Global Cooling

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Arctic Ice Coverage is Up Substantially - So Media Ignores It
  |  -  Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?
  |  -  A Story of Extreme Cold and Snow
  |  -  A Winter that 'Will Not Quit'
  |  -  A Year Without Summer...
  |  -  Barren Surface of the Sun Explains Rapid Cooling of Climate
  |  -  Begging for Global Warming as Global Cooling Becomes Obvious
  |  -  Brutal Shifts for Modern Civilization
Español |  -  Cambio Climático - Traición Contra la Humanidad
Español |  -  Causas y Efectos de un Gran Mínimo Solar
Español |  -  Científicos Chinos advierten sobre Enfriamiento Global - Nuevo Estudio
Español |  -  Clima Extremo Global - ¿Es Causado por el Hombre o se debe a Otra Cosa?
  |  -  Climate Change - Treason Against Humanity
  |  -  Climate Cooling? - Weakest Solar Cycle in Over 100 Years says Otherwise
  |  -  Climate Madness and Keeping Warm as the World Cools
  |  -  Climate Panic - Cooling or Warming?
  |  -  Climate Shock - 'Greatest Two-Year Cooling Event in a Century'
  |  -  Climatologist warns 'Next 20-30 Years will be Cold' - Sun much less Active
  |  -  CO² Levels are So High Plants will start Having Orgasms...
  |  -  Cold is Wreaking Havoc Globally - From the Alps to Australia to Europe and More...
  |  -  Confirmed! - Geomagnetic Reversals can Trigger Glaciation
  |  -  Cosmic Rays up 12% in just 3 Years - Implications
  |  -  Defeated by Mother Nature - Global Cooling
  |  -  Despite the Lies, the Spin, and the Propaganda, Antarctic Sea Ice is Growing
  |  -  Don't let Anyone tell you North America's 'Historic Shift to September Snow' is due to "Global Warming"...
  |  -  Don't tell Anyone but its Still Summer
  |  -  Dozens of Scientists reveal 'Most of the Planet is Colder Today' than most of Past 8000 Years
Italiano |  -  Dozzine di Scienziati rivelano "La Maggior parte del Pianeta Oggi è Più Freddo" di quanto lo fosse 8000 anni fa
  |  -  Earth Cooling Dramatically
Español |  -  El Calentamiento del Ártico llevó a la Tierra a la 'Pequeña Edad de Hielo' - Seguimiento Climático
Español |  -  'El Día Después de Mañana' - Una Ola de Frío azota EE.UU. y Canadá
Español |  -  El Dryas Reciente - Rebobinar y Repetir
Español |  -  El Frío del Mínimo Solar
Español |  -  El Volumen de Hielo Marino en El Ártico Crece un 50% en Un Año
  |  -  Engineered Ice Age - Congress funds NOAA Project to Cool the Earth by Artificially dimming the Sun
  |  -  Experts Predict a Long and Deep Solar Minimum
  |  -  Geoengineering Adds to Global Cooling
  |  -  Glacier Hubbard in Alaska is Advancing at the Rate of Seven Feet Per Day!
  |  -  Glaciers Are Growing All Over The World
  |  -  Global Cooling and the New World Order
  |  -  Global Cooling and the Political Suicide of the 'New Green Deal'
  |  -  Global Cooling - Defeated by Mother Nature...
  |  -  Global Cooling in 2009
  |  -  Global Cooling is Coming - And Beware The Big Chill, Scientist Warns
|  -  Global Cooling linked to Increased Glacial Carbon Storage via changes in Antarctic Sea Ice
  |  -  Global Cooling Straight Ahead - Says Solar Physicist
  |  -  Global Cooling - The Lowest Solar Activity in over 200 Years
  |  -  Global Cooling vs. Global Warming
  |  -  Global Freezing? - Arctic Ice Levels reach 30-year High
  |  -  Global Temperature drops Below 30-Year Baseline - Earth is Cooling - says UAH (Univ. of Alabama Huntsville)
  |  -  Global Warming Disorder is a Serious Mental Disease
  |  -  Global Warming on Ice
  |  -  Global Warming vs. Solar Cooling - The Showdown Begins in 2020
  |  -  Grand Solar Minimum and the Swing Between Extremes...
