Vaccines & Covid-19 Gene Therapy

Last updated 
Abp. Viganò warns US Bishops about COVID Vaccine - The 'Great Reset' wants 'Billions of Chronically Ill People'
Amnesty for an Apology? - COVID Dictators Looking for Way Out
An Army of Big Biotech Companies is using Psych Tactics to 'Create Vaccine Demand'
An Important Message for Future Generations!
An Inspirational Tribute to 'The Unvaccinated'
Are Athletes dropping Dead from the COVID Jab?
Are PCR Tests 'Secret Vaccines'...?

Beware of Covid PCR Testing and the Relentless "Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate" Campaign...
Biden Administration paid Media $1 Billion for 'COVID Shot Propaganda'
Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India's High Court - Death Penalty Sought
Brilliant! - How Russians Crushed Moscow's 'Vaccine Passports' in Just 3 Weeks

Considerations for FDA Licensure vs. Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 Vaccines
Coronavirus 'Disappearing' so Fast that Oxford Vaccine has 'only 50% Chance of Working'
Covid-19 mRNA Shots are legally Not Vaccines
Covid-19 Vaccine' should be Avoided at All Cost
Covid, Ivermectin and 'Mass Formation Psychosis' - Dr. Robert Malone gives Blistering Interview to Joe Rogan
Covid Jabs have erased 25 years of Health Gains
Covid Vaccines - Consequences on the Soul, Spirit and Life after Death
Covid Vaccines - Weapons of Mass Destruction
Covid Vax Contents - 2 More Documents reveal their Findings with Microscopy Images
Covid Vax Creatures - Live, Self-Aware Critters found under Microscope

DARPA and Moderna teamed up to create 'mRNA Gene Therapy Injections' which led to Deadly COVID "Vaccine"
DARPA is Working on 'COVID Vaccine' - Implantable Microchip to detect Virus
Denmark Becomes the First Country to Suspend ALL COVID Vaccinations
Developers of 'Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine' tied to UK Eugenics Movement
Digital Tyranny and the Rockefeller-Gates WHO "Vaxx-Certificate Passport" - Towards a World War III Scenario
Doctors around the World issue a 'Dire Warning' - Do NOT Get the Covid Vaccine!
  |  -  Doctors find 'Rectangles and Inverted Pyramids' in Degraded mRNA Vaccines - Scientists dispute Analysis
  |  -  Doctor with Bioweapons Expertise calls Covid-19 Vaccines "Weaponized Medicine"
  |  -  Documentary Unveils Disturbing Vaccine Contamination - Plandemic
  |  -  Does the COVID Jab 'Kill More People than it Saves'...?

  |  -  DO NOT lock down, DO NOT inoculate, DO NOT FEAR...

  |  -  Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore?

  |  -  Experimental Covid-19 "Vaccines" and Genocide - UK Medical Doctor
  |  -  Fauci confesses that Covid Vaccines could never have worked as Claimed
  |  -  Fauci declares "You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated" - Praises China's insane Lockdown
  |  -  Fauci makes 'Surprising Concession' regarding COVID-19 Vaccines
  |  -  Fauci's 'Perjury of Striking Audacity' - Excerpt from RFK Jr.'s book 'The Wuhan Cover-Up'
|  -  FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine
  |  -  FDA Documents show 'CV19 Vax produces a Bioweapon' - Karen Kingston

  |  -  Finance 'Guru' reveals Financial Collapse and COVID Jab Data
  |  -  Forced Vaccination Was Always the 'End Game'
  |  -  France and Massive Protests against Macron's Compulsory Covid Vaccines
  |  -  French General says Unvaccinated are "Superheroes"

  |  -  Genetically Modified Organons - mRNA Vaccines
  |  -  Global Elite committing Crimes against Humanity
  |  -  Google-YouTube reverses policy Banning Critics of Masks and Vaccines - After Years of Silencing the Truth
  |  -  Governments around the World Offer Extravagant Bribes in Desperate Effort to Increase COVID Vaccine Uptake
  |  -  Governments launch Cyber Warfare against Citizenry to overcome 'Vaccine Hesitancy'

  |  -  Have People Been Given the Wrong Vaccine?
  |  -  How 'Covid-19 Vaccine' can Destroy your Immune System
  |  -  How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?
  |  -  How the Endless Boosters will destroy the Immune Function...
  |  -  How the "Unvaccinated" Got It Right
  |  -  How they'll Fake the Success of the COVID-19 Vaccine...
  |  -  How to Detox from the COVID Shot
  |  -  How to Prevent and Treat COVID Jab Injuries
  |  -  How to Report a Human Rights Violation with 'We Accuse' - A Step by Step Guide - Vaccines Covid-19
  |  -  Humans as Bioreactors - How DARPA pioneered the idea behind mRNA Vaccines

  |  - 'If the DNA is Genetically Altered, it can be Patented' - Dr. Chinda Brandolino
  |  -  If You Get Jabbed after Watching this You're Beyond Saving...!

