Ormethion: The God of the STS & the Names of God

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"Empty consciousness" is NON-BEING and, like everything else, merely a thought or a Mental Center.
Q: (L) Who created the Reptoids?
A: Ormethion.

Q: (L) And who is this individual?
A: A mental center.

Q: (L) Where is it located?
A: Everywhere. In another sector of reality.

Q: (L) This being that created the Reptoids, is a conscious being of himself?
A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) And who created this Ormethion?
A: It is not a being, it is a mental center. It is the physical universe.

Q: (L) Is the physical universe your god?
A: Yes.


Q: In a previous session, when you introduced the concept of perpendicular realities, you mentioned a reality called "Neormm". They also designated as Ormethion the mental center of the SAS. I noticed a similarity between the two names. Is there a relationship?
A: The Orm is related to Orimulsion. Investigate. Our Answers have a meaning, it's better not to presuppose!
What is "Orimulsion"? I've never heard this term before and I had to look into it to find out that there really IS something called Orimulsion. At the address http://www.orimulsionfvel.com/index.html we can find the following description:
"A new type of fuel is being used to generate electricity at facilities in North America and around of the world. This is based on the fossil fuel orimulsion which, under long-term supply contracts, provides substantial benefits for the economy and the environment as well as for the diversification of energy resources. (…) Orimulsion is Composed of 30% water and 70% natural bitumen.
Here we have a concept based on two elements that generally do not are mixed, but in this case they are combined to create a fuel. Are there deeper implications to this idea?

Let's take a look at another excerpt to get a better idea:

Q: (L) Are humans trapped in physical matter?
A: By choice.

Q: (L) Why did you choose that?
A: To experience the physical sensations. It was a decision of the group mind.

Q: (L) Who was in charge of the group?
A: The group.

Q: (L) The interaction between spirit/soul and physical body produces a desirable consequence for other beings?
A: Well, all things have desirable consequences as well as undesirable consequences, but we must mention here that all the which exists on all planes of the universe must experience the existence in one of two ways. These are defined as the cycle of long wave and the short wave cycle. Returning to your question Previous Discussion of Why Humans Are "Trapped" in Existence physical choice, which of course was a voluntary choice, was due to the desire to change from the experience of the long wave cycle, from what which might be called an absolute spiritual or ethereal existence, shortwave cycle, or what is known as physical existence.
The difference is that the long-wave cycle involves a very gradual in evolution, in a cyclical way, while the cycle shortwave implies a duality; and this is the case of souls in physical bodies and their experience of life on the plane because the soul experiences an ethereal state during a half of this cycle and a physical state during the other half of the cycle. Even though these halves are not comparable in terms of duration, according to the way you measure time, the The totality of experience is equal in each half. Nature saw the need to create the shortwave cycle within the natural boundaries of the universe when the group of souls chose experiencing physicality as opposed to an existence completely ethereal.

Q: (L) Does this interaction have any consequences?
A: It produces consequences of a positive and negative nature due to equal. The positive consequence is an increase in the relative energy, which accelerates the soul's learning process and of all one-dimensional and two-dimensional beings who interact with it. In other words, flora, fauna, minerals, etc. All the experience of growth and movement towards the Union occurs at a higher rate in the cycle through the Physical-etheric transfer of the shortwave cycle. The consequence negative is that there are also many negative experiences for these same entities, and these experiences would not exist normally because the beings of the 1stand 2nd level, flora and fauna, they would normally experience a long wave cycle in the plane physical, and not a shortwave that is physical and ethereal, as they do now, due to its interaction with the human species in its cycle shortwave etheric-physical.

Q: (L) At some point the comment was made that certain beings aliens kidnapped humans and subjected them to cruel and cruel deaths. with the purpose of creating a "maximum transfer of energy." In this regard, what is the maximum transfer of energy that occurs during a long and torturous death?
A: Extreme anxiety and fear produce energy that is of negative nature, which feeds the beings of whom it speaks, in the sense that they extract this energy and produce a type of of fuel energy as one of its forms of power based on in their metabolic structure, which keeps them alive.

Q: (L) What is your metabolic structure?
A: It is very complex and difficult to describe because it is typical of the 4th density, which you do not understand. But part of his reason to exist on the fourth level is their ability to feed on both methods, ethereal and physical; thus, this transfer of energy would represent the ethereal method of nutrition while others different means of nutrition would be achieved through the body physical.

Q: (L) What other means?
A: Well, the consumption of blood and other blood byproducts, For example.

Q: (L) Do they really do that?
A: Yes, but the way you consume it is different from what you know. iMaginan. It is done through the pores.

Q: In what way?
A: Bathing and absorbing the necessary products and then discarding the leftovers.

Q: (L) The beings that absorb nutrients through the pores, what do they want? What kind of beings are these?
A: Both types: those described as Reptoid, and those described as Reptoids. which they describe as Greys. In both cases this is necessary for the can survive. Even though the Greys are not a natural part of the short-wave cycle, mimic nutrition functions.

Q: (L) Since these are artificially created by the Reptoids, Does it mean that they have no soul?
A: Right.

Q: (L) How do they work? Are they robots?
A: They work by interacting with the souls of the Reptoids. This technology is very advanced in relation to what they are Grays aren't just built and designed artificially, but also function as a projection mental and psychic of the Reptoids. They are kind of four-dimensional probes.

Q: (L) As four-dimensional probes, what are their Capabilities?
A: They have all the same abilities as Reptoids, with the except that their physical characteristics are completely different and do not possess souls. Their biological structure is different also, but its operation is the same and in order to remain As projections, they must also absorb nutrients from the same form as the Reptoids. The reason why energy negative is a necessary fuel for them is that both, the Reptoids and the Greys live on the fourth level of density, the what is the highest level of density in which one can exist serving itself, as these entities do.
Then they must absorb negative energy because the fourth level of density is the highest example of service to self, which is a A negative thought pattern. The 4th level of density is a natural progression from the3rd level of density. With each "upward" progression of the levels of density, existence for the individual consciousness entity is it becomes less difficult. In this way, the 4th level of density is less difficult to exist than the 3rd, the 3rd is less difficult than the 2nd, and so on. There is less pressure on the energy of the soul, therefore the beings that exist in the 4th level of Density can draw from the beings that exist on the3rd level, from the point of view of absorption of the negative energy of the soul.
In the same way, beings of the 3rdlevel of density can feed on the beings of the 2nd level of density, and even if this type of absorption is not necessary, it is given. That is why human beings humans that exist in the3rd level frequently cause pain and suffering to those of the animal kingdom, which exist in the second level of density, and effectively absorb the energy negative soul, as beings who basically serve themselves, of those who are in levels 2 and 1 Now, at As you move into the fourth level of density, the as it approaches, they will be forced to make a decision that will consists of either progressing towards Service to Others (SAD) or remain at the Service to Self (SAS) level.
It will take them some time to adapt to this decision: it is the period that has been called the "thousand-year period". This is the time, such and such as you measure it in your calendars, which will determine whether advance toward service to others or remain at the level of of service to themselves. Those we describe as the Reptoids have firmly chosen to remain in the mode of vibration of Service to Self, and as they are at the of higher density where this is possible, they should extract continually large amounts of energy from those who exist at levels three, two, and one, which explains why they do what they do. Make.
This also explains why their race is dying: because it is not have been able to learn on their own how to get out of that particular form of expression and move towards that of service to the others. And as they have remained for a long time, according to their measurement standards, at this level, and what is more, have been firmly rooted in it while they have grown in numbers, their race now it is dying and so they are desperately trying to extract from you as much energy as possible. In addition, there are trying to recreate their race from a metabolic point of view.

