Additional information, images, videos & links from LOR on June 15, 2024.
As usual, this is just my opinion, arrived at by personal research, come to by following mainstream clues.
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View full-sizeDownload Massimo Mazzucco (born 20 July 1954 in Turin) is an Italian filmmaker who has produced documentary films such as The New American Century and Cancer -The Forbidden Cures. Mazzucco is also the administrator of, an Italian news site concentrating mostly on the September 11 WTC attacks.
I just discovered the 2014 documentary September 11: the New Pearl Harbor, by Massimo Mazzucco.
I know, it's hard to believe I am hitting this six years late, but I don't spend any time watching the news and very little time surfing the internet—except for researching my papers.
I avoid all new things like the plague, and generally rely on my readers to keep me up to date on things of this nature.
Plus, I had formed an opinion about 9/11 years ago, after researching it heavily.
To be honest, there was nothing new to me in this documentary, though it was almost five hours long.
Mazzucco does a very good job of compiling most of the high points of previous research (and of making the debunkers look very bad), but he doesn't tell us anything new.
For that reason, I could just pass it by without comment.
However, I did find one important thing worth replying to.
That was his statement—which I have seen from many other previous researchers and documentarians—that we can't know what happened to the passengers on the four flights.
That simply isn't true.
Yes, we can't know what each and every person did after the hoax.
But we can easily deduce what happened to them as a group.
To start with, we know the mainstream story is false.
We have known that for at least 15 years.
There were no hijackers, and the commercial jets were not flown into the towers or Pentagon.
None of the planes were even destroyed, since researchers found them years later.
They had never even been decommissioned.
They simply landed at other airports in unscheduled landings, during the mass confusion when all flights were ordered to land.
They were switched in flight either for drones or missiles.
The Pentagon was hit by a missile and the towers were probably hit by drones, though it doesn't much matter.
Those in charge of the event hired so many false witnesses on the ground at both places it is nearly impossible to know for sure.
They also planted many fake films, to add to the confusion.
The important thing in the current context is that we know, without question, that the passenger death lists are fake.
The question then becomes,
“What happened to those people?”
Mazzucco, like many before him, insinuates that they were kidnapped by the government and either imprisoned permanently or killed in cold blood.
But that theory was always just as stupid as the mainstream story, so I don't know why it was ever floated.
Mazzucco should know better.
If the government had wanted to murder those people, it would have just shot down their planes for real.
There was no reason to land the planes and then lead the people into some sort of abattoir.
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View full-sizeDownload Barbara Kay Olson (née Bracher; December 27, 1955 – September 11, 2001) was an American lawyer and conservative television commentator who worked for CNN, Fox News Channel, and several other outlets. She was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 77 en route to a taping of Bill Maher's television show Politically Incorrect when it was flown into the Pentagon in the September 11 attacks.
Before now, the biggest clue here was Barbara Olson, wife of Ted Olson, who allegedly died on flight 77.
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View full-sizeDownload Theodore Bevry Olson (born September 11, 1940) is an American lawyer who served as the 42nd solicitor general of the United States from 2001 until 2004. Previously, Olson served as the United States Assistant Attorney General of the Office of Legal Counsel (1981–1984) under President Ronald Reagan. He remains a practicing attorney at the law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.
She is also one of the ones who supposedly made a cellphone call from her plane.
It always seemed too convenient that this CNN commentator and wife of the current Solicitor General would be on the plane that allegedly hit the Pentagon.
Also, a clue is that she went to Yeshiva University.
Of course, this was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions ever made, since they ruled Florida had violated the Equal Protection Clause, but decided to do nothing about it due to time constraints.
It was later discovered that a statewide recount would have given the state and election to Gore, but the Supremes basically ruled that didn't matter.
They ruled that meeting the December 12 deadline was more important than reaching the right decision.
That is fantastically corrupt.
Barbara Olson had also been a top legal counsellor for the government, being involved in both the Travelgate and Filegate investigations against the Clintons.
Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948) is an American lawyer and jurist who serves as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He was nominated by President George H. W. Bush to succeed Thurgood Marshall and has served since 1991. After Marshall, Thomas is the second African American to serve on the Supreme Court and has been its longest-serving member since Anthony Kennedy's retirement in 2018. Since Stephen Breyer's retirement in 2022, he is also the Court's oldest member.
She is one of the ones they hired to attack Anita Hill.
Anita Faye Hill (born July 30, 1956) is an American lawyer, educator and author. She is a professor of social policy, law, and women's studies at Brandeis University and a faculty member of the university's Heller School for Social Policy and Management.
For this reason and many others, I believe Barbara Olson was Intelligence all along.
After 911, she simply faked her death and went deeper into Intelligence, with a name change and reassignment.
The next big clue is that all the planes were more than half empty.
For instance, flight 93 had a capacity of 182 but only 33 passengers, so they were only 18% full.
What we have found in previous fakes is that the general modus operandi is to combine several lists for the death list.
The first list is composed of people who really did recently die, either from old age or other causes.
This list also includes people who recently died on military bases or in military accidents worldwide.
These people are put on the fatality list for the event, and their date of death is simply moved up a couple of days.
People with no family are commonly used, or people whose families can be easily paid off.
In a big event like this that has been planned well in advance, a second list is used:
people from prominent families who need to fake their deaths for some reason.
The reasons can be many, but the main two are:
1) They have been convicted of something or are about to be.
2) They want to collect a life insurance policy.
So, a call goes out to the top families that a major hoax is about to be run.
And then we have a third list:
Intel agents who are going undercover.
These people can fake their deaths and change their names, facilitating their move into covert operations.
If those lists added together still aren't enough, the government just makes up people.
The CIA has databases of unused names and untagged photos it can combine with a fake bio, manufacturing a life from scratch.
They know that almost no one is going to check all of these thousands of names and bios, and that if they do most people will dismiss them as conspiracy theorists or cranks.
So, they don't even have to be very thorough.
We have seen many times how sloppy Intel is in this regard, because they have found that neatness doesn't matter.
They just need a rough outline to sell these fakes as real.
For another example, see my research on the death list at Las Vegas.
What got me back on this problem is that when Mazzucco is talking about cellphone calls made from planes, he gives us a list of those who claimed to make a call.
One of the other ones besides Olson was a guy named Edward Felt, from flight 93.
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View full-sizeDownload William Mark Felt Sr. (August 17, 1913 – December 18, 2008) was an American law enforcement officer who worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1942 to 1973 and was known for his role in the Watergate scandal. Felt was an FBI special agent who eventually rose to the position of Deputy Director, the Bureau's second-highest-ranking post.
Associate Director of the FBI under Nixon who later claimed to be Deepthroat (but wasn't).
Official portrait, 2017
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View full-sizeDownload Charles Ellis Schumer (/ˈʃuːmər/ SHOO-mər; born November 23, 1950) is an American politician serving as Senate Majority Leader since 2021 and the senior United States senator from New York since 1999. A member of the Democratic Party, he has led the Senate Democratic Caucus since 2017 and was Senate Minority Leader from 2017 to 2021. Schumer is in his fifth Senate term, making him the longest-serving US senator from New York, having surpassed Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Jacob K. Javits in 2023. He is the dean of New York's congressional delegation.
Urszula has lived in Alexandria, VA, (Langley), Oakton (ditto), and Tampa, FL. Chuck Schumer is the current Senate Minority Leader (Democrat, New York), and in 2001 he was in his first term as senator.
It is a defense contracting company and specializes in security and counterterrorism.
It is staffed by other former senior officials from the Intelligence community and operates within almost every entity in the Intelligence Community including:
She may be married to Lawrence Felt, who may be a brother of Edward Felt.
Her maiden name or other name may be Maja.
She is also related to or associated with Patricia Ricci (Felt), Vincent Donatelli (age 27, of Oakton and Manassas, VA), Qihang Liu (appears to be a condensed matter physicist), and John C. Bingham, d. 1992.
Any relation to Mark Bingham, below?
The only relatives I found for John are Margaret and Audrey Bingham.