  |  -  Increase in Reactivated Viruses following COVID-19 Booster Shots - Dr. Richard Urso

  |  -  Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? | 
  |  -  Is this why Pediatricians Push Vaccines?
  |  -  It's 'Gene Therapy' Not a Vaccine - With Dr. David Martin
  |  -  Japan Drops Vax Rollout - Goes to Ivermectin and ends COVID almost Overnight

  |  -  Mainstream Doctors and Scientists appear to be under Mass Covid Vaccine Hypnosis Spell
  |  - 'Make the Burden of being Unvaccinated so High that People Comply' - Says Harvard Professor...

  |  -  Message to the Unvaccinated
  |  -  Moderna Rep admits Everyone is Part of a 'Huge COVID-19 Vaccine Experiment'
  |  -  Modified RNA has a Direct Effect on DNA

  |  -  mRNA Vaccines - A Fantastic Fairy Tale
  |  -  mRNA Vaccines, Transhumanism and the Battle for Our Souls

  |  -  Named Names of the Covid-19 Bioweapon Genocidal Killers

  |  -  No Vaccine has Ever Worked as Promised

  |  -  Official discuss 'Changing Covid Patient Count' to make it 'More Scary for the Public' - Leaked Video
  |  -  Pandemic of the Vaccinated - Vaccines "Cause More Illness than They Prevent"

  |  -  Poisoning the Populace - Population Slaughtered by Drugs, Food, and Designed Diseases

|  -  Randomised clinical trials of COVID-19 Vaccines - Do Adenovirus-vector Vaccines have beneficial...?

  |  -  Rockefeller Foundation funds Behavioral Scientists to Brainwash People into Taking COVID Injections
  |  -  SARS-CoV-2 is a 'Targeted Eugenics Bioweapon'
  |  -  Scientists Attempting to Design 'Self-Spreading' Vaccines that Jump from Vaccinated to Unvaccinated Populations

  |  -  Silenced All-Star Doctors destroy 'COVID Lies' in 5 Hours - Senator Ron Johnson Roundtable

  |  -  Single shot of 'Sputnik V' effective against Covid Hospitalization and Deaths among Elderly - The Lancet Study
  |  -  Stop Holocaust
  |  -  Switzerland withdraws all Covid Vaccination Recommendations
  |  -  Technocracy was Born in U.S., Grew Up in China, Now Conquering the World
  |  -  The Corona Crisis - Is the Tide Turning? - "A Rapid General Awakening"?
  |  -  The Covid Vaccine is an 'Integral Part of The Great Reset'
  |  -  The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Cover-up
  |  -  The Documentary the 'Elites' Hope You Never See - 'Uninformed Consent'
  |  -  The Frequency War - A War for the World
  |  -  The Global Hoax is rapidly Unraveling - HHS Documents admit the CDC has Never Isolated any "Covid-19 Virus"
  |  -  The Great Reset Exposed - Schwab, Gates, and the Sinister WEF and WHO Plot to Depopulate the World
  |  -  The "Killer Covid Vaccine" Worldwide - 7.9 Billion People
  |  -  The Metaphysical Consequences of the 'COVID Jab' in Light of the Occult Matrix and The Way Out
  |  -  The Monoclonal Antibody Strategy
  |  -  The More you Vax, the Weaker your Immune System Becomes
  |  -  The Most Important Podcast you can hear about COVID-19