Q: (L) Well, if we are your source of work and food, why not are we raised inside pens on their own planet?
A: They do.

Q: (L) So, if there are so many of us here, why don't we invade and take control?
A: That is your intention. It has been his intention for some time now. time. They have been traveling back in time into the past and into the past. future, as you know, to arrange things so that can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transfer from the third to the fourth level that this planet is at point of experimenting, hoping to be able to master them as well at the fourth level and achieve several objectives:
Conserve their breed as a viable species
Increase their number
Increase your power
Expand your race throughout the fourth density realm
To accomplish all of this, they have been interfering with the events of the history for a time of approximately 74,000 years, according to your measurement standards. And they've been doing this in a state of suspended animation, traveling through time and space to his whim. However, all his intentions will fail.

Q: (L) How can you be sure that you will fail?
A: Because we see it. We can see everything, not just what we want see. Their mistake is that they can only see what they can see. they want to see. In other words, they are the highest manifestation of what is defined as "compulsive craving". And this compulsive craving is an instrument of creation of one's own reality in 4th density. Have you noticed how you yourself are also given to compulsive craving? However, in the case of You, this doesn't exactly transform your reality because it is They are in the 3rdlevel, but if they were in the 4th and perform the same function, they would find that it transforms effectively their perception of reality. Thus, they cannot see what we do, because we serve others, contrary to those who serve themselves, and as we are in the On the sixth level, we can see all that Is as and as It is, not as such. we would like it to be.
Now, there are two or three directions that we could take from of this point.
The first is the idea that "souls trapped in matter" are comparable to orimulsion, that is, they are a source of fuel for the STS-type beings of the densities Upper.
Another direction is that of "time travel, to back or forward, to make things right" for personal gain of beings who serve themselves.
But this leaves us with the Main issue still unresolved, so I'm going to try to digress and return to the original question; We can deal with the other two topics at another time.
And there's still another problem here:

Q: (T) You talk about SAD and STS. Yet we are told that we must learning to be SAD. Why is there a difference between what we have What to do and what are you doing?
A: SAD is a state of balance because one serves oneself through of service to others.

Q: (T) You have said a couple of times that you serve yourself serving others, isn't it?
A: Yes, we have already answered this.

Q: (T) So it's kind of like everything that goes, comes around?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) DOES SAS use SAD's methods to achieve its ends?
A: No. SAD is balance, while SAS is imbalance.

Q: (T) How can you be a STS serving others if STS is a imbalance?
A: SAD flows outward and touches everything, including the point of origin. SAS flows inward and only touches the point of origin.

Q: (T) Well, in the material I'm reading they say they're STS through SADs. (L) They serve themselves by serving the (T) Is this what you mean? (L) Yes. (T) Is this what Are we supposed to do? To serve ourselves by serving the other? (T) Yes! Because everything that goes comes back. If you serve the Then things come back to you. (F) 'Cause when you serve yourself All you find is that there are an infinite number of beings serving themselves. (T) There is no energy exchange; There's none synergy within the group. There is no exchange. (F) Everything Moves inwards. (T) There is no sharing, there is no growth, there is nothing. (F) No connection. (T) Right! There is no learning. (L) In as for the highest expressions of SAS – this may or may not be related- Could you tell us something about the nature of a Black Hole?
A: It is a manifestation of STS on a large scale.

Q: (L) Is it like a being who has reached such a degree of STS that has literally imploded to itself?
A: It's a pretty rough analogy.

Q: (T) Possibly an entire STS civilization?
A: No.

Q: (L) Well, maybe a civilization can't reach that level because it would imply working together, which is SAD. Must be an individual being.
A: Black holes are the reflection of the natural force of the STS free will consciousness pattern. Notice that the black holes are located at the center of spiral forces of energy. Everything else is radiated outward.

Q: (L) Now, you say "spiral" forces of energy and energy. they have also said that this Wave [ The Hyperkinetic Wave of energy that demarcates the boundary between dimensional planes and that the Cassiopaeans have said that it is inexorably advancing towards our sector galactic, ed.] it is also a spiral. Does the point correspond to central of this wave that is spiraling, to a hole black?

(L) Is it an expanding wave?
A: Everything in creation is nothing more than that, a wave that expands.

Q: (L) Where does the energy sucked in by a black hole go?
A: Inward, towards absolute non-existence.

Q: (L) Okay, if a black hole continues to suck in everything that is in its mind. surrounds, is it possible that it will end up sucking all of creation?
A: No.

Q: (L) Why not?
A: The universe is all-inclusive, while black holes are the final destination of all SAS energy.

Q: (L) Does that mean that if we, or any other individual, oriented towards the SAS continues on the path of service to self, Will it eventually end up in a black hole?
A: Something similar.

Q: (L) Well, how nice! And what about the energy that is absolute non-existence?
A: Absolute non-existence balances absolute existence. Can you guess what absolute existence is? It is "God." The Creator Main.

Q: (T) What is the difference between the Prime Creator and God?
A: None. As long as you exist, you are from Prime Creator.

Q: (L) Okay, so everything that goes into a black hole, which goes into a black hole. toward non-existence, is not part of Prime Creator, correct?
A: Right.

Q: (L) How can the Prime Creator lose a part of himself? same?
A: The Prime Creator does not "lose" anything.

Q: (L) Okay, so how would you describe this energy that was in existence and then it is no longer so because it has been absorbed or has become a black hole?
A: The reflex regenerates at level 1 (i.e. primordial matter, nature).

Q: (L) So this energy coming in through a black hole... does it go out through the other side?

(L) Does it become a primordial atom?
A: No. The reflex regenerates as primordial atoms.

Q: (T) When we emit positive or negative energy, is it true that Are there beings at other levels that feed on this energy?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Well, and you have said that the Reptoids feed on negative energy, don't I know?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Who feeds on positive energy?
A: You.

Q: (T) How is it that we feed on positive energy?
A: It is the natural progression to Union with the One, or level 7

. Q: (T) You are at level 6. What do you eat?
A: They have a misconception. We give to others and receive of others with the same SAD orientation. We feed off each other.

Q: (T) Now, you are talking to us now: is that consider SAD?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) What do you want from us?
A: When you are purely SAD, you do not "want". We came because we came because we wanted to. you wanted. However, this activity is SAS unless it is Share with others.
Continuing with the topic of black holes...

Q: (L) We've recently seen a couple of movies, "The Sphere" and "Event Horizon", about spaceships entering black holes and experience really strange things when they come out. The idea that a ship can enter the The interior of a black hole is amazing. I would like to know what would a person or spacecraft experience that It will enter a black hole. What would that look like?
A: Disintegration followed by conversion to anti-matter energy.

Q: (L) So, wouldn't you emerge on the other side in a universe different?
A: Yes, but not as a subject.

Q: (L) So, once you've entered a black hole is sayonara, hasta la vista?
A: Stars are portals of that type, too.

Q: (L) So, what we perceive as stars, in the anti-matter universe would be black holes?
A: No, windows.

