home atmosphere repair could gain the necessary gravity fractality using gold deposits, the Sumerian basically did not give him a clue as to the bigger galactic politic mess than triggered Enki’s (Abraham) genetic experiments.

After repeatedly encountering the Enki/Enlil story in Australia (fish or dolphin god vs snake god -LEVITE), it was cool to listen to
Credo Mutwa tell the Zulu KILIMANJARO means ENKI mountain!
The cosmic joke to this project is that all of the groups donating DNA secretly programmed sequences to cause their genetic strand to be predominant.

This set the precedent for eternal conflict.

Humanity was doomed to fight and be controlled.

No one group would ever be in charge.

The project was doomed for failure before it even began!

Such DNA programming invites tyranny and oppression.

Soul-personalities attracted to such a planet have a victim mentality.

Many advanced cultures call Earth a prison planet and dump their criminals here as punishment.

Once in a while, one of these soul-personalities reveal themselves, such as:

  • Richard Dahmer
  • Charles Manson
  • Richard Speck

and Vlad the Impaler (Count Dracula), to name a few.
DUNE was a prison colony, like Australia.

Earth fits the archetype.

Like in Dune however, in Earth’s genetic cauldron of survival, the strongest DNA emerges: A ’VACCINE’ for the Orion wars?

Built by design?

The current expression of the 2 brothers still tossing nuclear bombs then called East of Eden, today called the
Middle East Conflict, may be a perfect healthy fractal of the Orion Wars, with the main warring galactic elements all nicely staged to work out a galactic conflict in a micro-cosm.
This may be more however than a tempest in a teapot, because the galactic players appear to be willing to up the stakes with more intervention if their chess piece starts to lose.

Enlil as
Yahweh (the encoder in Bible Code) may not be willing to stand aside as his Israel under the hex Draco flag is destroyed by yet another nuclear blast.

(predicted by Bible Code and Fatima & others).
As wingmakers so nicely pointed out - only the TRON (BST technology) with (ignited) DNA more time travel capable can defeat such predatory ET’s.

These genes which time travel are precisely the jewel that always eludes Yahweh Enlil’s reptile (Levite) family - they are stuck in THE CUBE, genetic software environment of the tetra (Hebrew alphabet) which can only make a golem.

Israel was originally the genes of Enki when his
Thoth / Ptah line, Akhenaton, took the gold from Egypt, assuming the Moses identity to start the Essenes.

Trouble with the 12 tribes - genetic implosion symmetry - was when the oriental (queen Drac) Ashoka Ashkenazi, usurped the Sephardic, installing Enlil’s control in Israel.

(also founding the Bank of England - described below as owning the US banking).
The Reptilians ensured that the new Man would be forever attached to the Reptilian frequency because the foundational prototype was Reptilian.

This meant that the new Man could easily be mentally controlled by them.

Upon discovery of this information that the Reptilians wanted control of the new race, the Atlanteans began a severe electromagnetic bombardment of Lemuria.

This bombardment caused the bulk of the continent to submerge into the ocean, now called the Pacific Ocean.

The only parts left above the water are:

  • the Hawaiian Islands
  • the California coast west of the San Andreas fault
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • the South Pacific Islands
  • Japan
  • the Philippines
  • Taiwan

and the islands of southeast Asia.

The Reptilian survivors went to Northern India, the Earth's interior, the planet Venus, and parts of Central and South America.

Inner Earth became the "homeland" for most of the surviving Reptilians of Lemuria.

Here, they created a vast underground civilization.
This started the legends of hell and demons living in fire under the Earth.

They built tubes containing fast, subway-like vehicles that can travel to any point on the Earth within a few hours. 

They created the famed underworld cities of:

  • Akkadia
  • Agartha
  • Hyperborea

and Shambhala that are sought by explorers to this very day.

These cities are built along the inside wall of the inner crust that lines the interior of the Earth.
Remember, the hollow Earth is not a theory, but a scientific fact caused by the cooling and spinning of a planet as it is ejected from a star or sun.
Shall we check to see if Meredith Lady Young, author of "AGARTHA" (book about the civilization of the inner earth) agrees?
The primary entry points to the inner Earth are via the North Pole, where there is an opening of 1300 miles, and the South Pole, with an opening of 950 miles.

These can be seen from space.

That is why commercial aircraft are not allowed to fly over these areas; not because of magnetic disturbances, which is the "official" reason.

Admiral Byrd reported on these openings in the 1920s until his information was concealed by the government.

At the very center, or nucleus, of inner Earth, there is a globe of energy left over from the creation of this planet that acts as an inner sun.

It is the light from this object suspended by gravity and centrifugal force that causes the light of the aurora borealis.

Numerous cave entrances to the inner Earth exist in the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Mountains in the western United States, as well as less numerous openings in the Ozarks and Appalachian Mountains.

Entries also exist in:

  • the Alps
  • Himalayas
  • Andes

and the Caribbean.

There are also numerous sub-oceanic entry points, particularly in the deep trenches of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Atlantic submarine mountain ranges especially on or near the Azores, Canary Islands, and the Falklands.

All of these areas are closely guarded by local governments and N.W.O. elite forces.

Artificially created entrances exist under the new Denver airport, the Giza Plateau in Egypt, major Air Force complexes around the world, and many of the Temples in India and China.

A major Chinese entry point is under the Shensi Pyramid that is out of bounds for everyone in Western China.

Of course, with the Reptilians off the Earth's surface, the Atlanteans were free to play with this new mankind and establish humans as the ruler of this planet.

They established colonies all over the remaining portions of land.

They invited the Sirians to come and play with them.

They booted the Marduk beings off-world and took control of their slaves.

They created new hybrids for sea and land, one of which became the Merfolk, a genetic blend of human and dolphin.

The dolphin species was brought here from the Andromeda Galaxy to monitor all of these events.

Whenever the Atlanteans detected underground Reptilian activity, they blasted the inner Earth with lasers and electromagnetic pulses to kill them.

Unfortunately, this weakened the upper crust of the Earths top mantle riding over the trapped magma between the upper and lower crusts.

After several millennia of these attacks, the Atlantean continent started to break up.

Their civilization began to break up as a reflection of the physical deterioration of their continent.

The Atlanteans became even more belligerent as fear and destruction overtook their mind-patterns.

Black magicians and sorcerers took the place of scientists and religious leaders.

Fortunately, the population foresaw the destruction that was coming.

Many refugees relocated to what is now:

  • Egypt
  • Peru
  • the Appalachian Mountains

and Western Europe, just before the continent collapsed into the upper crust of the Earth.

This collapse caused the Earth to flip on its axis, creating the legend of the Flood written about in the Bible, and in other world cultures.

This catastrophe was used as a window of opportunity by the groups that donated DNA to create mankind.

They immediately began reorganizing the humans into new groups that became the basis for future nationalism.

  • The Sirians helped to create the ancient Egyptian culture
  • Those from Tau Ceti organized the Slavic culture
  • The Rigelians were busy in China and the Orient (3)
While all this was transpiring, the Reptilians saw an opportunity and seized it!


3. For further details of the flow of genetics an alien intervention in mankind, please refer to the Milky Way Galaxy chart in the book.