  |  -  The Real Reason why Moderna is Suing Pfizer
  |  -  There Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt
  |  -  The Roman Church - A Betrayal of Trust
  |  -  The Snakes are Coming Out - The Masks begin to Fall Off...!
  |  -  The Unvaccinated are 'Looking Smarter' every Week
|  -  The Vaccine Death Report
  |  -  The War against the Unvaxxed will Not Be Forgotten
  |  - "This is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy - This is Not a Theory... this is Evidence" - D. Martin & R. Fuellmich
  |  -  Three Vaccine Manufacturers change Product Names
  |  -  Top 7 reasons mRNA Covid Jabs are much more Deadly than any other "Vaccine" ever created
  |  -  Transhuman 101 - Moderna Declares COVID Vaccine to Be an 'Operating System'

  |  -  Transverse Myelitis - Mysterious Illness caused during 'COVID-19 Vaccine Trials' may lead to Paralysis
  |  -  Twenty States are suing Biden over Vaccine Mandate targeting Federal Contractors
  |  -  UK Documentary Exposes Lies behind 'Safe and Effective' COVID Vaccine Narrative

  |  -  Vaccinated with a PCR Test even Without Knowing? - Confirmed by Johns Hopkins University
  |  -  Vaccination Status is Temporary - Boosters for Life Required
  |  -  Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs
  |  -  Vaccine for the China Virus - The Planet is the Guinea Pig for a Vast Experiment
  |  -  Vaccine Hesitancy is 'Highly Informed', 'Scientifically Literate' and 'Sophisticated' - Says MIT Study...
  |  -  Vaccine-Induced Immune Apocalypse

  |  -  Video Emerges where 'Fauci and Others' planned for a "Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine"
  |  -  We Don't Need 'No Stinking Vaccine' for Covid-19
  |  -  What happens if 'Something Goes Wrong' after You receive a COVID Vaccine?
  |  -  What I Can Say and What I Cannot Say...
  |  -  What is Causing the Blood Clots from "Died Suddenly?"
  |  -  What is Luciferase?
  |  -  What the Media Refuses to Tell You About COVID Vaccines
  |  -  What to do 'After COVID Vaccines' - A Doctor says...
  |  -  What will Happen in 10 Years? - The Biggest 'COVID Question'...
  |  -  When a Vaccine is Not a Vaccine and a Test is Not a Test
|  -  Who in Hell gives the UN, WHO and the EU the Right to Impose Digital Vaxx Certificates?
  |  -  Why are Globalists and Governments so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates?
  |  -  Why are the Vaxxed Getting Sicker?
  |  -  Why Big Pharma wants 'Human Vaccine Factories'
  |  -  Why Doctors are Lying to You
  |  -  Why do mRNA Vaccines alter your DNA? - To make You Legal Property...!
  |  -  Why Millions will Regret Getting the Jab - Dr. Robert Malone discusses the International COVID Summit
  |  -  Why People don't Trust 'The Science' - The Inside-Story of Injection Hesitancy
  |  -  Will new COVID Vaccine make You 'Transhuman'?
  |  -  You can be Vaccinated with a PCR Test, even Without Knowing - Johns Hopkins University Confirms

  | Additional Information
  |  -  All Three Presidents who Declined the Covid Vaccine are now Dead

  |  -  A Vaxxing Question
  |  -  Climate Change might require Vaccinating Populations against Migrating Mosquitoes - The WHO

  |  -  Could Magnetic Hydrogel explain the 'COVID Vax Magnet Phenomenon'

  |  -  Covid-19 Vaccines provide latest Opportunity for 'Establishing a New World Order'

|  -  Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates - Vaccination Status - WHO 2021

|  -  G-20 Bali Leaders' Declaration - November 2022

  |  -  Hydrogel Biosensor - Implantable Nanotech to be used in 'COVID Vaccines'?

|  -  OCR Frontline Workers Testimonies - Covid-19 Vaccine - VAERS April 2021
  |  -  Of WHAT did Queen Elizabeth just Die...?

  |  - 'Operation Coronavirus' is working Hand-in-Hand with the 'Nanotech Agenda'
  |  - 'Operation Warp Speed' is using a 'CIA-Linked Contractor' to keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret
  |  - 'Operation Warp Speed' - Your One-Way Ticket to Total Surveillance

  |  -  Self-Spreading Vaccines would Deliver All of Humanity into the Hands of Transhumans
  |  -  Singapore First Country to Stop 'Counting Daily COVID-19 Cases' and treat it Like Normal Flu
  |  -  Technocrat Scientists are Working on 'Self-Spreading Vaccines'

  |  -  The Case Against Immunizations
  |  -  The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic - The Real Danger is "Agenda ID2020"
  |  -  The Grand Merger of 'Big Tech' and 'Big Pharma' - It's About the Data
|  -  The Harvard Case of Xu Xiping - Exploitation of the People, Scientific advance, or Genetic Theft
  |  -  The Hidden Spiritual War Through Us
  |  -  The Ingredients of Traditional Vaccines
|  -  The PREP Act and Covid-19 - Limiting Liability for Medical Countermeasures
  |  -  The Tricks they're playing to 'Get You Vaccinated'

  |  -  Two-tier Societies are Emerging with Dwindling Rights for the Unvaccinated - Why do Governments Consider...

