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View full-sizeDownloadBy Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, on October 22, 2018
There is a war going on right now and it doesn’t involve guns or the military industrial complex.
Table of Contents
Education or Indoctrination?
The “Fake” News Agenda
Out of place artifacts
In the beginning… there was religion and government
Literal television “programming”
Where is the truth and who should I believe?
It’s a war on consciousness and most people are clueless that it even exists.
Education or Indoctrination?
Ultimately, the education system can be blamed for feeding us propaganda and forcing us to regurgitate it so we can “fit in” with the rest of society.
Our public school systems are set up to get the students primed for economic slavery without ever offering courses that allow to students to think creatively or freely.
He was offered $1 billion from the automobile industry for his invention but turned it down because he wanted this idea to go to the people.
Shortly afterwards, he was poisoned to death and the invention has been hidden from us ever since, yet our children are not learning about inventors such as Meyer in school, nor are they being encouraged to develop alternate fuel sources.
Our children are inevitably asked,
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Their answers become conditioned responses in various forms of economic subservience instead of what they truly would like to do.
A better question to ask them, once they understand the concept of money is,
“If there was no such thing as money, then what would you like to do with your life?”
Recently, many websites have been accused by the website, Prop or Not, of being “Fake” News outlets for Russian Propaganda, including this website,
ANY website that exposes the United States tyrannical and oppressive agenda is most likely considered to be Russia propaganda because they are the websites that QUESTION EVERYTHING!
Because of the Fake News agenda, the mainstream media has been scrutinized on a daily basis for the REAL fake news they deliver.
It’s become blatantly obvious that the mainstream media and the military industrial complex are the true propagandist conspirators.
The following is proof about how propaganda is used against the people in the United States:
Amendment 114 of the NDAA was approved by the House in May of 2012.
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (2012) reads:
Sec. 501. (a) The Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors are authorized to use funds appropriated or otherwise made available for public diplomacy information programs to provide for the:
of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, its people, and its policies, through:
motion pictures
the Internet
and other information media, including social media, and through information centers, instructors, and other direct or indirect means of communication.
(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors may, upon request and reimbursement of the reasonable costs incurred in fulfilling such a request, make available, in the United States:
motion pictures
and other materials prepared for dissemination abroad or disseminated abroad.
According to Michael Hastings:
“The new law would give sweeping powers to the State Department and Pentagon to push television, radio, newspaper, and social media onto the U.S. public.”
This is why the viewership of television and newspaper outlets has dropped significantly and is also why people are turning to alternative news websites for the REAL news that the mainstream media FAILS to report.
There are literally thousands of “out of place artifacts” that show how we have been here MUCH longer than the official story of both evolution and the bible, yet no high school or university will come near to approaching this topic because it would blow the lid off of all religions.
According to the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.
If our true history was revealed, it would cause every system of education to rewrite history and would make the professors teaching “history” look like idiots, so it’s much easier to suppress the truth than to admit they were wrong while killing religion.
In the beginning… there was religion and government
Fake news has been going on for millennia.
It is blatantly obvious that religion has been teaching either half-truths or full out lies, right from the start.
According to the Christian bible, God created Adam and Eve and told them to be fruitful and multiply.
It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to have 4 different blood types and 2 different Rh blood values all originating from Adam and Eve, yet people happily accept this as the truth without ever questioning their human origins.
The bible dates back to approximately 6,000 years ago.
Assuming God created everything at that point in time, then there shouldn’t be any fossils older than 6,000 years of age.
Most people seem to have the attitude that if a talking head on an official news station, such as CNN, says something, then surely it must be the truth.
A CIA whistleblower has already admitted that the news has been scripted for decades in order to influence public opinion.
An article entitled, ”Why is the Obama Administration Putting Government Monitors in Newsrooms,” shows how there will never be “fair” and “unbiased” news reporting in the United States.
The television shows that people watch are either so mundane or intellectually draining that you’re better off not watching TV at all.
Furthermore, the commercials are either hyping materialistic crap that we don’t need, processed food ladened with GMO’s, alcohol(ism) or some Big Pharma pill that will only place a symbolic bandage over the issue and will never cure you of anything.
The actors they use to sell these products ultimately are telling us that we are not pretty or handsome enough and that our lives would be so much better if we were like them.
This is the LITERAL programming we receive when we watch TV, yet millions of people would rather do that than to better themselves with a hobby or creating something that would benefit mankind.
Those in power want you to be as distracted as much as possible with no time to think critically or independently about anything other than who won the recent sports game or the latest contestant on a reality show.
Sadly, most people will fight for the same system that has kept us all as economic slaves than to envision a world without money, government or religion.
Einstein is often quoted as saying,
”Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.”