"Heretics" in Life Science

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The Third Way of Hippocrates: The Law of SimilarsIt was in the sixteenth century that Paracelsrevived the third way of Hippocrates, hidden by the conceptions of Galien's successors. |
| Homeopathy250 years later, at the end of the eighteenth century, Samuel Hahnemann, after long and patient research and experimentation, About the healthy man, he will be the true founder of homeopathy. Like all pioneers, he will be greatly criticized and combated by his contemporaries.
The viciousness against their revolutionary ideas will be such that forced the Minister of Health at the time (Guizot) to take personally his defense at the Academy of Medicine stating:
"Hahnemann is a scholar of great merit. Science must be for all. If homeopathy is a chimera with no value of its own, it will fall for a long time. itself; If, on the contrary, it is progress, it will spread in spite of the fact that it is not a progress. all the measures of preservation, and the Academy must yearn for it first of all, for having the mission of advancing science and to stimulate discoveries."
We are forced to note that 200 years later, not only the homeopathy still exists, but in spite of all its detractors, it's constantly progressing!

The Memory of Water Biology is based on a mechanistic conception. For example, the active molecule of a drug will act by direct contact with the targeted cell, just like a key is It would fit with the "lock", to transmit a "signal to you". molecular" in order to provoke a reaction. But until now, no biologist has been able to explain how It consisted of this very short-range "molecular signal."

In the mid-1980s, a director of research at INSERM of Paris, Jacques Benveniste, observed some inexplicable phenomena by current theories. |
Jacques Benveniste's website : DigiBio
In such a situation, what is expected from scientists It would be a statement like: "We don't understand, let's search!" But we have met with this reaction: "We don't understand, because of the Consequently it is impossible!"

So, instead of throwing themselves into this new field of the scientific community, faithful to its dogmatism incurable, he preferred to reject with a rare violence, this discovery impossible. The reaction of men who boast of being wise has been proportionate to the importance of discovery, which is without a doubt THE GREATEST of the end of the nineteenth century and which will remain in the memories and in the History, such as the case of the memory of water. There was no controversy No debate, but insults and slanders, the rejection was total and almost unanimous.

For them, accepting the experiments of J. Benveniste meant questioning everything that had been built and learned over more than 200 years in the fields of physics and chemistry, it was chaos! Between rejecting J. Benveniste and going back to Doing all the manuals, the option was easy.

However, the hypothesis of the memory of water, far from sweeping it away All this does but open a door to a higher level of organization of matter, just like Einstein's relativity he had extended and refined Newton's celestial mechanics.

The fundamental idea of the memory of water is that "in certain circumstances, the chemical information contained in a molecule could be emitted by this molecule and be propagated, even stored by water molecules."

Now, it is not appropriate to polemicize further. In January 2000, more than 16 Independent laboratories throughout the world confirmed J. Benveniste's experiments. We are witnessing the somersault of mechanical biology towards the digital biology or numerical biology as J. Benveniste calls it. However, it seems clear that atoms and molecules obey to quantum mechanics, but there is a willingness to confine them to quantum mechanics. classic mechanics because it's simpler. Thus, as the experiences of J. Benveniste and his team suggest, Electromagnetic fields would have a direct action on the alive.

SELNAS - Natural Sex Selection

I recently learned of a new case of heretic from Michel Correa, director of the development of a research laboratory specialized in mammalian sex determinism. The God of Chance, so beloved by scientists, is seen again and the preponderant effects of electromagnetism on the living matter once again brought to light.