|  -  Vaccine Hesitancy - Guidance and Interventions
  |  -  Vatican Vaccine Hotline, How Can I Help You?

  |  -  Vaccine Passports - One Passport to Rule Them All
  |  -  Who Owns the CDC?
  |  -  WHO says 'Masks don't Prevent Infection' - Fauci says 'Not Mandatory Vaccination'
  |  -  Why the Rothschilds are Implicated in the 'Covid-19 Hoax'
  |  -  Will 'Vaccine Refusal' result in a Two-Tier Society?
  |  -  Yes, SARS-CoV-2 is a Real Virus - Mercola
  |  -  You can be Vaccinated with a PCR Test even Without Knowing - Johns Hopkins University confirms

More Resources:

Bill Gates & Covid Vaccines – Library of Rickandria

Covid Immunity – Library of Rickandria

Covid Vaccine Casualties, Dead & Injuries – Library of Rickandria

Graphene: Technological Wonder or Secret Threat? – Library of Rickandria

mRNA Technology – Library of Rickandria

Pfizer – Library of Rickandria

Spike Protein – Library of Rickandria

Covid Therapies & Antidotes – Library of Rickandria

  | Book- Treatises
|  -  Corona Vaccines from the Spiritual Perspective - Consequences on Soul and Spirit and the Life after Death
|  -  Covid-19 and the Global Predators - We Are the Prey - by Peter Breggin
|  -  Covid Operation - What Happened, Why It Happened and What's Next - by Pamela Popper
Español |  - "Cualquiera que te diga que las Vacunas son Seguras y efectivas está Mintiendo" - por Vernon Coleman
|  -  Racial/Ethnic Variation in Nasal Gene Expression of Transmembrane Serine Protease 2 (TMPRSS2)
|  -  Rethinking next-generation Vaccines for Coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory... - by A. Fauci
|  -  The Real Anthony Fauci - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
|  -  The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
|  -  Vaccine Immunology - by Stanley A. Plotkin, Walter A. Orenstein and Paul A. Offit
|  -  Vaccine-Nation - Poisoning the Population One Shot at a Time - by Andreas Moritz

