The History of Jews in France

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Early population.

The Jewish population of France began comparatively early, preceding 70 A.D., and by the ninth century France was the main center of activity of the international Jewish traders, called the Radhanites.

By the 11th and 12th centuries the Jewish communities in France became the most densely settled in the world.

This produced a hostile reaction and due to their nefarious practices, they were excluded from the crafts and trades.

The Jews then more and more monopolized moneylending and finance, strangling the commerce of the Gentiles.

Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria

Ritual Murder.

Murderous attacks against the Jews became common after the First Crusade (1096).

As in many other countries, as they were expelled from one area, they moved into another area, and soon back again to the original site.

In Blois, the first Ritual Murder charge in 1171 resulted in 31 Jews being burnt at the stake.

1171: The Town of Blois Kills Its Jews - Jewish World -

The Blois Incident of 1171: A Study in Jewish Intercommunal Organization on JSTOR

At the time of the Fourth Crusade (1235-36) a massacre of Jews in Brittany culminated in their expulsion in 1391.

In the city of Carcassonne, the Jews were temporarily expelled in 1253, again in 1306 and finally in 1394.

After a Ritual Murder in the province of Dauphine they were expelled in 1253 but returned in 1289.

After 1305 a series of expulsion orders were enforced against the Jews in the province of Gascony, culminating in the general expulsion of 1394.

Jews engineered the French Revolution.

In the rest of France, a general expulsion had been decreed and forcefully carried out in 1306.

For the next several centuries Jewish activities in France were subdued but flared up radically in the decades before the French Revolution, which the Jews engineered.

After executing the King and Queen in 1793 and plunging Europe into 20 years of fratricidal warfare, the Jews were fully in the saddle again.

During the French Revolution they systematically guillotined the French nobility and the French leadership.

Or that's what they want you to believe:

The French Revolution – Library of Rickandria

This extermination and the next 20 years of the Napoleonic Wars bled to death the cream of the French nation.

Was Napoleon Jewish? – Library of Rickandria

France has never recovered.

The Battle of France – Library of Rickandria