Q: (L) But if you lived in this other universe, on the other side of a Black hole, what would the black hole look like from there? ¿Could Give me a reference?
A: That's the point! They have no reference.


Q: (L) Well, some time ago I was reading the transcripts (of the sessions) and there it says that a black hole is absolute non-existence that leads to regeneration of matter at level 1. Or, that level 1 regeneration is the reflection of a hole black. Is the black hole a level 1 or level 7 phenomenon?
A: Level 1-4 only.

Q: (L) Is there any equivalent of the black hole phenomenon, that is, absolute non-existence, on the higher levels, that is, from 5 to 7?
A: Refer to the previous answer.

Q: (T) If the black hole is purely STS at levels 1 through 4, in levels 5 to 7 there is only SAD orientation. (SV) They they previously said that SAS does exist in levels 5 and 6. (T) But only as a reflex. (L) A kind of thought-form.
A: Encapsulated in the fifth.

Q: (L) Are there other levels after 7...?
A: There is no such thing as "after the 7." We suggest a "review" of the Transcripts!

Q: (L) Well, the question they didn't let me finish was, is there a eighth level to which one advances and in which everything begins again, like the octaves of a piano?
A: VRA (see previous answer)

Q: (L) Well, there's a lot of material about octaves and so forth.
A: The Great Cycle. And who has produced that material that you talk about?

Q: (L) Gurdjieff is one of the people who talk about an eighth cycle. Also in Sufi teachings; several of the most Important philosophical teachings speak of the effect of octaves. There is a cycle of seven and the next cycle is at a higher level and It is called an octave, like the segments of a musical scale.
A: Who are we?

Q: (L) The Cassiopaeans.
A: Yes. However, we have offered to assist you in your development, isn't it? If there were an eighth level, don't you think that Would we have mentioned it? There are many who speak and only some say The truth.


Q: (L) Among the things that the Germans discussed within the Thule Society and the Vril Society was the issue of the "black sun" that illuminates the interior. Can you tell us what this "sun" is all about? black"?
A: It is the final destination of those who are oriented towards the SAS.

Q: (L) Is the black sun a real astronomical phenomenon?
A: In essence.

Q: (L) How would we recognize this black sun, as a black hole?
A: It's a good possibility.


Q: (L) Previously, when we talked about gravity waves and asked them about the reason that makes them unstable unstable, you said, "utilization," and that SAD was dispersion of gravity, while SAS was accumulation. I have taken out I have some guesses about it and I would like to ask: means that giving to other people, even if this giving means to deny assistance in order to avoid prolonging the assimilation of one lesson, is dispersion of gravity, while by exercising psychological control over another person, or any kind of control, even if one is not aware that it is draining the energy of the another, is this accumulation of gravity?
A: Something like that.

Q: (L) So when you accumulate gravity you become like a hole black, you collapse.
A: Basically.

Q: (L) It seems to me that one of the objectives of what we are doing it is to release the gravity accumulated in ourselves.
A: If that is your decision, or if that is your path.

Q: (L) Is the decision intimately connected to the path? That's right as I understand it. Is it simply part of how the essence of your soul?
A: Approximately.

Q: (L) So, trying to convert someone to your own The way is to judge and harm that someone, even if you can perceive that the path on which it is only leads to dissolution? Is the path he has chosen, however...
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And if you send "pitchers" of love and light to that person, Knowing that you have already chosen a path in advance, are you violating their free will?
A: It would be the same if they sent him "pitchers" of vomit, that's how would react.

Q: (L) Why send anything? Should we just be neutral?
A: Judging is STS.


A: What is the nature of neutron stars, supernovae, black holes, etc.? They are all the union of the matter and anti-matter... the boundaries between realities such and as they know them... material planes/etheric planes, union of the levels of density, realities. One can pass through these windows calmly; Remember, stars and planets are windows also.

So we have arrived at the idea of matter and anti-matter; of Everything that which is reflected and all that is not. The cosmic principles of creation. The Unified Field Theory. The root of the matter.

In terms of the SAS versus SAD orientation, it seems that it's not just a decision, but rather the configuration of the essence of the energy. In the human being there are parts of All that is together with Everything that is not. On another level, this is represented by the matter and anti-matter, by gravity and anti-gravity.

So what do we do? How do we choose?
Alex asks: First of all, the STS and STO orientations: I know that it is not about good or evil and that they are only what they are: different service orientations. My deepest senses they shout that SAD is "good" and that SAS is "evil". I think it's It is natural for human beings to be oriented towards the good, that is, to choose SAD.

This is not necessarily so, that it is natural for ALL beings human beings "orient themselves towards the good". Thinking like this is a way of "compulsive craving", that is, SAS. But it is true for the MOST human beings. The problem is: what is it really "good"? I struggled with this idea for 44 years. I've probably studied the nature of evil so deeply like any other human being on the planet who has dedicated himself to this study with the intention of understanding it and not being a participant in he.

It is said that "the only thing that is needed for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing to prevent it." But according to my point From a point of view, the problem lies in the fact that we do not know for sure what it means to do good. Everywhere I looked, I always saw people who were trying to do good, who believed that they were doing the And yet the results were pure evil.

Being a hypnotherapist, I've been inside the minds of many people who have been both victims and perpetrators of evil (and I am NOT using this term with the intention of judging, but in its conventional meaning), and for most of them, once the they got rid of all intentions, what remained in the heart was the desire to love and be happy.
And in almost all cases, what prevented the good (again, a term used as a convention) manifested in their lives, was the lack of knowledge.
What does all this imply? What do the Cassiopaeans say to the respect?
"We can see everything, not just what we want to see. The error of they consist in that they can only see what they want to see. In in other words, they are the highest manifestation of that which is defines it as "compulsive craving".
And this compulsive craving is an instrument for the creation of one's own reality in the 4th density... Thus, they cannot see what we can, because We serve others, as opposed to those who serve themselves themselves, and since we are on the sixth level, we can see all that that He is such and such He is, not as we would like him to be."
They see only what they want to see, rather than seeing what IS. This it is the essential element of the SAS orientation. They choose the ignorance.

And this is the trap I fell into, and it's the same trap that the people with a natural predisposition toward the frequency of SAD vibration. How? Through the efforts made by the SAS faction for programming people through religion, philosophy, and a number of similar gadgets. We grew up under the direction of religious and moral teachings in societies that frequently they lead us to destruction!

In the material called "Circe" we find the following feedback:
"One of the tactics of the SAS faction is to subtly ally their message with a truly positive message to create confusion in the minds that have not been trained, the ones that tend, based on in superficial evidence, to accept messages really contradictory as if they were equivalent."

"The STS realm is an inverted reflection of the SAD realm; a kind of parallel configuration that borrows all components from the SAD paradigm by inverting and distorting them, using the method of imitation. It imitates the expression of the positive and does so even more carefully when you want to be confused with the posture SAD in order to subvert the messages."

"Their usual strategy is to begin their work by adhering as closely as possible." closely to the letter of the positive that becomes indistinguishable of this for all those whose consciousness has not yet been initiated, settling in the mind through numbing rhythmic indoctrination with a view to ensnaring the congregation unprepared at the moment when it finally deviates in part or of the imposed pattern, dragging with it a portion of the those who walk the positive path."