  | Multimedia
Español |  -  Advertencia a Toda la Gente a Nivel Mundial sobre la Vacuna para el Coronavirus
|  -  Biden 'Falsely Claims' Covid spreading because of Unvaxxed
Español |  -  Bill Gates destroza las Vacunas Actuales de COVID - Se burla de una Nueva Opción
Español |  -  Bill Gates nos Pone al Corriente de los Planes de la Élite
|  -  Clots up to 4 feet Long - Embalmers, Doctors and Scientists
Español |  -  Conectando los Puntos hacia el Amor Propio - David Icke y las Vacuna
|  -  Connecting the Dots towards Self-Love - David Icke and Vaccines
|  -  Covid-19 Round Table in DC with Sen. Ron Johnson
|  -  Covid-19 Vaccines are 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' - Could Wipe out the Human Race
|  -  Covid-19 Vaccines Depopulation - David Icke
|  -  Covid Injections indeed change the Human DNA
Español |  - ¿Cuanto Tiempo Vive un Vacunado?
|  -  Died Suddenly
|  -  Don't Get Jabbed - Powerful Video on "Killer Vaccine" that Needs to be Watched by Everyone
Español |  -  Dra. Carrie Madej - Vacuna COVID-19, Transhumanismo y el Ser Humano Versión 2.0
|  -  Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID-19 Vaccine, Transhumanism and Human Ver. 2.0
|  -  Dr. Carrie Madej - First U.S. Lab examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed
|  -  Dr. Robert O. Young Exposes Evil Agendas of the Wealthy and Powerful and the Purpose of the Vaccine
|  -  Dr. Robert Malone interviewed by Joe Rogan - Full interview
|  -  Dr. Robert Malone - "The Covid-19 Vaccine Causes the Virus to Become More Infectious"
Español |  -  El Futuro Nos Pertenece - ¡Por La Libertad...!
Español |  - "El Gran Reseteo" - La Película
Español |  - "El Gran Reseteo" - La Película Completa
Español |  -  El Video Magistral sobre la Vacuna Covid - Lo que No nos Cuentan...
|  -  Fact Checking the 'Fact Checkers' - Bill Gates, ID2020 and Vaccine Microchips
|  -  FDA Documents show CV19 Vax Produces a Bioweapon - Karen Kingston Interviewed by Greg Hunter
|  -  Gates, Fauci and Covid-19 - Exposure of a Fake Pandemic, Economy Collapse and Vaccines
|  -  Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates Call for Mass Vaccination and Global Governance
|  -  Kill Grid - The Vax, 5G and Smartphones are Inextricably Linked
Español |  -  La Corrupción de la Industria Farmacéutica - Peter Gøtzsche
Español |  -  La Marea Anti 'Justicia Social' hace Tambalearse al Establishment Médico de los EE.UU.
Español |  -  Las Vacunas del Covid-19 - Entrevista a María José Albarracín en Canal 5
Español |  -  La Vacuna Experimental Transgénica nos Convierte en OMG Patentados - Dra. Chinda Brandolino
Español |  -  La Vacuna Peruana Covid-19 - Mancomunidad Regional de Los Andes
Italiano |  -  Los Médicos sobre el uso de Mascarillas - "No Sirven de Nada al Aire Libre"
Español |  -  Los Secretos de las Vacunas Experimentales Covid-19 de ARNm Sintético - Respondiendo Preguntas Clave
|  -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' and Vaccines
Portuguese |  -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandêmicos' e Vacinas
Español |  -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' y las Vacunas
|  -  MD Whistleblower leaking Plans for 'Staged Viral Release' triggering United Nations 'Takeover and Depopulation'
|  -  mRNA 'Vaccine' Genocide 2021-2022 - Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff
Español |  -  Murió Repentinamente - Documental
Español |  -  Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere Ingenuo
|  -  Personality Changes after Covid Vaccine
|  -  Pope urges people to receive Covid-19 Vaccine
Español |  - ¿Por qué Cambia Repentinamente la Personalidad de la gente tras la Inyección COVID ARNm?
Español |  -  Prof. Christian Perronne en debate sobre el COVID en Luxemburgo, lo dice Todo! - 12 Enero 2022
Italiano |  -  Questa è la Battaglia che potrebbe farci Vincere la Guerra
Español |  -  Qué tienen que ver el Oxido de Grafeno y la Nanotecnología en las Vacunas Covid con el 5G
Español |  - ¿Quien es el Conspirador ahora?
Español |  -  Reflexión en torno a la "Vacuna" desde Europa - Dr. Sergio Mejía Viana
Español |  -  'Si el ADN está Genéticamente Alterado, está Patentado' - Dra. Chinda Brandolino
|  -  The Biggest Corruption Scandal in Human History
|  -  The Greater Good - Vaccines
|  -  There is No Variant... Not Novel... No Pandemic! - Dr David E. Martin with Reiner Fuellmich
|  -  The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6
|  -  This is the Battle that could WIN us the War
Español |  -  Todo sobre las Vacunas - Dra. Maria Jose Martinez Albarracin
|  -  Uninformed Consent
|  -  Vaccines and New World Order - Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995 Video
|  -  Vaccines - The Most Censored Video on the Web
Español |  -  Vacunas - El Video mas Censurado de la Red
Español |  -  Vacunas y el Nuevo Orden Mundial - Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995 Video
Español |  -  Vernon Coleman - Esto no Podría posiblemente Suceder - ¿Verdad?
|  -  Vernon Coleman - This Couldn't Possibly Happen - Could it?
|  - "Viruses Don't Exist" Dr. Robert Young explained - Nanotech inside People is a Weapon
|  -  Virus - The Biggest Fraud Against Humanity - Dr. Robert O. Young
|  -  WHO, GAVI and Covid-19 - Audition with Dr. Reiner Füllmich for International Lawsuit Nuremberg II
|  -  World leading Physicians and Scientists are analyzing the Covid Injections

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