The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture’s 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing ‘patriotic American farmers’ to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort:
“…(When) Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind.
For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East.
For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails.
For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable… “
Jack Herer in Washington, DC, in 1989.
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View full-sizeDownload Jack Herer (/ˈhɛrər/; June 18, 1939 – April 15, 2010), sometimes called the "Emperor of Hemp", was an American cannabis rights activist and the author of the 1985 book The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Herer founded and served as the director of the organization Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP). As an activist, he advocated for the decriminalization of the cannabis plant and argued that it could be used as a renewable source of fuel, medicine, food, fiber, and paper/pulp and that it can be grown in virtually any part of the world for medicinal as well as economic purposes. He further asserted that the U.S. government has been deliberately hiding the proof of this from its own citizens.
Certified proof from the Library of Congress; found by the research of Jack Herer, refuting claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film ‘Hemp for Victory’ did not exist.
Hemp cultivation and production do not harm the environment.
The USDA Bulletin #404 concluded that Hemp produces 4 times as much pulp with at least 4 to 7 times less pollution.
From Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1938:
“It has a short growing season…
It can be grown in any state…
The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year’s crop.
The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12 feet above the ground, chokes out weeds …hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.”
In the 1930s, innovations in farm machinery would have caused an industrial revolution when applied to hemp.
This single resource could have created millions of new jobs generating thousands of quality products.
Hemp, if not made illegal, would have brought America out of the Great Depression.
William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands.
Hearst, c. 1910
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View full-sizeDownload William Randolph Hearst Sr. (/hɜːrst/; April 29, 1863 – August 14, 1951) was an American newspaper publisher and politician who developed the nation's largest newspaper chain and media company, Hearst Communications. His flamboyant methods of yellow journalism in violation of ethics and standards influenced the nation's popular media by emphasizing sensationalism and human-interest stories. Hearst entered the publishing business in 1887 with Mitchell Trubitt after being given control of The San Francisco Examiner by his wealthy father, Senator George Hearst. After moving to New York City, Hearst acquired the New York Journal and fought a bitter circulation war with Joseph Pulitzer's New York World. Hearst sold papers by printing giant headlines over lurid stories featuring crime, corruption, sex, and innuendos. Hearst acquired more newspapers and created a chain that numbered nearly 30 papers in major American cities at its peak. He later expanded to magazines, creating the largest newspaper and magazine business in the world. Hearst controlled the editorial positions and coverage of political news in all his papers and magazines, and thereby often published his personal views. He sensationalized Spanish atrocities in Cuba while calling for war in 1898 against Spain. Historians, however, reject his subsequent claims to have started the war with Spain as overly extravagant. He was twice elected as a Democrat to the U.S. House of Representatives. He ran unsuccessfully for President of the United States in 1904, Mayor of New York City in 1905 and 1909, and for Governor of New York in 1906. During his political career, he espoused views generally associated with the left wing of the Progressive Movement, claiming to speak on behalf of the working class. After 1918 and the end of World War I, Hearst gradually began adopting more conservative views and started promoting an isolationist foreign policy to avoid any more entanglement in what he regarded as corrupt European affairs. He was at once a militant nationalist, a staunch anti-communist after the Russian Revolution, and deeply suspicious of the League of Nations and of the British, French, Japanese, and Russians. Following Hitler's rise to power, Hearst became a supporter of the Nazi Party, ordering his journalists to publish favorable coverage of Nazi Germany, and allowing leading Nazis to publish articles in his newspapers. He was a leading supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932–1934, but then broke with FDR and became his most prominent enemy on the right. Hearst's publication reached a peak circulation of 20 million readers a day in the mid-1930s. He poorly managed finances and was so deeply in debt during the Great Depression that most of his assets had to be liquidated in the late 1930s. Hearst managed to keep his newspapers and magazines. His life story was the main inspiration for Charles Foster Kane, the lead character in Orson Welles' film Citizen Kane (1941). His Hearst Castle, constructed on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean near San Simeon, has been preserved as a State Historical Monument and is designated as a National Historic Landmark.
The Hearst Company supplied most paper products.
Patty Hearst’s grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.
In the 1930s, people were very naive, even to the point of ignorance.
The masses were like sheep waiting to be led by the few in power.
They did not challenge authority. If the news was in print or on the radio, they believed it had to be true.
They told their children, and their children grew up to be the parents of the baby-boomers.
On April 14, 1937, the Prohibitive Marihuana Tax Law or the bill that outlawed hemp was directly brought to the House Ways and Means Committee.
This committee is the only one that can introduce a bill to the House floor without it being debated by other committees.
The Chairman of the Ways and Means, Robert Doughton, was a Dupont supporter.
He insured that the bill would pass Congress.
Dr. James Woodward, a physician and attorney, testified too late on behalf of the American Medical Association.
He told the committee that the reason the AMA had not denounced the Marihuana Tax Law sooner was that the Association had just discovered that marihuana was hemp.
Few people, at the time, realized that the deadly menace they had been reading about on Hearst’s front pages was in fact passive hemp.
The AMA understood cannabis to be a MEDICINE found in numerous healing products sold over the last hundred years.
In September of 1937, hemp became illegal.
The most useful crop known became a drug and our planet has been suffering ever since.
Congress banned hemp because it was said to be the most violence-causing drug known.
Anslinger, head of the Drug Commission for 31 years, promoted the idea that marihuana made users act extremely violent.
In the 1950s, under the Communist threat of McCarthyism, Anslinger now said the exact opposite.
Marijuana will pacify you so much that soldiers would not want to fight.
Today, our planet is in desperate trouble.
Earth is suffocating as large tracts of rain forests disappear.
Pollution, poisons and chemicals are killing people.
These great problems could be reversed if we industrialized hemp.
Natural biomass could provide all of the planet’s energy needs that are currently supplied by fossil fuels.
We have consumed 80% of our oil and gas reserves.
We need a renewable resource.
Hemp could be the solution to soaring gas prices.
Hemp has a higher quality fiber than wood fiber.
Far fewer caustic chemicals are required to make paper from hemp than from trees.
Hemp paper does not turn yellow and is very durable.
The plant grows quickly to maturity in a season where trees take a lifetime.
Hempen plastics are biodegradable!
Over time, they would break down and not harm the environment.
Oil-based plastics, the ones we are very familiar with, help ruin nature; they do not break down and will do great harm in the future.
The process to produce the vast array of natural (hempen) plastics will not ruin the rivers as Dupont and other petrochemical companies have done.
Ecology does not fit in with the plans of the Oil Industry and the political machine.