This is another very boring chapter.
Only Bible students and those interested in how the Jews warped Christianity and swindled the world, will find any interest here.
So, go ahead and skip to Chapter 12.
This chapter contains advanced, Christian, secret knowledge.
It is a long chapter and is completely unexciting to everyone other than those interested in the Secrets of Jesus and how he did his miracles.
So, you atheist Readers and you Readers who are not interested in the secrets of Christianity can also skip to Chapter 12.
Those who read what follows, might like to have a New Testament handy to compare what you believe, with what I am teaching you.
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For the first time since Jesus walked the earth, you can understand the actual, secret teachings of the Gospels.
For all of their pompous bull-stuff, the Jews never had an actual, spiritual experience of God.
Theirs was a synthetic, bogus religion based on:
- lies
- fake histories
- empty rituals
and laws useless to anyone other than the moneylenders and Temple priests who wrote them.
As you know from previous chapters, the thieving Jews stole their god, Yahweh, from the Canaanites and their wisdom literature from the Babylonians and Egyptians.
Then, they blended it all together so as to give themselves “prestige” as the “Holy Chosen Ones of God.”
What the Jews teach as being “theirs,” is actually knowledge that they pilfered from others.
The Jews used the stories from Babylonian and Egyptian religious experiences without actually understanding any of them.
In this regard, even when a rabbi speaks about such things as “spirit,” he is only mimicking words from fables, not explaining realities or describing his own experience.
For example, the “spirit of Yahweh” or “holy spirit of Yahweh,” his “breath” and “spirit” translate from the same Hebrew word, ruah.
This word is found active throughout Biblical history even though the Jews didn’t know what it meant.
It is a phrase that the Jewish priests stole from the Canaanite priests of Yahweh.
The Jews used this word in their own myths but never actually experienced it or understood its meaning.
Only when Jesus demonstrated the actuality of the Holy Spirit, was it made manifest among the lying Jews who then, typically, rejected the Truth.
Modern Christians are ignorant of the Holy Spirit.
Many think that it is synonymous with “wisdom” or that it:
“gives religious inspiration”
as if it “thinks” or that it is God, Himself.
The Gospels of:
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
are called “synoptic” meaning:
“with one eye”.
That they are so alike, is the reason they are called the Synoptic Gospels.
All of these Gospels were written sometime between 40 and 70 AD.
The sole Jewish authority was, of course, the high priest.
But as Luke so explicitly states, Annas and Caiaphas were both high priests at the same time – one was High Priest in the eyes of the Romans, the other was High Priest in the eyes of the Jews.
Joseph ben Caiaphas[a] (/ˈkaɪ.ə.fəs/;[b] c. 14 BC – c. 46 AD) was the High Priest of Israel during the first century. In the New Testament, the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John indicate he was an organizer of the plot to kill Jesus. He is portrayed as presiding over the Sanhedrin trial of Jesus. The primary sources for Caiaphas' life are the New Testament, and the writings of Josephus. The latter records he was made high priest by the Roman procurator Valerius Gratus after Simon ben Camithus had been deposed.
A Roman governor had deposed Annas and appointed his son in-law, Caiaphas.
But according to the Law of the Jews, a high priest remained high priest until he died.
So, the Jews refused to recognize Caiaphas.
Hence the devilish procedure followed at the trial of Jesus, who was sent first to Annas (the actual High Priest) and then to Caiaphas (Rome’s appointment). [398]
That way, the Jews could get Jesus condemned by both the Jewish High Priest as well as by Rome’s appointment.
As you know from previous chapters, the Jews had more power and greater rights than anyone else in the entire Roman Empire.
Being the scoundrels that they are, they didn’t deserve it, of course.
They got their special rights through bribery of Julius Caesar and the other emperors.
Those rights included military exemption as well as the right to enforce Jewish Law on the Jews, which even included the execution of Jews who broke Mosaic laws.
But the Jews are very deceitful and tricky.
They didn’t want to execute Jesus, themselves, because they wanted to blame the Romans for the deed.
And to this modern day, the lying Jews still try to blame the Romans.
Miles Williams Mathis: ROME – Library of Rickandria
The Sanhedrin had independent rights of capital punishment guaranteed by Rome, itself.
The Sanhedrin (the court of 70 rabbis) heard capital cases.
The statement of the Sanhedrin to Pilate on that occasion,
“We are not allowed to execute anyone,”
was a blatant lie.
The Sanhedrin did possess capital powers in religious cases until 70 AD.
Pilate’s own proposal that the Jews should sentence Jesus themselves; the episode of the woman taken in adultery whom Christ invited the Jews to put to death; the execution of Stephen with no suggestion of illegality; and the general point that the Sanhedrin had the right to execute even Roman citizens for trespassing in the Temple, are all indications that the priests of the Temple and the Sanhedrin did have capital powers over members of their own race in religious matters. [399]
Stephen or Steven is a common English first name. It is particularly significant to Christians, as it belonged to Saint Stephen (Ancient Greek: Στέφανος Stéphanos), an early disciple and deacon who, according to the Book of Acts, was stoned to death; he is widely regarded as the first martyr (or "protomartyr") of the Christian Church.
Modern Jews, themselves, brag,
“We murdered Jesus and we’re proud of it.”
So, one must look very carefully at the Gospels since they are old stories which are sometimes not very well explained in the context of history and textual specifics.
For example, Herod died in the spring of 4 BC and Jesus was born soon after that when the flocks of sheep were out in the fields during sunny spring or summer weather.
He was certainly not born during the cold winters of December.
(But have a very Merry Christ Mass anyway, wherever you are!)
RELIGION: Christmas – A STOLEN, Pagan Holiday – Library of Rickandria
Herod’s Temple was shiny and new and was a sparkling marvel of what money could buy.
And it was very inspiring to a young Hebrew boy who, for his entire life, had been told that his father was God, Himself.
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of John
The Leaven of Paul
The Book of Revelation
The Twelve Apostles
BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Vol. II – Library of Rickandria
BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – Library of Rickandria