"The voice of the SAS faction is of course even more obsequious when it is directed to a SAD-configured receiver. Those whose natural orientation is the SAS do not require such a discourse careful not to be deceived since they already have a predisposition towards deception"
(Topper, see "Stalking")
The following comment holds the key:
"The attitude that most purveyors of wisdom have of The New Age is similar to that of the ostrich, that is, that of a Neo-Augustinian denial of evil as a 'non-entity' or a shadow which is defined only in terms of 'absence of the good'. This is a clever manoeuvre by the SAS faction with a view to To accumulate energy.
With this idea, people think that the solution to the The problem is to 'educate' 'negative' beings so that they can abandon your contradictory behaviors. The underlying idea is that if you love them enough or help them see the error that Comment when they're bad instead of seeing how nice it is to be good, everything will be transformed into sweetness and light."
One of the tactics of STS beings is to propagate and exaggerate the magnitude, horror and desperation of the information, suggesting in this way that personal power is a chimera in the face of the collective despair. This results in a feeling of passivity and futility.

Because of this passivity, people are drawn to "sources" substitutes who seem to compensate for the power lost with their authoritarian character or his messianic pose. The authority that self-proclaimed such sources, tends to subjugate us even more before their depredations causing us to weaken ourselves until we cannot oppose effective resistance to a massive negative invasion.

In other words: the SAS faction has repeatedly sought to subvert the positive message that KNOWLEDGE PROTECTS, emphasizing feelings of perdition and destruction and making such a negativity the central axis of communication, causing the mind is derailed into hopelessness.

Now, I ask, which of the influences that are manifest in our world, fits better with this kind of "programming"? At The Wave I planned to expose this programming to as I discovered it.

The only problem is that I don't have enough time to work on this issue as I would like. However, some of the most important points are exposed in the material that has been made available.

Riane Eisler wrote in "The Chalice and the Blade" Sword"):
"The fall of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages, the Plague, the First and Second World Wars, all the moments of apparent chaos that we know, are absolutely nothing compared to what we do. that occurred at a time about which we know very little: the evolutionary crossroads of our prehistory when society was violently transformed. Now, thousands of more years late, when we are approaching the possibility of a second social transformation, we need to understand as much as we can about that amazing piece of our lost past...
Without However, even when we are faced with the authority of a new research, with new archaeological evidence, and the collaboration of the social sciences, the new body of Emerging knowledge about millennia of history in such a way contradicts everything we have been taught, that Its hold in our minds is similar to that of a written message on the sand." (emphasis mine)

"Among the sources that come in support of this, as we have seen, There are new scientific discoveries about systems stable and variable systems. This knowledge emerged popularly known as the 'new physics', and sometimes also called the 'chaos theory', it offers for first time a theoretical framework adequate to understand what happened during our prehistory as well as what could, in a direction different, to happen again, now."
Miss Eisler has no idea that her work, her Their findings and theories are simply describing the manipulation of humanity by 4th Generation forces. density.
But the fact that she doesn't know about this makes her your work is even more valuable!
She describes the curious reversal of religion, society and culture, as reveal a large amount of archaeological research and in other related fields.
It seems that there was a time when the Men lived on the planet in great harmony with nature and with their peers. But something happened... and it's very difficult to know with certainty what. Chaos became the rule; wars, looting, and The rapes began at a certain point throughout the "time", and since then the world and humanity have not returned to be the same.
The long history of peace, unearthed layer after layer layer on soils in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan and others places, has been covered up by the conflagration of destruction.
And just at the same time, the Mother Goddess was replaced by the Vengeful God, in his many different incarnations, who eventually became the "Supreme God," which was followed by "selection." on the part of the power structure, of a particular god such as the "one God," and the subsequent imposition of a system of beliefs in the Western world as a means of political control, which became the dominant power across the globe.
All this makes one think of the "Dragon" of the Apocalypse that gives power to the Beast to exert control over the whole world. "Through its you will know fruits."

However, Miss Eisler questions: "Still, one wonders, if the change from a partnership to a partnership dominant society, was introduced in a late period in the development of our species, does this not mean that a system is, after all, a step up in the evolution?

Well, the Judeo/Christian system would like us to think that. But there is something interesting about this "One God" that rarely It occurs to most people to think:
"Because we're not used to thinking about history in terms of of a social model of domination versus one of collaboration... is It's hard for us to see the effect these two models have had in our cultural evolution. This is why it is so important find another source that corroborates the change in our culture about 5000 years ago.
Unlike 'chaos theory', This second source is by no means new. In truth, it is something we already know, something implanted in our minds for A long time: it is about sacred, secular and scientific mythology of Eastern civilization, which can only now be seen as the revelation of a remote past and much better than the one we know out of habit."
(Eisler, "The Chalice and the Blade," Harper Collins, 1987).
What Miss Eisler describes in her social model of "domination versus collaboration" is nothing more than the concept of STS vs. SAD.

Who is the first promoter of the social model of domination?

Hellen Ellerbe writes:
"The Christian Church has left a legacy, a global perspective, that encompasses all aspects of Western society, both secular and religious. It is a legacy that fosters sexism, racism, intolerance of differences, desecration of the nature and the environment. The Church, through its history, has demonstrated its indifference to human freedom, the dignity and self-determination.
It has tried to control, contain and to confine spirituality, the relationship between individuals and God. As a result, Christianity has contributed to creating a society in which people are alienated, not not only of each other, but also of the Divinity."
(Hellen Ellerbe, "The Dark Side of Christian History" Christian History". Morning Star and Lark, 1995)
It is in the conditioning and programming of Christianity, the which is presented in the form of "the only way to salvation" or "the only way to God", or "the only way to really be well", where we find our greatest difficulty. As I wrote at Amazing Grace, getting rid of this program is a long and painful.

Merlin Stone writes:
"In most archaeological texts, the female religion is called the 'fertility cult', perhaps revealing the attitude of Sexuality held by various religions contemporary that could have influenced writers. But the Archaeological and mythological evidence of the veneration of the deity feminine as creator and legislator of the universe, prophetess, provider of human destinies, inventor, healer, hunter and brave leader in battle, suggests that the title of 'cult of the fertility' may be a scandalous simplification of what would be a complex theological structure."

"In the descriptions of cities and temples buried already At the same time, scholars wrote in relation to the goddess sexually active that it was 'inappropriate', 'intolerably aggressive', or 'embarrassingly lacking in morals', while the Male gods who raped or seduced legendary women or girls, they were described as 'playful' and even 'admirably virile'. To the women who followed the ancient customs of the goddess, known in their own language as women They are described as 'ritual prostitutes'.
This choice of words reveals an ethnocentric ethic, based on probably in biblical attitudes. Even so, using the term 'prostitutes' as a translation of the title of these women who were Actually known as Gades, which means sacred, suggests a total lack of understanding of theological and social structures which the authors themselves tried to describe and explain."

"Despite the fact that the goddess was, in most cases, historical documents of the Near East, the Goddess of the Heavens, some authors limited themselves to calling her 'Mother Earth'."

"Why is it that the age of the 'pagan' religions, the age of worship of the feminine divinities, is considered as a chaotic and dark time (that is if it is mentioned at all), mysterious and evil, without the light of order and reason that supposedly accompany later masculine religions, when it has been archaeologically proven that law, government, medicine, agriculture, architecture, metallurgy, the creation of wheeled vehicles, ceramics, textiles and written language were initially developed in the societies in which they were worshipped the goddess?"