  |  -  Greenland Gained '349 Billion Tonnes of Ice' over the Past Year and Record October SMB Gains
  |  -  Growing Number of Climate Scientists say that Warming is Out and Cooling is In
  |  -  Here Comes Global Cooling
  |  -  Historic Summer Cold in 2020
Italiano |  -  Il Rallentamento della Corrente del Golfo non ha precedenti nel 20° Secolo - Avremo Inverni più Freddi
  |  -  Incredible 'North America Snow Extent' - Grand Solar Minimum
  |  -  Lack of Sunspots to Bring Record Cold - NASA Scientists
Español |  -  La Tierra está a punto de entrar en una 'Mini Edad de Hielo' de 30 años al Hibernar el Sol - Advierte Científico
  |  -  Leading Arctic Scientist says Climate Crisis a 'Globalist Scam' - Global Cooling on Horizon
  |  -  Let's Not Be Stupid about Climate Change
  |  -  Low Solar Activity to cause 'Temperatures to Plummet' - Say Scientists
  |  -  Met Office Admits the 'UK is Now Cooling'...!
  |  -  Mother Nature Speaks Out about Climate Change
  |  -  NASA predicts Next Solar Cycle will be Lowest in 200 Years - Dalton Minimum Levels and the Implications...
Italiano |  -  Niente Riscaldamento Globale per Otto Anni - È Ufficiale
  |  -  NOAA Caught (Again) adjusting Big Freeze out of Existence
  |  -  Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass above Average - Greenland Ice Sheet's astonishing Gains Continue - Oct.2020
|  -  No Global Warming for Eight Years - It's Official
Español |  -  No Seamos Estúpidos sobre el Cambio Climático
  |  -  Our Glaciers Are Growing, Not Melting - More Falsehoods From Al Gore
  |  -  Our Planet is Cooling - Climate Insanity
  |  -  Rapid Global Cooling Alert could Trigger Freeze-Up of Warming 'Science'
  |  -  Real Science vs. Climate Fraud
  |  -  Record-Challenging Low Temperatures Everywhere
  |  -  Record Cold Caused by 'Global Warming'
Español |  -  Record de Frío causado por el 'Calentamiento Global'
  |  -  Revisiting Global Cooling
Español |  -  Rogando por el Calentamiento Global a medida que el Enfriamiento Global se Vuelve Obvio
  |  -  Russian Astrophysicist Predicts Global Cooling - New Study
  |  -  Sahara Desert Covered in 15 inches of Snow as Freak Weather Blankets Sand Dunes
  |  -  Scientists warn of Freezing Weather, Famine and Earthquakes as Sun goes into 'Lockdown'
Italiano |  -  Scienziati Cinesi ci avvertono sul Raffreddamento Globale - Nuovo Studio
Español |  -  Se Viene un Enfriamiento Global - Dice Físico Solar
  |  -  Shock Study Shows Himalayas and Nearby Peaks Have Lost No Ice Over the Last Decade
Español |  -  Si "Groenlandia se está Derritiendo..." ¿Cómo explican los Alarmistas el Creciente Glaciar de Groenlandia...?
  |  -  Solar Activity just reached a 'New Space Age Low'
  |  -  Temperatures in Northern Hemisphere Due to Fall over next 25 Years - According to Six Top Int. Scientists
  |  - "The Arctic is on Fire, and we should all be Terrified" - Fact Check: It's currently Snowing in Verkhoyansk
  |  -  The Big Chill - Early Winter Onslaught
  |  -  The Changing Jet Stream and Global Cooling
  |  -  The Chill of Solar Minimum
  |  -  The Cold is Getting Colder
  |  -  The Fantasy of Global Warming is Over - All hands Prepare for the Cold and Lack of Food
  |  -  The Four Known Scientific Ways CO² Cools Earth's Climate
  |  -  The Himalayas and Nearby Peaks Have Lost No Ice in Past 10 Years
  |  -  The "Ice is Melting" Scam
  |  -  The Link Between Sunspots, Global Cooling and Agenda 21 - NASA Admits Solar Cycle is The Weakest...
