Origin of Life & Man

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ADN, Primates y el Demiurgo - ¿Es que algo Interfirió con nuestra Estructura Genética?
A Look Into the Origins of Mankind - Does this Explain Evolution's "Missing Link"?
Artificial Life Created by Craig Venter - First Synthetic Cell Created in A Laboratory
Astrosciences - Exploring The Mysteries of The Universe - Main File
A window into the Abiotic carbon cycle - Acetate and formate in fracture waters in 2.7 Billion Year-old host...
Before the Big Bang, There Was... What
Conscious Evolution In Designer Genes - A Manual For Futants
DNA, Apes and the Demiurge - Did Something Interfere with our Genetic Structure?
DNA Begins as a Quantum Wave
Earth's Timeline
Evidence for Creation by Outside Intervention
Evidence for Early Life in Earth's oldest Hydrothermal Vent Precipitates
Follow the Water' - Hydrogeochemical Constraints on Microbial Investigations 2.4 km below Surface at the...
From Helix To Hologram - An Ode on The Human Genome
Genesis or The "Genes of Isis
Genome (basecamp.com) - Main File
Homo Schizo - Human and Cultural Hologenesis
How Life (and Death) Spring from Disorder
Human Evolution Enters an Exciting New Phase
Humans Evolved Somewhere Else in the Galaxy - We Are Aliens on Our Own Planet - Scientist Says
If DNA is Software, Who Wrote the Code?
Inside Ancient Asteroids - Gamma Rays made Building Blocks of Life
In Test Tubes, RNA Molecules evolve into a 'Tiny Ecosystem'
Life Beyond Earth - An Ocean on Mars. An Earth-like Planet Light Years Away. The Evidence is Mounting...
Living Cells are Electromagnetic Units
Lotus Protocol
Mammals Made by Viruses
Microbial Life Found Living on the Exterior of the International Space Station - Say Reports
Microbiome of the Upper Troposphere - Species Composition and Prevalence, Effects of Tropical Storms...
Missing Link' - Scientists may have just found the Source of all Complex Life Forms
NASA-Funded Research Discovers Life Built With Toxic Chemical
Neanderthal Man and The Illuminati
New Genetic Study seriously Challenges Darwin's 'Theory of Evolution'
Origin Story - The Start of Life on Earth is an Event Horizon we struggle to See Beyond
Our Chemical Eden - The Origin of Life
Our First Ancestors were Homo Pleiadian
Our Stellar Origins - Main File
Oxygen and Stem Cells may have Reshaped Early Complex Animals
Project LUCAS - Borderland Sciences SETI Project
Pye's Disagreement with Sitchin - Creation of Homo Sapiens (Humans)
Radioactivity may fuel Life Deep Underground and Inside other Worlds
Rupert Sheldrake - Los Campos Morfogeneticos - Main File
Scientists Just Found Fossils Containing the Oldest Evidence of Life on Earth
Some Reasons Human Beings May Not Be Mammals
The Contribution of Water Radiolysis to Marine Sedimentary Life
The Mystery of Homo Sapiens
The New Physics needed to Probe the Origins of Life
The Origin of Life and the Suppression of Truth
The Origin of Life
The 'Sudden' Appearance of Cro-Magnon
The Surprising Origins of Life's Complexity
Tholins - The Red Goo critical to Life in the Universe
What is Life? - Bio-Physical Perspectives
What is Life? - Its Vast Diversity defies Easy Definition
Who had their finger on the Magic of Life, Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur?