"The importance, longevity and complexity of this ancient religion it cannot be stressed enough. It was a grandiose religion that spread over a vast geographical region and influenced in the lives of multitudes for thousands of years."
(Merlin Stone, "When God was a woman", "When God was a woman", Harcourt Brace, 1976).
We must also mention here that in the time of the goddess Time it was considered cyclical, constant, infinite renewal.
He went to through the introduction of the male dominating god of the Hebrews, monotheistic and oriented towards scarcity, that Time is became linear and judging became inevitable, so that a Salvador became necessary to prevent the final condemnation. ¿Who He could come up with such an evil strategy to trap the mind of humanity? Who really! And this is the state of mind that it dominates our thoughts.
As Sheila Collins writes, the truth is that It's just:
"Theology is fundamentally political. The way in which human communities deify the superior and determine the categories of good and evil, has more to do with the dynamics of the social systems that created the same theologies, which with the spontaneous revelation of truth from other spheres."
Purely Machiavellian!

Personally, I'm sure things will change as we Let's get closer to fourth density. But should we expect that event patiently, or we should follow some guidelines in our daily behavior?

My answer is to be myself. That is already something quite difficult. To be truly yourself means to constantly examine what is thought or what is said, to determine if everything is the result of a "programming" or if it is the result of an impulse that emanates from the depths of being. I think we must be patients with ourselves, and at the same time, strive to Finding the Guidelines for Our Behavior Within Ourselves Same.

All that exists are lessons. Plain and simple. It's quite specific, isn't it? Well, I know that. I'm starting to think that No immediate physical action is necessary. However, it is I miss the feeling that the constant rumination inside a boiling mind, all day long (and sometimes all night!). Probably because we're used to it to the method of getting things by flipping a switch, It is very difficult for me to learn my lessons patiently, without Do anything "radical."

Yes, we are programmed to wait for "instant fixes", "immediate gratification" and for the problems to which they are find solution in an hour or less (including spaces commercials for messages from sponsors...)

There is another issue that is simply annoying. The SAS Orientation it is not bad, it is simply Service to Self. Because it is it is simply a way of being, neither good nor bad in itself, Why strive to change, then? God, I can't believe I asked that!

Yes, everything I have presented above leads to this point particular: it all comes down to the question of choosing. But my Instincts tell me that by the time one can ask this question, The decision has already been made. If one can see this then it is able to see what IS, and not what one would like it to be. It is the evidence of an open mind! I think so.

I guess I'm an STS being, but I don't like that. I feel inside I believe that this orientation (SAS) is not the correct one. I want to understand this feeling. There must be a reason to exist as a SAD being or as an STS being, which is what we currently are. There is.
It's like the yin-yang circle.

Q: (L) In the case of the light waves themselves, do they affect DNA?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) What is the origin of the light waves?
A: Our center, our plane: SAD.

Q: (L) So how did the Reptoids get to use light? of the SAD plane to modify our DNA?
A: They used sophisticated frequency to disrupt the frequency of light waves.

Q: (L) Well, what I can deduce from what they say, or more Well, what they don't say, is that it was almost like... well, like a battle, and you lost?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) So another force, in what we call the past, the He won, and the victors used the power of light to altering ourselves in different ways, correct?
A: Yes. Now understand this: It is all part of the Great Natural Cycle of things.

Q: (L) Is this Great Natural Cycle part of the interaction between the light and darkness that simply must take place?
A: Yes. We are at the forefront of the natural system of balance of the universe. That is the position that is reached before to reach total union with "The One".

Q: (T) Now, the battle that you had with the other side...
A: That we are having.

Q: (T) This battle continues. Did they regain the power of light?
A: We never lost it: you lost it.

Q: (T) They took over our light, not yours? So we're just a battle within the framework of a war continuous and global?
A: Yes. Balance is natural. Remember, it's all lessons inside of the great cycle.

Q: (L) I'm very curious... when you and the Reptoids are engage in a struggle, what do they do? I mean, obviously I don't know they shoot with conventional weapons and have no tanks...
A: It's too complicated for them to understand because they still They are not in the 4th level.

Q: (J) When you fight, is there any way we can detect that Is a battle taking place?
A: First, we don't "fight." Second: yes, in nature, in land and weather changes.

Q: (T) Following a confrontation, are there manifestations such as changes in the planet's atmosphere and environment?
A: And in space. Remember, we are the light and they are the darkness. We are both higher level thoughtforms reflected at all levels of reality.
And we return to the subject of Thought-Forms and Mental Centers. What are these Mental Centers?

Q: (L) What was the nature of the interaction?
A: Conflict of energies related to the impulses of the Centers Mental.

Q: (L) Where are these Mental Centers located?
A: Well, that's very difficult to answer because that means Assume that the Mental Centers are "located". And of course, this It's a concept they're not familiar with yet, so Trying to respond in a way that makes sense to you doesn't it would be beneficial. We suggest that you slow down and ask carefully.

Q: (L) At what level of density are these Mental Centers primarily concentrated?
A: Mental Centers are not concentrated at any level of density. That is precisely the point. You are not completely familiar with the reality of what the Thoughts. We've been talking to you on many levels and we've have been detailing many areas concerning levels of density, but thoughts are a very different thing because they go through all levels of density at once.


Q: (L) In this particular case, what was it about? (Referring to a semi-conscious interaction with beings who tried to realize abduction or plagiarism.)
A: It was an eclipse of energies caused by mental centers conflictive (e.g., an internal battle).

Q: (L) What were the energies that were eclipsed?
A: When two opposite units of reality intersect, this causes something that we could describe as friction, which, by a infinitesimal quantity of what you call time (which by of course, strictly speaking does not exist) creates a condition of non-existence, or a paralysis of movements and of all the Functions. This is what could be defined as a "conflict". While an intersection of opposing entities takes place, We find a condition of zero time, zero motion, zero Transfer, zero exchange. Now think about this carefully.

Q: (L) Does this mean that I was essentially in a situation of of non-existence?
A: Well, "non-existence" would not be the most appropriate term; "non-fluid existence" would be more approximate. Understand?

Q: (L) Yes, it would be something like a frozen state.
A: Kind of frozen.


Q: (L) Was I one of those conflicting mental centers?
A: That is presupposing that you, what we define as "your," or what you defined as "I", it is in itself a mental center. Part of what You are a mental center, but not all you are is a mental center. Therefore it is wrong to say: "Was I one of the of those conflicting mental centers?"

Q: (L) Was one of these conflicting mental centers a part of the me?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And it was overshadowed because of an interaction?with the energy of a mental center that was a part, or the whole, of something else or another individual?
A: Or was it a conflict between a mental center and a mental center? of energy that was part of your mental processes, and another center That was another part of your mental processes? We pose the question and leave it for your due consideration.


Q: (L) You have mentioned the Mental Centers in many Occasions. Is there more than one?
A: All is the One and the All.

Q: (L) So these mental centers, how do they relate to each other? with 7th Density, with the Whole?
A: Exactly!

Q: (L) Are the mental centers 7th Density?
A: Everything is.

Q: (L) Are all there mental centers?
A: No. Everything is 7th Density.