His locations are Chester, VA, and Bandera, TX. In researching that, I tripped across John Armor Bingham, Judge Advocate General in the trial of the Lincoln Assassination, and principal framer of the 14th Amendment (concerning equal protection).
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View full-sizeDownload John Armor Bingham (January 21, 1815 – March 19, 1900) was an American politician who served as a Republican representative from Ohio and as the United States ambassador to Japan. In his time as a congressman, Bingham served as both assistant Judge Advocate General in the trial of the Abraham Lincoln assassination and a House manager (prosecutor) in the impeachment trial of U.S. President Andrew Johnson. He was also the principal framer of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
This Amendment was crucial in Bush v. Gore, which came up in this paper a second time.
Being one of the three chief prosecutors of Lincoln's conspirators, Bingham was, we now know, involved in one of the biggest fakes of all time.
So we should assume he was an ancestor of Mark Bingham—involved in one of the others—until proven otherwise. Patricia Ricci (Felt) Franklin, age 81, also links us to the CIA, since at Intelius we find her in McLean and Alexandria, VA.
She has 19 locations on her list, including:
Yigo, Guam
Marietta, GA
Coronado, CA
and Hampton, NJ.
She is linked to the names:
and Olsen.
Michael Prettyman works for ING Financial Services.
Charles Olsen works at NorthropGrumman.
He is also connected to the Focus Fusion Society, headed by Eric J. Lerner. My readers may remember him as the guy who wrote The Big Bang Never Happened.
Focus Fusion involves Zpinch plasma focus to create fusion.
It works but we are told it is not cost effective. Wouldn't it be great if his name were really Charles Olson, so that we could connect him more easily to Ted and Barbara Olson?
Guess what. . . it is.
Intelius spells it wrong, but a web search finds the engineer/scientist L5-Boeing at Northrop-Grumman is Charles Olson.
That's strange, since it's out in the middle of nowhere, in the mountains east of Seattle.
I couldn't make sense of it until I researched Todd Beamer, below.
As it turns out, Beamer's wife is a Brosious, and the Brosiouses got super-wealthy in 1883 when they discovered coal in a little town called Roslyn, WA.
His Wikipedia page reads like poor fiction, as does his photo there:
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View full-sizeDownload LeRoy Wilton Homer Jr. (August 27, 1965 – September 11, 2001) was the First Officer of United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked as part of the September 11 attacks in 2001, and crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, killing all 37 passengers and seven crewmembers, including LeRoy.
Looks like a paste to me, since his neck is too small for his collar, and the line where they meet is unnatural.
His hat is too large.
He has a page at Intelius, and it lists places of work, but it does not mention United Airlines.
Roald Dahl (13 September 1916 – 23 November 1990) was a British author of popular children's literature and short stories, a poet, screenwriter and a wartime fighter ace. His books have sold more than 300 million copies worldwide. He has been called "one of the greatest storytellers for children of the 20th century".
He worked for BSC, which we looked at in my paper on John Lennon.
Alfred de Grazia (December 29, 1919 – July 13, 2014), born in Chicago, Illinois, was a political scientist and author. He developed techniques of computer-based social network analysis in the 1950s, developed new ideas about personal digital archives in the 1970s, and defended the catastrophism thesis of Immanuel Velikovsky.
He wrote the CIA manuals for Psychological Warfare in the Korean and Vietnam wars.
He worked under a Ford Foundation grant.
See below, where we have a second hit on that foundation.
Anyway, at the time of 9/11 the CEO of ATR was Stephane Mayer, Jewish of course.
François Maurice Adrien Marie Mitterrand (26 October 1916 – 8 January 1996) was a French politician who served as President of France from 1981 to 1995, the longest holder of that position in the history of France. As a former Socialist Party First Secretary, he was the first left-wing politician to assume the presidency under the Fifth Republic.
So, we have deconstructed Captain Dahl pretty fully.
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View full-sizeDownload Charles Frank "Chic" Burlingame III (September 12, 1949 – September 11, 2001) was the Captain of American Airlines Flight 77, the aircraft that was crashed by terrorists into the Pentagon during the September 11 attacks.