Additional Information

A Major Mystery in Newly Created Life-Form
An Ancient and Occult Genetic Code
Ancient Mysteries and Human Origins
Anthropic Arrogance
Archaeological Cover-ups - A Plot to Control History
Are We Really All Made of Stars
Artificial Life made in Lab can Grow and Divide like Natural Bacteria
Atlantis Grid, DNA, Energy, Wormwood - Dinosaurs Lived With Man
Australopithecus Africanus - The Man-Ape of South Africa
Biological Immortality and You
Biological Immortality - TOP SECRET UFO SENSITIVE AREA - Intelligence Briefing
Biologists Discover Electric Bacteria that Eat Pure Electrons rather than Sugar - Redefining the Tenacity...
Biophotons and The Universal Light Code
Biophotons - The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light
Biophotons - The Lights in Our Cells
Breath of The Earth Research Reveals Life's Origin
Climate Change led to 'Unexpected Anatomical Changes' - Fossil of Extinct Human Species reveals...
Confirmed - We Really are 'Star Stuff'
Cosmologist Paul Davies proposes Theory that Building Blocks of Life may not be Chemicals but Inform...
Could Earth have a 'Shadow' Biosphere
Creation Myths from Many Cultures
Cultivation of an Obligate Fe(II)-Oxidizing Lithoautotrophic Bacterium Using Electrodes
Defining Lyfe in the Universe - From Three Privileged Functions to Four Pillars
Design and Synthesis of a Minimal Bacterial Genome
Did Early Humans Hibernate
Discovery of The Biofield - A Different Type of Magnetism?
DNA's Hyper Communication - The "Living Internet" Inside of Us
Drimolen cranium DNH 155 documents Microevolution in an Early Hominin Species
Early Trace of Life from 3.95 Billion Years Sedimentary Rocks in Labrador, Canada
Embryonic Holography - An Application of the Holographic Concept of Reality
ET and God - Could Earthly Religions Survive the Discovery of Life Elsewhere in the Universe?
Evidence for a Limit to Human Lifespan
Evolution Heresies
Evolution Runs Faster on Short Timescales
First Life Forms to Pass on Artificial DNA Engineered by U.S. Scientists
Fossil Discoveries Challenge Ideas About Earth's Start
Genetic Engineering to Clash with Evolution
Genetic Requirements for Cell Division in a Genomically Minimal Cell
Giant Living Power Cables Let Bacteria Respire
God and Creation - from 'The Only Planet of Choice
Hibernation in hominins from Atapuerca, Spain half a million years ago
Hiper Comunicación del ADN - El Internet Vivo Dentro de Nosotros
Human Devolution
Human Genome Project
Humanity's History & Ancient Civilizations (basecamp.com) - Main File
Human Multidimensional Anatomy
Human Multidimensional Potential - An Introduction
Humans are Made of Particles from Distant Galaxies - We are Extragalactic Visitors in the Milky Way
Intelligent Design in Tiny Creatures - Small Wonders...
Introduction to Synthetic Biology
Is The Transhumanist Movement a Threat to Our Survival
Life in An Idiomaterial Bicausal Universe - A New Advanced Physics and Life On Earth on The 21st...
Life in Deep Earth Totals 15 to 23 Billion Tonnes of Carbon - Hundreds of Times More than Humans
Life in the Universe (basecamp.com) - Main File
Life in The Universe - Stephen Hawking
Life's Big Leaps - Critical Moments in Evolution
Meet the Electric Life Forms that Live on Pure Energy
Micro-Organisms... They "Built" Us - Avatar The Movie, Morgellons and The Global Warming Controversy
Modern Human Variation - An Introduction to An Introduction to Contemporary Human Biological Diversity
NASA Finds Shrimp Dinner on Ice Beneath Antarctica
Natural Light From Organisms - What, If Anything, Can It Tell Us?
New Possibilities for Life at the bottom of Earth's Ocean - And perhaps in Oceans on other Planets
New Theory on the Origins of the Universe and Humankind Surfaces - Big Bang Theory Challenged
On the Origin of Life - Science Uprising helps Break a Poisonous Spell
On the States of Physical Space
Plant/Human Symbiosis and The Fall of Humanity
Possible link Between Earth's rotation rate and Oxygenation
Project Aquarius and the Story of Dr. Dan Burisch
Rapid Recovery of Life at Ground Zero of the end-Cretaceous Mass Extinction
Reservoir Deep Under Ontario Holds Billion-Year-Old Water
Rethinking The Nature of Life
Reversing the Life Cycle - Medusae Transforming into Polyps and Cell Transdifferentiation in Turritopsis...
Root Races
Russian Human Genome Project Discovers Extraterrestrial Abilities to Modify DNA Through a "Biological...
Scientists Create 1st Living Organism from Artificial DNA
Scientists Create Embryos Containing Both Human and Animal DNA
Scientists Create First Living Organism that Transmits Added Letters in DNA 'Alphabet'
Scientists Create Synthetic Life in Lab
Scientists Glimpse Why Life Can't Happen Without Water
Scientists Witness Birth of New Species in the Lab
Search for The Mind of 'God
Star Birth and Simulation
Symptoms of Pathological Skepticism
Team builds First Living Robots... that can Reproduce
The 3-D Slave Race and the Hijacking of Human Consciousness
The Age of Transition and Scientism Fraud
The Biocentric Universe Theory - Life Creates Time, Space, and the Cosmos Itself
The Books of Adam and Eve - Main File
The Cygnus Mystery - Main File
The Evolution of Adaptive Immune Systems
The Evolving Story of Our Evolving Earth - For the Foundation for The Future Workshop on How Evolution...
The Fallen Goddess Scenario
The General Theory of Biological Regulation - The Universal Law in Bioscience and Medicine
The Golden Age, Psychopathy and The Sixth Extinction
The Great Filter - Are We Almost Past It
The 'Great Filter Theory' Suggests Humans have Already Conquered the Threat of Extinction
The "Hard Problem" of Life
The Hidden History of The Human Race - Klaus Dona - Spiritual Archeologist
The Higgs Field, the Universe and the Experience of Life and Death
The Hunt for Life below Antarctic Ice
The Incredibly Strange Story of Intelligent Design
The Last Letter from Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch
The Obligatory "Missing Link" Story...
The Origin of The Genetic Code
The Origins of Human Beings according to ancient Sumerian Texts
Theory of Evolution in No Way Explains Origins of Life - Huge Contradictions in 'Scientific' Thinking...
The Wisdom of Your Cells
This Is Your Ancestor - Human Origins/Human Evolution
Three Biochemists Win Chemistry Nobel for Directing Evolution
Titan's Largest Crater might be the 'Perfect Cradle for Life'
We Are Now Able to Edit DNA - But What Are the Implications
What is Ageing? - The Science of Longevity - from 'Gods of The New Millennium'
Who Are You
Why Did the Genetic Code of All Life on Earth Suddenly Stop Evolving?
Why Earth's Cracked Crust may be Essential for Life
Why Should Mitochondria define Species