Q: (L) I think you know where I'm trying to get to with all this, and I would appreciate it if you would help me a little...
A: We are helping.
What can we understand from all of the above? From our experiences of the world in general? Of everything we can know and perceive?
Well, the first thing is that ALL that exists IS God. That is he understands without much difficulty. Moreover, God here is not It is not presented as the fearsome God who dominates Judeo-Christian teachings, but rather in the terms in which he Paul describes in Romans, Chapter 1, when he says that God is everything.
And if God is everything, we have no choice but to conclude that darkness is also God. This idea is not unknown.
Truly it is an integral part of the teachings of Islam and is explained with greater depth in Sufism.
"Ibn Al-'Arabi is known as the founder of the School of Being. Put simply: there is only one Being, and all existence does not exist. it is more than the manifestation or expansion of that one Being. God in Himself is existence, and non-existence has no relation to Him. And whatever separates "that which is not God" from God, is nothing but God. an adulterated mixture of non-existence. All things, entities, possibilities, manifestations, forms, and attributes, all these are the names that are applied to that which is not the Being, to the Existence.
But non-existence does not mean nothingness, since that things - either as objects of God's knowledge "before" that they are in the cosmos or as entities existing within the cosmos. of the same cosmos – possess certain modes of relative existence. They exist in the knowledge of God in a manner analogous to how Our thoughts exist in our minds.
Each creature is one "word" of God. From a certain point of view, the material world is the darkness on which the spirit acts, the light. Even so, in his nature, is also a kind of light in relation to the Nothing absolute. Nature appears only through its effects on various levels of the cosmos and yet it appears forever invisible
(Chittick, "The Sufi Path of Knowledge," 1989).

Q: (L) So there needs to be darkness for there to be light?
A: Yes.


Q: (L) So, in order for the energy to come into the level 3rd Density physics... does the energy descend when Are you entering the3rd level?
A: No, it goes up.

Q: (L) What is moving upwards?
A: Molecules. Atomic matter. Light is 1st Density and It unifies all densities.

Q: (L) Does that mean that as we move from the 3rd to the 4th Are we moving away from the source?
A: No. Light and darkness unify all densities.


Q: (L) Why is the crowing of the rooster associated with the idea of civilizations, cities, or underground bases?
A: What makes the rooster crow?

Q: (L) The light. But how does light relate to a city? Underground?
A: It is not only the light, but the output of the light from the depths of darkness.


Q: (L) Well, I was reading something related to mirrors. Said:
"Negative existence is the silence behind the sound, the canvas white beneath the painting, the darkness on which the light. The Void is the stillness against which Time moves. The negative existence makes it possible for man to be what he is. It is the mirror of mirrors. Non-anticipation is not interfering, and allows may the most perfect reflection of creation take place."

"All knowledge is knowledge of God. The objects of the knowledge of God are infinite, although there is only a number at a given time and only a finite number can to become known by a finite thing. For man, the seeker of knowledge, the acquisition of knowledge has no The end. This is the secret of man's happiness. Knowledge, The greatest good is also the greatest joy and pleasure.
The never-ending trajectory of man's life in the world that must be explained from the point of view of its constant growth in knowledge. To the happy man, this knowledge is totally congruent and harmonious with its own And every increase of knowledge is an increase of the soul. happiness. For the unhappy man, the knowledge of things as they really are, it is unbearable torture, because it contradicts their beliefs and their practices in this world. Each new knowledge, every new self-revelation recognized for what it is, it is a new misfortune."
(William Chittick, "The Sufi Path of Knowledge," State University of New York, 1989).
Notice this last comment: "To the unhappy man, the Knowledge of things as they really are, is torture unbearable." This accurately describes the SAS posture of compulsive craving.

On the contrary, we might think that the most important thing that a The individual can do to manifest the true tendencies of SAD is to seek truth, knowledge... Keep a mind be aware and constantly work to apply this knowledge, uprooting illusion, self-inflicted deception, and obsession, as obstacles to knowledge.


Q: You say that electromagnetic waves (OEMs) are intertwine with gravity. Santilli (see Santilli Session) says that OEMs and gravity are the same thing. But we also have light. The Light is electromagnetic radiation. If so, how is it that the gravity, which is intertwined with OEMs, travels faster than Are you, that is, exceeding the speed of light?
A: Gravity does not "travel."

Q: Well, when you say that gravity beats speed of light, what exactly do they mean?
A: Gravity is located in all planes at once, in the space/time.

Q: Now, one possible answer is that gravity travels as a phase, while light travels as a "set" of waves. ¿Is Is this correct?
A: The gravity wave is merely a "fold" in the fabric omnipresent; the facilitator of basic energy. Gravity is the fabric itself, as well as the facilitator of energy.

Q: How does gravity facilitate? (A) What is it that Facilitates?
A: We have told you before that gravity is the fundamental force absolutely everything! This is at all levels of densities, in all dimensions... is the main "ingredient" of the entire existence. Without it nothing would exist. So are your thoughts are based on gravity!

Q: Well, you said that light is the energetic expression of the gravity. How does light manifest in 7th Density?
A: Light IS 7th Density.

Q: Okay, so light is 7th Density. And you said that Light is the energetic expression of gravity. They also said that gravity is God. Does this mean that light is gravity?

Q: Well, what is the difference between gravity and light?
A: What is the difference between concrete and cement?

Q: I'm not entirely sure. I think cement is just another material Concentrate and concrete have sand, stones and other things mixed to make it work better. And it has water too. You they say that light is 7th Density. They say gravity is God, and God and 7th Density with the same thing...
A: No. 7th Density is "Union with the One."

Q: What is the difference between Union with the One and God?
A: Only in 7th Density is God unified

. Q: When God is "disunited" or "destabilized" or "scattered," where, and I know where is not the correct term, in what density manifests itself then?
A: Totally wrong concept.

Q: What is the correct concept?
A: Well, first of all, God is not destabilized or scattered. They must get rid of the tendency to think in linear terms.

Q: Okay. Everything just is. In 7th Density there is "Union with the Unique." In 6th density there is... what is there? There is a balance between the Light and darkness, to be and not to be, right?
A: Pure consciousness. There is no need to materialize.

Q: I believe that there are three ethereal densities, three densities materials and intermediate density, density of variable materiality/ethereality...
A: Something like that.

Q: And these densities can only be distinguished by virtue of their closeness to union with the One, correct?
A: Proximity?

Q: Well, you know that's not what I mean, not in that Sense, help me a little!
A: No, it goes well on its own.

Q: I see that it's more or less like the image of reality perpendicular. The circle in the center and the realities perpendicular expanding more and more and eventually returning to the center, because gravity in the center attracts them. But there is something more: something happens in a concentric circle, or in the idea of the layers of an atom, which distinguishes these layers from one another, or the states of being, in relation to the center and to other realities Perpendicular. What is the level of the layers, the level of the Plans? What is the relationship between perpendicular reality and its outward movement, which differentiates it, at certain points relative, of the center itself? I understand that it's consciousness, but We are also dealing with the issue of non-being. Being and non-being. What is the relationship between these perpendicular realities and the seven planes of existence?
A: Essentially incorrect concept. A perpendicular reality is a matrix composed of three parameters: knowledge, degree of consciousness and being. The plans are simply divisions of the experience based on the energy guides of the consciousness.

Q: What are "energy consciousness orienters"?
A: Compare yourself for a moment to the citizen in the backyard. What is everyone's opinion of the discipline of calculus?