  |  -  The Many Signs that "Global Warming" was a Lie - We Have now Entered a Period of Global Cooling
  |  -  The Month of May 2020 brings 'Record sometimes Historic Cold' to both Hemispheres
|  -  The Next Grand Solar Minimum, Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes
  |  -  The Real 'Climate Health Crisis'
  |  -  The Sun is Asleep - Deep 'Solar Minimum' feared as 2020 sees Record-Setting 100-Day Slump
  |  -  The Sun is the Biggest Player in Climate Change
  |  -  Times Atlas Publishers Apologize for 'Incorrect' Greenland Ice Statement
  |  -  To the Horror of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling is Here
Español |  -  Una 'Mini Edad de Hielo' Llegará dentro los Próximos 15 Años
Italiano |  -  Una Mini Era Glaciale? - Perché il Sole perderà il 7% del suo Potere in circa 30 anni
Español |  -  Un Científico Ruso anunció el Comienzo de una Era Glacial
Español |  -  Un Frío Desastre Climático viene Hacia Nosotros
  |  -  We Overlooked 193,000 Square Miles of Ice - The Ice Is Melting! The Ice Is Melting!... Or is it?
  |  -  What Climate Crisis...?
  |  -  What Global Warming? - Global Cooling is Already Here...!
  |  -  What would a Mini-Iceage Look and Feel Like?
  |  -  When Sun Cools, So Does Earth's Temperature - Scientists say
|  -  Why Asia's Glaciers are 'Mysteriously' Expanding and Not Melting
  |  -  Winter Monsoons became Stronger during Geomagnetic Reversal
|  -  Wishing for Global Warming
|  -  World's Climate is Rapidly Cooling
|  -  Younger Dryas - Rewind and Repeat

  | Additional Information
  |  -  Albert Einstein - "CO² Can't Store Heat"
  |  -  Antarctica is Growing, Not Shrinking - NASA Shock Study
  |  -  Antarctica posts 'Coldest Winter' since Records Began - Warming Shock...
  |  -  Antarctic Ice is Growing, Not Melting Away
  |  -  Antarctic Sea Ice hit 35-year Record High 2017
  |  -  Antarctic Sea Ice hits New Record High - 2.1 Million Square Miles More than is Usual for Time of Year
|  -  Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Remained Constant During the 1990s
|  -  Big Drop in June (2016) Temperatures - According to UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville)
  |  -  Bill Gates' Climate Fantasies
|  -  Climate Change Hoax Collapses - New Science finds Human Activity virtually Zero Impact on Global Temps
  |  -  Confirming CO²'s Non-involvement in Global Warming
  |  -  Confirmation! - Getting Colder and The Weather Is Getting Worse
Español |  -  Determinan la Causa del Enfriamiento Global que Acabó con los Dinosaurios
  |  -  Dramatic Cooling and recent Ice Shelf Advance over Antarctic Peninsula
|  -  Drivers of Vegetative Dormancy across Herbaceous Perennial Plant Species
  |  - 'End Times Villain' Bill Gates going forward with Plan to 'Block Out the Sun'
|  -  Global Warming-Cooling mimic Solar Variations (150-year delay), absolving CO², portending 50 Cooler Years...
|  -  Global Warming - Predictions Versus Reality
  |  -  I Keep Telling You It's Getting Colder!
|  -  Impact of Climate Change on the Transition of Neanderthals to Modern Humans in Europe
  |  -  Is There Global Cooling? - The Antitheses of Global Warming
Español |  -  La NASA confirma que la Tierra es Más Verde que hace 20 Años
Español |  -  La Ralentización de la Corriente Atlántica que Helará Europa
|  -  Mass changes of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets and Shelves and Contributions to Sea-level Rise
|  -  Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses
  |  -  Measuring Ice Mass from Space... - Satellite Data shows Antarctica continues Adding It
Español |  -  Nuestro Sol es menos Pesado que Nunca - Y el Problema se está poniendo Peor
  |  -  Our Sun is Lighter than Ever - And the Problem is Getting Worse
  |  - "Planetary Emergency Plan 2.0" Declared - Club of Rome
  |  -  Plants Find a New Way to Fight Climate Change - Nap...
|  -  Probability of Sudden Global Cooling
  |  -  Record Antarctic Sea Ice Chills Climate-Change Projections
|  -  Shrinkage of East Asia Winter Monsoon Associated with Increased ENSO Events since the Mid-Holocene
|  -  Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering
  |  -  Sun Warms and Cools The Earth - Opinion Piece by Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski
|  -  Systematic Climate Model biases in the Large-scale Pattern of recent Sea-surface Temperature and Sea-level...
|  -  The Maunder Minimum
  |  -  This 'Global Warming Question' can change People's Minds
|  -  Ultraviolet Flux Decrease Under a Grand Minimum from IUE Short-wavelength Observation of Solar Analogs
Español |  -  Una Investigación sugiere un Vínculo entre la Extinción de los Neandertales y Ciclos Fríos
Italiano |  -  Una Ricerca suggerisce un Vincolo tra l'Estinzione degli Uomini di Neanderthal e i Cicli di Gelo
  |  -  Warming Slowdown = Its Getting Colder
|  -  West Antarctic Ice Sheet - Is The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Growing or Shrinking?
  |  -  What Happened to Global Cooling?
  |  -  Will "Global Warming" cause the 'End of Civilization'?