He just happened to live in Oak Hill, VA, about five miles from Langley, and a few more from the Pentagon.
His father Chuck lived in Chantilly and Alexandria, ditto.
Burlingame sounds like a peerage name, doesn't it?
That's because it is, though it is spelled Burlinghame.
It is admitted that Chic had lived in England.
The peerage Burlinghames are also from the US, specifically Connecticut.
They are related to:
and Milnes.
In the US, we find Charles Burlingames going back many centuries, being from Rhode Island and related to the Dodges of Salem, MA.
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View full-sizeDownload John Alexander Ogonowski (February 24, 1951 – September 11, 2001) was an American pilot and an agricultural activist. A resident of Dracut, Massachusetts, Ogonowski was a leading advocate on behalf of farming in Massachusetts, particularly in aiding immigrant farmers from Cambodia, whom he assisted as part of the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project. He was the Captain of American Airlines Flight 11, which was hijacked by Islamist terrorists and flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center as part of the September 11 attacks. He is believed to have been killed by the hijackers prior to the crash.
Curiously, he has a brother named Jim who later ran for Congress.
Both John and Jim worked as farm advocates in Massachusetts.
Strange their parents named these two boys John and James.
According to them, Jim is also US Air Force, Lt. Colonel.
So, both brothers were Air Force and farm advocates, and look identical.
Both also went to University of Massachusetts.
Strangely, neither Intelius nor InstantCheckmate know these guys are brothers.
They are not listed as relatives.
Jim is listed as related to Carol, while John is related to Caroline.
So, it looks like John changed his name to Jim, was promoted to Lt. Colonel, and hung out at Mountain Home AFB in Idaho for a couple of years, before transitioning into his fake brother.
A lot of people on flight 11 apparently wished to fake their deaths, including David Angell, executive producer of Frasier.
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View full-sizeDownload David Lawrence Angell (April 10, 1946 – September 11, 2001) was an American screenwriter and television producer, known for his work in sitcoms. He won multiple Emmy Awards as the creator and executive producer of the sitcoms Wings and Frasier with Peter Casey and David Lee. Angell and his wife Lynn were killed heading home from their vacation on Cape Cod aboard American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane to hit the World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks.
Interestingly, he took his wife with him into hiding, as we would expect.
Angell was also from Rhode Island and was related to the people above from there.
His mother is a Cooney, which is a slur of Clooney.
Angell was Army and had worked at the Pentagon.
His brother was Bishop of Burlington, Vermont, where he was heavily involved in the priest/sex scandals, which I have shown were manufactured.
Anthony Perkins (April 4, 1932 – September 12, 1992) was an American actor, director, and singer. He is most notable for the role of Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's suspense thriller Psycho, which made him an influential figure in pop culture and the realm of horror films.
Also faking her death on flight 11 was Berry Berenson, widow of actor Anthony Perkins (who admitted he was gay).
Note the name Dodge, which links us to pilot Chic Burlingame above.
Anyway, Mabel and Dodge lived in a villa in Florence from 1905 which had been owned by the Medicis, and where they were close friends with art historian Bernard Berenson, who was really a Valvrojenski, a Lithuanian noble from Vilnius.
Bernard Berenson (June 26, 1865 – October 6, 1959) was an American art historian specializing in the Renaissance. His book The Drawings of the Florentine Painters was an international success. His wife Mary is thought to have had a large hand in some of the writings.
Bernard's wife's sister Alys was Bertrand Russell's first wife.
So, they were brothers-in-law.
Berry Berenson is a second cousin of this Bernard.
Berry's grandfather was Wilhelm de Wendt de Kerlor, a famous Theosophist and psychic medium.
Elsa Schiaparelli (/ˌskæpəˈrɛli, ˌʃæp-/ SKAP-ə-REL-ee, SHAP-, US also /skiˌɑːp-/ skee-AHP-, Italian: [ˈɛlsa skjapaˈrɛlli]; 10 September 1890 – 13 November 1973) was an Italian fashion designer from an aristocratic background. She created the house of Schiaparelli in Paris in 1927, which she managed from the 1930s to the 1950s. Starting with knitwear, Schiaparelli's designs celebrated Surrealism and eccentric fashions. Her collections were famous for unconventional and artistic themes like the human body, insects, or trompe-l'œil, and for the use of bright colors like her "shocking pink".
Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (/ʃəˈnɛl/ shə-NEL, French: [ɡabʁijɛl bɔnœʁ kɔko ʃanɛl] ⓘ; 19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971) was a French fashion designer and businesswoman. The founder and namesake of the Chanel brand, she was credited in the post–World War I era with popularizing a sporty, casual chic as the feminine standard of style.
She was from a family of Neapolitan aristocrats, and her uncle discovered the canals on Mars.
A cousin discovered the tomb of Nefertiti.
Elsa's mother is scrubbed in almost all places, but at Wikitree we find it given as de Dominicis.
The Dominicis were Jewish goldsmiths, long tied to the Knights of Malta.
So, we could hardly stack any more red flags on Berenson if we tried.
What about 93 passenger Donald Freeman Greene?
Well, to start with, he is Jewish.
But what most people don't know is that this is one of the great ironies of the event, never reported on.
So, it is another fascist thinktank, doing the exact opposite of what it claims to be doing.
This would probably link the Greenes to those who pulled 9/11, including the PNAC people and so on.
In this way, 911 could be seen as a semi-coup by a limited set of very wealthy Jews, who wished to take over a large piece of the Intelligence/military pie.
They did this, in part, by shoving their way into the Intelligence community via the newly created DHS.
Which explains the pushback they have gotten from other wealthy Jewish cabals since then.
There is only so much money that can be stolen each year, and some of these financial “geniuses” may understand that.
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View full-sizeDownload Daniel Mark Lewin (Hebrew: דניאל "דני" מארק לוין; May 14, 1970 – September 11, 2001) was an American mathematician and entrepreneur who co-founded Akamai Technologies. A passenger on board American Airlines Flight 11, it is believed that Lewin was stabbed to death by Satam al-Suqami, one of the hijackers of that flight, and was the first victim of the September 11 attacks.
He was allegedly stabbed, remember.
Well, as it turns out he was raised in Israel, and was at least a captain in Sayeret Matkal, the 1st and prime unit of Israeli Special Forces, equivalent to our Delta Force.
This unit is Intel, specializing in deep recon behind enemy lines.
They are tasked with hostage rescue and counterterrorism.
So, it is extremely odd to find this person on flight 11.
He also worked at IBM's major research facility in Haifa.
His advisor was F. Thomson Leighton, and together they invented consistent hashing, an internet algorithm.
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View full-sizeDownload Frank Thomson "Tom" Leighton (born 1956) is the CEO of Akamai Technologies, the company he co-founded with the late Daniel Lewin in 1998. As one of the world's preeminent authorities on algorithms for network applications and cybersecurity, Leighton discovered a solution to free up web congestion using applied mathematics and distributed computing.
He later developed Genesys, and became the CTO of Akamai, a major internet security company.
Federico Castelluccio (/fɛdəˈriːkoʊ kæstɛˈluːtʃoʊ/; Italian pronunciation: [fedeˈriːko kastelˈluttʃo]; born April 29, 1964) is an Italian-born American actor. He is best known for his role as Furio Giunta on the HBO series The Sopranos.
This is important because the Borgias and Castelluccios have been marrying for many centuries, back to the 1700s.
See the Marchesi di Castelluccio, or Marquesses of Castelluccio, also di Lorenzos, who lived in the huge Palace of Castelluccio since it was built in 1782.
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View full-sizeDownload Mark Kendall Bingham (May 22, 1970 – September 11, 2001) was an American public relations executive who founded his own company, the Bingham Group. During the September 11 attacks in 2001, he was a passenger on board United Airlines Flight 93. Bingham was among the passengers who, along with Todd Beamer, Tom Burnett and Jeremy Glick, formed the plan to retake the plane from the hijackers, and led the effort that resulted in the crash of the plane into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, thwarting the hijackers' plan to crash the plane into a building in Washington, D.C., most likely either the U.S. Capitol Building or the White House.