Q: Well, I don't know exactly what calculus is, but I know it's important. I never thought I would be able to learn such things, so I never tried. But I know it's important and someday I'll learn something. I'm sure the dog not only doesn't think it's useful, nor does it think it's useful. It's not even conscientiousentity that exists. How does that relate to the energy guides of consciousness?
A: All of nature seeks a balance. Someday Percy will have a opinion about the calculation.

Q: Well, so the energy counsellors of consciousness they are like a horizontal reality in relation to realities Perpendicular?
A: Slots, dear, slots.

Q: Are these grooves comparable to the appearance and disappearance of electrons in the shells of an atom?
A: That's not the point. He's still using a 3rd-party mentality. density to try to measure the parameters of realities Like trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole!

Q: Well, they mention these "slots." What are these slots and how does one go from one slot to another?
A: Picture this: There are 7 sizes of marbles, and there are also 7 sizes of grooves. Where do marbles "fit"?

Q: Do marbles represent units of consciousness?
A: Approximately. Or division of the energy levels of the consciousness.

Q: Do these divisions of consciousness grow and change?
A: Yes.

Q: And do they grow and change through the acquisition of knowledge, correct?
A: Basically.

Q: And acquiring knowledge is equivalent to acquiring energy, or light, or light energy?
A: Not exactly. That would be like saying that filling the tank in the gas station is equivalent to acquiring speed.

Q: So knowledge and light are like gasoline to the car, but speed comes with utilization?
A: Yes.

Q: And utilization means...
A: The application of knowledge that generates energy, which, in turn, It generates light.

Q: So when one of these marbles is in a groove is filled with gasoline, which allows it to move to another of the Slots?
A: What?!

Q: I'm using your analogy!
A: No, he is mixing analogies.

Q: Let me go back and recap. We have marbles in the Slots... What are these slots?
A: An analogy to explain the concept of planes.

Q: Do marbles move from one slot to another?
A: Only when they have acquired the correct size.

Q: Oh. How do they get the right size?
A: How did you acquire it?

Q: I guess growing.
A: OK.
But we still have to deal with the subject of the mental centers. ¿What are? The Sufis of Islam tell us about the "Names of God."

"Allah," the all-encompassing name, refers at the same time to all the attributes of the Being. It also alludes to the relationship of the Being with the totality of the hierarchy of existence that reflects His attributes with varying intensity... Other divine names refer to to relatively specific attributes of the Self, such as Life, Knowledge, Desire, Power, Spoken Language, Generosity, Justice.
According to the words of the Prophet, there are 99 of these "incomparably beautiful names." And every name has its opposite. God assumes his relationship with the cosmos through these Names; relationships such as Creator, Exalter, Denigrader, Giver of Life, Executioner, Forgiver, Avenger, etc.
The "Names "Divine" are the most important concept in Islam, and I believe that are related to what the Cassiopaeans call "Centers Mental." These names represent attributes or essences.
According to Al-'Arabi, man's task is to discover the "essences" of things and follow their trail back as far as possible possible, until reaching the corresponding "Divine Name" that the Inspires.
"All things come back to God. But most return to Him more or less. less in the same way they departed. On the other hand, human beings humans possess certain gifts that allow them to choose their own route back. Man can follow the path marked out by the Prophet, or he can follow his own "whims" and desires. Every The road leads you back to God, but God has many faces, and Not all of them are pleasant to behold! Everywhere you look there is the face of God. God is full of mercy, but also of mercy. wrath. 'He is the one who blesses,' but also 'He is the one who comes and punishes terribly...' What is it that decides which side to face? Shall we turn around?"

"Human beings do not come into this world as mature forms Divine. They begin as a kind of infinite potential to update the all-encompassing name. Different people take different decisions. Some prefer to play with appearances, some seek different degrees of light, some turn their gaze toward the Absolute Light and you cannot settle for less than that. The degrees of Light intensity are virtually limitless. Every degree can become a way station for each person, But each "way station" exists solely for the traveler to move on to the next one! The journey lasts forever: how could the finite encompass the infinite?"

"Not all paths lead to the Absolute Light. One person can continue to wander between appearances in this world and the next, or be enraptured by one of the innumerable inner worlds that fill the abyss."

"When human beings return to God, either by compulsion or compulsion." By their own choice, they do so by following the path of the worlds Intermediate. This represents an ascent through levels increasing intensity of light until finally reaching the Light Infinite of God. To grow in light is to grow in life, knowledge, desire, power, gift of speech, generosity, justice, etc. This is the process of updating all the divine names that are found latent within the primordial nature of man by virtue of its divine form."
(Chittick, 1989)
My final question is about 6th density.
As we know, the Cassiopaeans with 6th density light beings who serve the others (SAD). Have they always been SAD? They say it's "us in the future". Whereas time, as we know it, is a illusion and that in the present we are STS, how was it that produced the change? If there was no such change, then what happened? Were the Reptoids perhaps busier with us than with us? they?

In my opinion, the Cassiopaeans are one possible future among many possible futures. If we continue to grow and seek the knowledge openly and freely, and every day we put into practice the knowledge acquired in all possible situations of life, we are going to progress towards the consciousness of the Cassiopaeans. We can also choose to align ourselves with the consciousness of the Reptoids.
The good news is that we don't have to be completely SAD in order to access 4th density, and it seems to be a fact that we cannot become so as long as we continue to be incarnated in physical bodies within 3rd density. But we can grow to the point where we no longer "fit" here, in the same way that A child grows beyond the size of his shoes and his shoes. Clothes. However, the fact that a child needs a size up A big shoe does not imply that he is already an adult.
Once you have your larger shoes, will continue to grow until it requires another pair... and so on.

Q: (L) As you know, I've been studying the Sufi teachings and I am discovering so much similarity between the Sufi "revelations" and What we've been getting through this source, I can't Except to say that I am very amazed. So my question is: Could we consider what we are doing here as a "revelation," as they call it, that continually increases?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Now, according to what I'm reading, in certain moments within the process of revelation, when the knowledge base has expanded sufficiently, certain Inner revelations begin to take place. Is this part of the process that is taking place?
A: Maybe.

Q: (L) In recent years I have had the experience that every time that there is a significant increase in knowledge, which which occurs more or less cyclically, I pass through a state of depression before being able to assimilate this new knowledge. It's like an internal transformation, from one level to the next. Is there anything that we can do to increase or facilitate in any way this process, and if so, would it be advisable for us to do so?
A: It is a natural process. They must let it flow freely.

Q: (L) One of the things that Al-'Arabi writes about is the level ontological of being. Concentric circles, so to speak, of states of being. And each state defines relationships. At each level We are closer to a direct relationship with the center of existence, while on the outer edges there is a closer relationship with matter. This explains exactly the seven levels of density that you have described to us.
The Too talks about "irradiation" and the "ebb movement" into the knowledge. I think that certain beings such as those of STS orientation 4th density, as well as other 3rd density STS beings, who believe they are creating the conditions by which they They can accumulate personal power, it could be that in fact only are part of the "irradiation" or expansion of matter. Is this correct perception?
A: Approximately.

Q: Al-'Arabi said, and this echoes what you have said, that One can entrench oneself in the present state of illusion, or one can become entrenched in the present state of illusion. It can scroll up or down. Is it the direction that one Take is partly a function of the particular position you have within the cycle?
A: It's more complex than that.