I quote him :
"After 14 years of work, we started (July 1997) to disseminate a technique that allows you to choose the right right to choose the right right in the first step. sex of 3 species (Bovine, Equine, Human). Based on the evidence of a biological rhythm specific to the egg in the absence of biological or genetic manipulations, or With the addition of a drug intake, we obtain a reliability of 94.4% (Human).
Verified by an W.H.O. expertin the matters of Reproduction, unfortunately France alone is squeamish when it comes to We have been operating in 28 countries for 3 years. The Largest Hub U.S. Reproduction has just agreed to our procedure called SELNAS (Natural Selection of Sex) in order to to spread it among American couples."
Thus, a French scientist, author of a major discovery in He had to go into exile in the United States to obtain the recognition of their work. Patrick Schoun went on and on the work of two Russian scientists, Mrs. Schroeder and Mr. Koltzoff who, as early as 1933, had highlighted the polarization of spermatozoa. After verifying that the membrane of the egg was also producing a polarity that varies over time, he came up with a formula that Allows precise determination of polarity periods negative and positive of the mother-to-be.
  Morphogenetic fields If, in France, Jacques Benveniste and Jean-Pierre Petit are the privileged targets of sectarianism, in the Anglo-Saxon countries a On this further scale, the delirium of the fundamentalists against Ruppert Sheldrake was overcome. |
Sir John Maddox, Honorary Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Nature", The Bible of the Scientific Fundamentalists, in 1981 wrote a infamous editorial on Ruppert Sheldrake's " A New Science" of Life", in which he wrote:
"This infuriating pamphlet... He has been the best candidate for many years. years to be burned."
Then, during a television programme on the BBC, in 1994, he stated :
"Sheldrake favors magic over science and deserves to be seen condemned in the very terms used by the Pope to to condemn Galileo and for the same reasons, is heresy!"
One would think that you had returned to the darkest hours of the Middle Ages, it is not a sorcerer they want to burn but a doctor in the darkest of the world. He has a degree in biochemistry from the University of Cambridge. Thus, the proof is made, if it were necessary, that those who have the burden of propagating among scientists all over the world the discoveries that broaden our knowledge are nothing more than dogmatic censors.

Fortunately, this censorship is now being fought thanks to the Internet. space of freedom, in which all heretics have the right to the possibility to express themselves and thanks to which their ideas become accessible to the majority. Ruppert Sheldrake's crimes are many, both at the level of hypotheses and his research methods. From real phenomena but inexplicable by paradigms developed a complex theory, which is why Of course, it needs careful study to be valid, but it It looks promising, if anything "it seems to be on the right track".

Simplifying a lot :
The whole is more than the sum of the parts. It also calls into question the the purely mechanical aspect of biology by substituting a formative causality to the basis of morphogenesis, intervening in the biochemistry and genetics only a posteriori.
This formative causality would be expressed by morphogenetic fields. Morphic fields would give shape to atoms, molecules, molecule crystals, organs, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, societies, ecosystems, the planetary system, the solar system, the galaxy, etc.

In this increasing complexity, morphogenetic fields would lead to an inherent memory acquired by a resonance process composing the collective memory of each species (idea issued by the eminent Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung). Thus, the brain, too small to contain memory, is not not a storage organ but a connecting organ with the bank of data from the morphogenetic field in which the past is mixed, present and future.

All these hypotheses smell like sulfur, because this looks like extremely to the "Akhasha" of the Orientals and to the Buuawuee Biaeii of the Ummites! How much heresy it is to want to build a bridge between science and esotericism! or be induced to reflect on the cause Ummo, (another site)!

In the same way that the recognition of the memory of water is a implicit recognition of homeopathy (heresy!), acceptance of Ruppert Sheldrake's hypotheses constitutes a implicit recognition of paranormal phenomena (heresy!), or at least a basis for study of these remaining phenomena to explore.

In addition to his laboratory studies, he committed the heresy of making the townspeople (who are not and therefore "unfit for all reflection and research"), in order to highlight why For example, this "telepathic loop" that many animal owners family members observe in their daily lives.

| In the lineage of Rupert Sheldrake, after his collaboration with the mathematician Emile Pinel among other things on Morphic Fields, Jacqueline Bousquet, PhD in Science, Biology, Biophysics, Honorary researcher at the C.N.R.S., proposes a reorientation revolutionary research in the field of Life. Thus, Dr. J. Bousquet and her team invite not only everyone researchers, but also all those who are simply curious to To meet them in their search: A new way to embrace the Multidisciplinary research and linking Art, Science and Tradition at its ARSITRA site.

"Heretics" in Life Science (basecamp.com)