Wiki gives his place of birth as Los Gatos, CA, but his Findagrave 9/11 Memorial gives it as Phoenix.
InstantCheckmate has three Mark Binghams who have lived in Phoenix, but none have the middle name Kendall.
The one of the right age has a middle initial of C, not K, and that appears to stand for Christopher.
He is related to a Russell Bingham.
If we switch our search from AZ to CA, we find a Mark K. Bingham, age 50, but Phoenix is not his list.
His list of relatives is completely scrubbed, empty, with a little i.
So, we are being put on the hamster wheel.
Bingham is a gay Berkeley spook and was a national champion rugby player there and president of his fraternity.
Clare Victoria Balding CBE (born 29 January 1971) is an English broadcast journalist and author. She currently presents for BBC Sport, Channel 4 and BT Sport and formerly presented the religious programme Good Morning Sunday on BBC Radio 2. Balding was appointed as the 30th president of the Rugby Football League, serving a two-year term until December 2022.
Since they admit she is a descendant of the Leveson-Gowers, we can link Mark Bingham to those dukes as well.
Just so you know, the Binghams in the peerage are Earls of Lucan and Barons of Clanmorris.
A genealogy search on Mark Bingham of Los Gatos, CA, age 50, takes us to, which informs us they have a page for our Mark Kendall Bingham under Living People Records.
According to Intelius, Mark's mother Alice also went to Berkeley and worked at United Airlines.
That's convenient.
His aunt or cousin Candyce also worked at United Airlines.
We also link to Knudsens and Robertsons.
What about Jeremy Glick, one of the other fake heroes of flight 93?
Jewish of course.
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View full-sizeDownload Jeremy Logan Glick (September 3, 1970 – September 11, 2001) was an American passenger on board United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked and crashed as part of the September 11 attacks. Aware of the earlier attacks at the World Trade Center, Glick and some of his fellow passengers attempted to foil the hijacking. During a struggle to reclaim the aircraft, it crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, killing all 33 passengers and seven crew members on board, along with the four hijackers.
I can't tell you how sick I am of looking at these creeps.
He has five siblings whose names all start with the letter J.
Oh, so this is looking like another sibling switch already.
He probably had four real siblings, but now he has five, including himself twice.
The Brosious family became superwealthy when they discovered coal in Roslyn, east of Seattle, in 1883.
They had come to Pennsylvania in about 1750 from Germany, where they were also:
That is, Jews.
They were also involved in coal in Pennsylvania.
Intelius tells us Todd Beamer's bio at Wikipedia has some important holes.
They tell us about his high school feats of athleticism, but forget to tell us he also lived in Princeton, NJ, and Potomac, MD.
That's right across the river from Langley.
Just an oversight, no doubt.
What about Jane C. Folger, age 73, from flight 93?
She pretty much outs herself, and it is hard to believe they agreed to include her.
I say that of course because the Folgers were part of the second biggest hoax of the past century, that being the Manson/Tate hoax, where Abigail Folger and her mother Ines were heavily involved.
They couldn't have waited until the second sentence for that?
We are supposed to believe she survived on her mailman husband's salary. . . except that a couple of sentences later they admit she was a bank officer.
According to Intelius, she also worked at Bell Atlantic and Florida Peninsula Insurance.
And despite what the Post-Gazette says about her not being able to afford living in New York City, she did live there, as well as in Sarasota and Tampa, FL. At Intelius, we find her grandson Sean Folger, who went to Horace Mann Prep and now works for CBS.
Findagrave scrubs Jane's parents, which is a big red flag.
We do know she was related to Kuliks, so that may help us.
Some of her relatives lived in San Francisco, which is also a clue, since the Folgers coffee family lived there. Incidentally, I just discovered Abigail Folger was born August 11, aces and eights, Chai.
“Silverstein himself has already admitted that the coordinated attack on September 11 was a single occurrence in his one-occurrence settlements with insurers Ace and XL.”
How's that for a good guess?
If you don't know what I mean, see my paper on the Titanic hoax, where I showed that event was run mainly for insurance fraud, with the major player being Lloyds.