  | Ice Age
  |  -  A 1200-year Mini Ice Age was Caused by Global Warming
  |  -  A 'Mini Ice Age' is Coming in the Next 15 Years
  |  -  A 'Mini Ice Age' is Coming Soon - Math Professor's says Solar Cycle Model 97% Accurate
  |  -  Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery surprises Scientists - Media Silent...
  |  -  Are We on the Brink of a New Little Ice Age?
  |  -  Asymmetric Solar Maximum Suggests Sun Headed for Hibernation - Possible Ice Age
  |  -  Earth is about to Enter a 30-Year 'Mini Ice Age' as the Sun Hibernates - Scientist Warns...
  |  -  Earth's Climate is 'Cyclical' as new study Claims an Ice Age is Coming
  |  -  Eating Good and Keeping Warm in the Next Ice Age
  |  -  Global Freezing - 15-year Ice Age to hit in Just 4 Years as the Sun Prepares to 'Hibernate'
  |  -  Growing Antarctic Ice Sheets May Have Sparked Ice Age
  |  -  Ice Age Winter
  |  -  Is Nature Warning Us of a New Ice Age?
Español |  -  La Caza de Brujas impulsada por el Cambio Climático - Antes y Ahora...
|  -  Little Ice Age abruptly triggered by intrusion of Atlantic waters into the Nordic Seas
  |  -  Little Ice Age has Begun and will Bring 'Deep Cooling' - Says Astrophysicist
  |  -  Massive Sea Ice Growth in Antarctic portends New Ice Age
  |  -  Mini Ice Age? - Why the Sun will Lose 7% of its Power in about 30 Years
  |  -  New Ice Age 'To Begin in 2014' - Russian Scientist to Alarmists: 'Sun Heats Earth!'
  |  -  Not by Fire But by Ice - The Next Ice Age - Now!
  |  -  Ocean Circulation - More Evidence of an Approaching Mini-Ice Age
  |  -  Ocean Fertilization - Polluting Our Waters Will Cause Another Ice Age
  |  -  Researchers Predict that a "Mini Ice Age" is Coming Very Soon
  |  -  Russian Scientists Predict Ice Age within 15 Years Because Sun is 'Cooling'
|  -  Solar Cycles, Not CO², Determine Climate - The Ice Age Is Coming!
  |  - "The Approaching Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age Conditions" - Prof. Nils-Axel Mörner
|  -  The Approaching New Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age Climate Conditions
  |  -  The Beginning of a New Ice Age
  |  -  The Coming (or Present) Ice Age - A Long-Term Perspective on The Current Global Warming Fad
  |  -  The Ice Age - One of History's Biggest Mystery
  |  -  The "Little Ice Age" Argument Makes a Comeback - Abrupt Climate Change Goes Both Ways, Warns...
|  -  The New Little Ice Age Has Started
|  -  Variations in The Earth's Orbit - Pacemaker of The Ice Ages
  |  -  What Causes an Ice Age to End?

  | Multimedia
|  -  Eastern Pacific Ocean is Cooling, Not Warming! - Are Climate Models Wrong?
|  -  Glaciers in Norway Growing Again
|  -  Ice Age Meltdown - Earth Investigated
|  -  Russian Climate Scientist Predicts New Ice Age
|  -  Sea Ice Growing at Fastest Pace on Record
|  -  The Gulf Stream and The Next Ice Age
|  -  Unstoppable Solar Cycles - The Real Story of Greenland

  | Related Reports
  |  -  Antarctica Rediscovered - Main File
  |  -  Chemtrails and Geoengineering  - Main File
  |  -  CO2 - Carbon Dioxide - Dióxido de Carbono - Main File
  |  -  Global Warming - An Official Pseudoscience... - Main File
  |  -  Weather Warfare - Main File
  |   | Return to Earth Changes
  |   | Return to Climate Changes
  |   | Return to Temas / Main Files
  |   | Return to Dramatic Changes in Our Sun