Anthropology - Possible Man' 'Evolution' on Planet Earth

63,000-Year-Old Modern Human Skull Found in Laos
An African American Paternal Lineage Adds an Extremely Ancient Root to the Human Y Chromosome...
Ancient Hi Tech Evidence - The Modern Past - Main File
Apeman waves Goodbye to Darwinian Gradualism
Complete Primate Skeleton from the Middle Eocene of Messel in Germany - Morphology and Paleobiology
Contemporaneity of Australopithecus, Paranthropus and early Homo erectus in South Africa
Darwinism - A Dying Dogma - Main File
Did our Species Evolve in Subdivided Populations across Africa, and Why does it Matter?
Earliest South Asian Human Discovered
Evolution - A Modern Fairy Tale
Evolutionary History and Adaptation from High-Coverage Whole-Genome Sequences of Diverse African...
Genetic Evidence for Archaic Admixture in Africa
Genomic Analysis of Andamanese Provides Insights into Ancient Human Migration into Asia and Adaptation
Geologic Evidence for Age of Deposits at Hueyatlaco Archeological Site, Valsequillo, Mexico
Giant Viruses Rewrite History of Life on Earth
How Old Are We
Hueyatlaco - Anatomy of an Anomaly
Human Blood Types and Human Evolution
Is A New And General Theory of Evolution Emerging
Laetoli's Lost Tracks - 3D Generated Mean Shape and Missing Footprints
Mitochondrial DNA and Human Evolution
Mystery Human Species Emerges from Denisovan Genome
Our Ancestor 'Homo Erectus' is 200,000 Years Older than Previously Thought
Parking-garage" Structures in Nuclear Astrophysics and Cellular Biophysics
Possible Hominin Footprints from the Late Miocene (c. 5.7 Ma) of Crete?
Researchers Able to Make Building Block of DNA Through Simple Chemicals
Rewriting Modern Human Origins
Scientists Find 2 Million-Year-Old Human Fossils
Sex With Early Mystery Species of Humans Seen in DNA - University of Washington Researcher Says
Skulls Found in Africa and in Europe Challenge Theories of Human Origins
The Family Tree That Rewrote Human History - Researchers Stunned to Find DNA Submitted to Online...
The Human Family Tree - 10 Adams and 18 Eves
The Origin of The Europeans - Combining Genetics and Archaeology, Scientists Rough Out Continent's...
Three New Discoveries in a month Shakes our African Origins
When did Humans First Inhabit the Americas?
Why this Ancient Skeleton is still making Scientists 'Question Human Origins'



Xenology - An Introduction to The Scientific Study of Extraterrestrial Life, Intelligence... - by R.A. Freitas Jr.