They settled for $6.75 million in 2012, proving they are not above such things.
Given that discovery, we can pull in another suspicious passenger of flight 93:
Alan Anthony Beaven, of the law firm Berman Tabacco.
Since Berman specializes in securities fraud, and since insurance fraud is a type of securities fraud, finding them involved here is like finding more candy.
It would make sense for one or more of these insurance companies to hire a company like Berman here, wouldn't it?
Who better to navigate such a massive fraud than a law firm who knows those laws inside and out?
I am not claiming that is what happened, just pointing out the possibility.
Also, a clue is that Beaven had been a prosecutor for Scotland Yard, which gives us a possible link to Lloyds of London.
Your final clue is that Beaven had long been planning to take a year-long sabbatical in India with his family, right after finishing a case in California.
So, it is admitted he was soon leaving the country semi-permanently.
I suggest you look for him there.
I think you are getting the picture.
I could do more, but I have a life.
You can research the others if you like.
Based on what we have discovered above, we can tell none of these people were actually on the planes and that they didn't die.
They just faked their deaths.
All of those in the promoted stories are obvious Intel agents, and best guess is they just changed their names by a letter or two or pretended to be a sibling.
There were only 260 who allegedly died on the planes, and that number can easily be faked from the lists I showed you above.
But if we add another 2,700 victims on the ground, the fakers have a problem.
That number is beyond their ability to fake from the normal lists.
Now, I don't think the towers were empty, but I do think there were far fewer people in them than we are told.
To start with, the occupancy was low.
Then we add the fact that most people were warned to stay home that day.
I don't think those who ran this event wanted a lot of real deaths, but they were apparently OK with a few as collateral damage.
I believe there were many real deaths that day, some of them people who didn't get the message to stay out of the buildings or ignored it, some of them firefighters and other emergency crews, some of them gawkers caught in the fall.
But I would guess the total number was in the low hundreds.
But because that number was far too low, the scriptwriters had to pad it a lot.
To start with, it would be suspicious if something like that happened and only a hundred people died.
It wouldn't fit the destruction.
Plus, the script would call for a fairly large number, because the event wasn't being run just to get rid of the buildings, it was being run to start a war.
But since I no longer trust that site, I no longer go there.
Besides, I am pretty sure no one has found the juiciest bits I did above.
It took some inspired digging.
But obviously, to the extent that other researchers confirm what I am saying here, I think they are right.
Given what is known, we can assume a great majority of deaths on the ground were also faked.
I would say it is doubtful anyone at the Pentagon was killed, though it is remotely possible one or two may have been targeted.
More likely, though, is that those stories are also planted as misdirection and confusion.
We can be sure no one died at Shanksville.
In New York, the death toll was originally in the low hundreds, though I have no way of giving you a firm number.
I have no doubt firefighters and others have died and are dying from inhaling toxins.
Not just firefighters, but all those who were in New York that day and the weeks to come:
anyone caught in that plume got a toxic dose of asbestos and heavy metals.
Probably tens of thousands will die from that.
That by itself is enough to charge the event coordinators with mass murder.
They knew demolishing the buildings in that manner would cause widespread sickness and death, one way or the other, but they did it anyway, for profit.
So, anyone involved in this event, including the scumbags above, is complicit in mass murder.
Their souls are black and will only get blacker, so you do not have to worry about justice.
Nature metes out her own justice, regardless of what we do.
Living with a black soul is the ultimate sentence.
That isn't to say they shouldn't be brought to trial.
They should.
But even if they aren't, they will pay the penalty.
They ARE paying the penalty.
So, we have learned something new.
Or I have. * Tim Dowling admits the Folgers are related to Linda Ronstadt.
Linda Maria Ronstadt (born July 15, 1946) is an American singer who performed and recorded in diverse genres including rock, country, light opera, the Great American Songbook, and Latin music.
Linda's grandmother was a Levin, and in several others lines she is Jewish/Mexican nobility.
She is also descended from the Daltons of England, including the famous scientist.
She is also a Root and a Russell, of the Earls Russell.
In fact, all the Roots/Rootes in the US are descended from the Earls Russell.