Q: (L) Well, I'm sure of it. Al-'Arabi presents an analysis very complex and he probably didn't know everything either... However This almost reflects, word for word, the concepts that have been shared with us. They have been given directly by means of this same source.


Q: (L) My question is, is the information that we are receiving similar to what Al-'arabi calls an "opening"?
A. Yes.

Q: (L) You say that you are unified mental centers on the plane of knowledge.
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Al-'Arabi describes the unified thought-forms as the "names of God". His explanation is so similar to things that you tell us that I wonder...
A: We are all the Names of God. Remember, this is a channel, the which means that both the point of arrival and the point of origin they have the same value, the same importance.

Q: (L) What do you mean? Does it mean that we are a part of the process?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) So this has to do with...
A: Don't deify us, and make sure that the other people with whom you are that they communicate, understand this well.

Q: (L) What quality within us, what thing in itself has made it possible for us to make contact?; because, obviously a lot of People try and only get garbage.
A: You asked for it.

Q: (L) A lot of people ask for it too!
A: No, they don't ask: they order.

Q: (L) Well, a lot of people actually ask for it, either beg for it or He begs, but then they are baffled by the answers.
A: No. Those people order, think about it. You didn't beg or They implored: That would be similar to ordering. After ordering He honestly began the purification process.

Q: (L) This recent "awakening," or this period of seeing things as clearly as they really are, the full picture of the interactions with other people and finally seeing how Genuinely horrendous all this is, it threw me into a state of terrible depression. I needed to recover a little balance as a result of having been exposed to so much and in one fell swoop. Can you explain to me what it was What happened?
A: Growth.

Q: (L) I tried to share my perceptions with other people and, almost without exception, when he said that he was finally seeing the things in their true state and that what I saw was NOT a painting Too pretty, everyone was saying "Well, obviously you're seeing everything this as a result of severe spiritual possession!" Why said such a thing?
A: First of all, it is not correct to perceive the whole situation as plunged into a depressing darkness. Everything is a consequence of having detached from a cocoon of falsehood. Celebrate balance. I do not know he must lament the death of the illusion that causes the imbalance.

Q: (L) Where am I going? Where are we all going?
A: In any direction they choose.
Espero que algo de lo que he escrito aquí ayude.
It is a very difficult to deal with, and it's even hard to even think about it because We are programmed to think that we must "eradicate" the darkness, since this is a satanic rebellion against God that he only allows it to continue until the day of Judgment, when the will utterly destroy so that we can sit on the clouds to play the harp and sing psalms.
But if you think about it, God is everything, and I really mean All, so how can we love only a part of Him?
Loving God as a whole does not mean that we must choose to BE all things in existence, even those that belong to the plane of "darkness". If we imagine it like a circle that continually goes round in cycles, and each one of us is a point within the circle, we can understand that those on the opposite side of the circle have so much value for the the totality of it like all the others.
Those who are "spinning down," so to speak, provide the necessary momentum so that their opposites "turn upwards". So we don't just love them For your presence as part of a whole, we thank you for being here where are they!.
But they're in their place in the cycle, and we're we are in ours.

Q: (L) On many occasions we talk about the Quorum and the Illuminati. Both seem to be the highest levels among all the secret organizations. What is the relationship between them?
A: The Quorum is mostly composed of aliens; the Illuminati are mostly human. Both are in a point; they are two halves of a whole.

Q: (L) The Illuminati have been described as those behind it of the Brotherhood of the Serpent, which has been related to the Reptoids...
A: Approximately, but it's not as simple as that. Imagine a circle turning and contemplate it for a moment before continuing.

Q: (L) OK, I'm looking at a circle spinning.
A: Now two halves representing the positive and negative. Two Halves.

Q: (L) Well, what I take away from all of this is that the two halves are Playing with the human race, is that right?
A: No. This is complicated, but if they can learn and understand, it will be a super-revelation for you.

Q: (L) Okay, go ahead. Explain.
A: Ask step by step.

Q: (L) Why do we have to ask step by step?
A: To be able to absorb the information.

Q: (L) The Quorum are described as the "good guys"; the Illuminati as the "bad guys". Even so, they are both Freemasons. When A member of the Masonic organization reaches a high level, is there a individuals at the other levels recruiting Masons for one or the other side?
A: First, it is not entirely accurate to speak of one side or the other.

Q: (L) I'm not understanding...
A: Lift the block.

Q: (L) I'm not blocked. If the Brotherhood, i.e., the Illuminati, or whether the Reptoids, or the Beast, are the ones who do things in to the detriment of humanity and the planet, how do they relate to the Quorum that is in contact with...?
A: It will take time for us to explain this. Be patient: it's worth it.

Q: (L) Okay. What is the nature of Evil?
A: A mixture (remember the concepts of Orimulsion and Ormethion).

Q: (L) Are the Reptoids what we would consider evil?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are the Cassiopaeans what we would consider good?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do Reptoids work independently of and in opposition to the Cassiopaeans?
A: Independently, not in opposition. Now, move forward carefully. Step by step. If they don't understand an answer completely, fHorrible Another question.

Q: (L) Part of a Whole. Part of a circle.
A: Mix. Imagine a circle whose colors intermingle Melting.

Q: (L) Do you mean that at certain levels the two halves are Overlap?
A: Something like that.

Q: (L) do you mean that the Quorum has "good guys" as well as "bad guys," and so are the Illuminati, since they're both on sides opposites of the circle but in the part where they are mixed one is leans more to one side while the other leans more to the other side? And are these organizations where they interactions come together?
A: That's closer to being the right thing to do.

Q: (L) Okay, so it's a mix. Does it have anything to do with... in his Service to Others case means that you even serve those who serve themselves? Isn't that correct?
A: Yes; we serve you, and remember that the Reptoids have programmed your race for service to themselves.

Q: (L) So, to some extent, I'm still an individual who It serves itself, right?
A: But moving slowly toward service to others. Not all humans are.

Q: (L) Does this mean that when members of the Quorum or the Illuminati ask for information or help, you must answer to whom you are concerned? That is, since you serve others?
A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) Which part is no?
A: If the vibration frequencies are out of sync, it is not possible to make connection.

Q: (L) Is the work of the Reptoids part of a grand plan or design?
A: Everything is.

Q: (L) Let's continue. A mix... Even so, two halves...
A: From the same circle.

Q: (L) Who designed this circle?
A: It is a natural frequency wave. Close to the conjunction both service patterns and both "sides" are mixed to create a perfect balance.

Q: (L) So the Illuminati are at the highest level within the world. path of service to himself and, in some way, for having have reached this level, have been able to have access to knowledge or frequency patterns that allow them to modify their position up to a point at which their service-to-self orientation does not exclude the to be able to incorporate some understanding of those who have Service to others orientation, correct?
A: Go ahead.

Q: (L) OK. Those of the Quorum are those who concentrate on the service to and, at a certain point in their path, they reach the understanding that some service to self is service to others. That is right?
A: Something like that. Service to others provides the perfect balance of those two realities; service to oneself is that which is diametrically opposed and that closes the great cycle in a balance perfect.

Q: (L) Therefore there needs to be a way of service to oneself so that there can be a path of service to others.
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those who are part of the Quorum and the Illuminati...
A: They blend in the center.

Q: (L) Therefore there must be darkness in order for there to be darkness. light.
A: Yes.