A CRISPR/Cas9-​based Central Processing Unit to Program complex logic Computations in Human Cells
A Semisynthetic Organism Engineered for the Stable Expansion of the Genetic Alphabet
A Tissue-Like Printed Material
A Transient Self-Assembling Self-Replicator
Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance - Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Info...
Cyborg Soldiers 2050 - Human/Machine Fusion and Implications for the Future of the DoD
Design and Synthesis of a Minimal Bacterial Genome
Extreme Genetic Engineering - An Introduction to Synthetic Biology
Genetic Requirements for Cell Division in a Genomically Minimal Cell
Heritable Genome Editing and the Downsides of a Global Moratorium
Homo Sacer - Sovereign Power and Bare Life - by Giorgio Agamben
Human Engineering and Climate Change
Losing Humanity - The Case Against Killer Robots
Neurotechnology in National Security and Defense - by James Giordano
Radiation, Robot Bees and 5G
Religious Motifs in Technological Posthumanism
Synthetic Super Intelligence and the Transmutation of Humankind - by Wes Penre
The Age of Spiritual Machines - by Ray Kurzweil
The Darker Bioweapons Future
The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036
The Death of Freewill
The Evolution of Adaptive Immune Systems
The Food of The Gods - by H.G. Wells
The Global Technology Revolution - Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies with Information
The Rise of The Machines
The Skingularity is Near - The Next Human, the Perfect Rainbow Light Body and the Technology of Human Transcendence - by William Henry
Ultralow Power Artificial Synapses using Nanotextured Magnetic Josephson Junctions
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