Casualties, Dead & Injuries

Last updated 
 |  -  1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious) and 15,472 Dead - Reported in EU's Database of COVID-19 Shots Adverse...
  |  -  100% of mRNA Jab Recipients have Heart Implications - Study
|  -  100 Years of Suramin
|  -  860 Estudios y/o Reportes sobre Peligros Asociados a las Vacunas Covid
  |  -  3,964 Dead and 162,610 Injuries - European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 "Vaccines"
Italiano |  -  3.964 Morti e 162.610 Danneggiati - Database Europeo delle Reazioni Avverse di Medicine per i 'Vaccini' COVID
  |  -  7,766 Deads 330,218 Injuries - European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 "Vaccines"
  |  -  23,252 Deaths 2,189,537 Injuries following COVID Shots - European Union's Database Adverse Drug Reactions
Español |  -  Al Menos 1 Billón de Muertos o Discapacitados por el Arma Biológica CV-19 - Dr. Betsy Eads
  |  -  As International Trials begin against the Globalists will a 'Return to Public Executions' be necessary
  |  -  As serious 'COVID Vaccine Side Effects' grow Dr Fauci Disappears
|  -  A Systematic Review of Autopsy findings in Deaths after Covid-19 Vaccination - Drs. Hodkinson, Alexander...
  |  -  At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV-19 Bioweapon - Dr. Betsy Eads
Italiano |  -  Atrocità Commesse dai Governi contro i loro Cittadini
  |  -  Atrocities Committed by Governments against their Citizens
|  -  BNT162b2 Vaccine Associated Myo/Pericarditis in Adolescents - A Stratified Risk Benefit Analysis
  |  -  Casualties - External Link - Daily Update
|  -  Covid-19 Vaccine-associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere - by D.G. Rancourt, M. Baudin, J. Hickey...
  |  -  Covid Jab 'Deadlier than Covid' for Anyone under 80
Español |  -  Dr. Peter McCullough advierte del Peligro de morir por Vacunarse contra COVID-19
Español |  -  El 60% de las Personas Mayores de 50 Años que Mueren por COVID están Vacunados
  |  -  Elite's Depopulation Agenda is Now Irrefutable
  |  -  Embalmers finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots that lack Post-Mortem Characteristics - Covid Vaccines
Español |  -  En toda Europa las Muertes son Mucho Mayores Ahora que en los 'Años Pandémicos' de 2020 y 2021
Español |  -  Equipo del Reino Unido presenta una Denuncia por 'Crímenes de Lesa Humanidad' - Corte Penal Internacional
Español |  -  Estudios Confirman que la Vacuna Anticovid produce Más Daños que Beneficios
  |  -  Experts estimate 20 Million are already Dead due to COVID Vaccination and over 2 Billion Injured
  |  -  FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot Caused Immunosuppression
  |  -  FLCCC Treatment Protocol for 'Vaccine Injured'
  |  -  Former Italian 'Health Minister Roberto Speranza' under Investigation amid Vaccine Scandal
  |  -  Government reveals the 'Quadruple/Triple Vaccinated' now account for 92% of COVID Deaths across Canada
  |  -  Heart Issues detected Months after COVID-19 Vaccination - Study
  |  -  How Accurate are the Covid Vaccine Death and Injury Statistics?
  |  -  How Have You Changed?
  |  -  How Many Deaths from COVID Jabs are Hidden or Deleted?
|  -  I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol
  |  -  Is the Vax Worse than We Thought? - Lancet's Swift Censorship
Español |  -  La Administración Biden busca más Abogados para Defenderse de las Demandas por Vacunas
Español |  -  La impactante Verdad sobre la Agenda de Despoblación Global
Español |  -  Las Alarmantes Tasas de Mortalidad de las Vacunas de ARNm justifican una Acción Urgente
Español |  -  Las Vacunas para el Covid han creado Millones de 'Zombis'
Español |  -  Las Víctimas de las Vacunas Anticovid rompen el Silencio
Español |  -  Los Datos revelan la Tragedia Causada por las Vacunas Anticovid
Español |  -  Médicos y Profesionales declaran Crisis Médica Internacional - Lesiones y Muertes causadas por Vacuna Covid
Italiano |  -  Morti da Vaccino 'ribattezzati' Morti per Calore
Español |  -  Muertes por Vacunación y ahora 'repentinamente' Muertes por Calor
  |  -  New Report Stuns the World - Vast Majority of those now 'Dying with Covid' are People vaccinated Against It
Español |  -  Peligrosa Condición en la Sangre es causada por la Vacuna Anticovid
Español |  -  Relato COVID y cambio en la Narrativa Mediática - De "Vacuna Segura" a "Efectos Adversos" y "Sobremortalidad
Español |  -  Se Revela que Vacunas contra el COVID-19 no son "Ni Seguras ni Efectivas" - Organismo de Control de Canadá
  |  -  Significant 'Covid-19 Vaccine Study' censored by Medical Journal within 24 Hours
  |  -  The Covid Jabs have Created Millions of 'Zombies'
  |  -  The Role of Hospitals, Covid Injections and 5G in Genocide Depopulation
  |  -  The Shocking Truth about the Global Depopulation Agenda
  |  -  The 'Smoking Gun' - COVID Restrictions are Not about Health
  |  -  The Unseen Crisis - Vaccine Stories you were Never Told
|  -  The Vaccine Death Report - Evidence of Millions of Deaths and Serious Adverse Events resulting from...
Español |  - "¡Tú eres el 'No Vacunado', tú eres el Problema!" - Y Destinos de las Personas Vacunadas...
  |  -  UK Team File Complaint of 'Crimes Against Humanity' with the International Criminal Court
  |  -  Vaccinated People make up Majority of COVID-19 Deaths - CDC Data
  |  -  Vaccination Deaths and now 'suddenly' Heat Deaths
|  -  Violations of the Nurenberg Code - Covid Vaccines - by Hannah Rose and Team
  |  -  What is mRNA? - Here's a Crash Course on What it Does
  |  |
  | Multimedia:
Español |  -  Dr. Peter McCullough advierte del Peligro de morir por Vacunarse contra COVID-19
|  -  Vaccine Stories you were Never Told

Casualties, Dead & Injuries (