Panspermia - Intelligent Design

Astrobiologists Discover Fossils in Meteorite Fragments, Confirming Extraterrestrial Life
Biocosm - The New Scientific Theory of Evolution - Intelligent Life is the Architect of the Universe
Cause of Cambrian Explosion - Terrestrial or Cosmic?
Cometary Panspermia Explains The Red Rain of Kerala
Directed Panspermia
Discovery in Space of Ethanolamine - The simplest Phospholipid head group
Extraterrestrial Fossils Found in Meteorite According to Scientific Team
Fossil Diatoms in A New Carbonaceous Meteorite
Hemolithin - A Meteoritic Protein containing Iron and Lithium
Identifying the Wide Diversity of Extraterrestrial Purine and Pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous Meteorites
Intelligent Design
Life is Common in the Universe - New Analysis of Meteorites Suggests
Life Itself - Its Origin and Nature
Morgellons - The Alien Bugs
NASA Scientist Claims Conclusive Proof of Extraterrestrial Life
New Scientific Study Claims Extraterrestrial Fossil Found in Sri Lanka Meteor
Organic Matter in Extraterrestrial Water-bearing Salt Crystals
Out of Space - Advanced Panspermia
Panspermia and Theories of Guided Evolution - Challenges to Darwinism
Panspermia Asks New Questions
Panspermia Revisited
Scientists Claim to have Found the 'First Known Extraterrestrial Protein' in a Meteorite
Search for Past Life on Mars - Possible Relic Biogenic Activity in Martian Meteorite ALH84001
Several Scientists publish Paper suggesting Octopuses arrived as "Extraterrestrial Imports" to Earth
Staggering Picture of Extra-Terrestrial Organism is Proof of Alien Life - Scientists Claim
The Case of the "Intelligent Designer
The Milky Way could be Spreading Life from Star to Star
The Polonnaruwa Meteorite - Oxygen Isotope, Crystalline And Biological Composition
The Red Rain of Kerala - Main File
There's Gold in your Brain - We now know Where it Came From
Viruses, ET and the 'Octopus from Space' - The Return of Panspermia
When Aliens Visit 


Panspermia - Origin of Life 


Books of The Earth Chronicles Series
DNA and The Origins of Knowledge - Cosmic Serpent - by J. Narby
Exogenesis Hybrid Humans - A Scientific History of Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation - by Bruce R. Fenton
Forbidden Archeology - The Hidden History of the Human Race
Genesis Revisited - from 'The Earth Chronicles' books series - by Zecharia Sitchin
Gods Of The New Millennium - The Shattering Truth of Human Origin - by Alan Alford
Hidden History of The Human Race - by M. Cremo
Left In The Dark - by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright
Life Itself - Its Origin and Nature - by Francis Crick
Mythos and Cosmogony - Origins of the Solar System - by Tess Clark
The Celestial Ship of The North - by E. Valentia Straiton
The Field - The Quest for The Secret Force of The Universe - by Lynne McTaggart
The Forbidden Universe - by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince
The Invisible College - War in Heaven - A Completely New And Revolutionary Conception... - by K.Griffith
The Naked Ape - by Desmond Morris
The Quest for a Universal Theory of Life - by Carol E. Cleland
The World's Secret History - by L. Knight-Jadczyk 


Aliens - Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking
An Evening With Lloyd Pye - On Starchild and Anunnaki Genetic Engineering
Astrobiology and The Origins of Life
Coelacanth - The Fish That Time Forgot
Creating Life - The Ultimate Engineering Challenge
First Animal to Survive in Space
Human Origins - Michael Tellinger Interview
Humanity History? - Michael Tellinger Interview
Klaus Dona - Spiritual Archeologist
Klaus Dona - The Hidden History of the Human Race
New Evidence of Early Man Suppressed - Forbidden Archaeology
Origin and Evolution of Life - Greatest Discoveries
Origin of Life - Life Came from Other Planets
Secret Space - Ancient Texts Can Tell Another Story...
Stone Age Apocalypse - Human Evolution
Synthetic Biology - The Potential and The problems of Re-Engineering Life - Prof. Jamie Davies
The Greatest Show on Earth - Richard Dawkins
The Mysterious Origins of Man - Forbidden Archeology
Unlocking The Mysteries of Life
What Genesis Got Wrong
Wonders of The Universe 

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The Memory of Water (bibliotecapleyades.net) - Main File
Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life
Sumer & the Anunnaki (basecamp.com) - Main File
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Cosmos (basecamp.com)

Life in the Universe (basecamp.com)

The Singularity (basecamp.com)

Humanity's History & Ancient Civilizations (basecamp.com)

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