French Science "Heretics"

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Paul Karamerer, an Austrian biologist, in 1924 demonstrated with experiments On salamanders, the inheritance of acquired characters. Unjustly accused by American scholars of having falsified his experiments, he was "suicided" by the Nazis, because his discovery of the It ruined the dogma of genetic immutability. Western Sages they maintained the dogma, refusing to rehabilitate Kammerer.

Antoine Béchamp, professor of toxicology and medical chemistry at the Faculty of Montpellier, discovered the primordial element of the living cell which he called "microzyma." He showed that it could become bacteria or viruses and deduced from this "the bacterial polymorphism." He denounced Pasteur's erroneous monomorphism that led medicine towards the phobia of the microbe and the oblivion of the terrain.

Jules Tissot, Professor of General Physiology at the History Museum He confirmed the thesis of the precedent and gave the evidence by photographs of plant and animal cells. It showed that the Living organisms, when altered, themselves produce bacteria pathogens and viruses. He was a victim, like Béchamp, of the conspiracy of silence maintained by Pasteur's supporters.

René Quinton, a self-taught scientist, discovered the similarity of our internal environment with seawater. In 1906 he gained worldwide fame by saving, With injection of isotonic seawater, thousands of children suffering from cholera and showed that seawater transfusion could replace transfusion of blood. At the beginning of the 20th century, proclaimed the "French Darwin" by the American press, he was totally erased from our culture.

Marcel Ferru, professor of fundamental sciences, tenured at the Professor of Children's Medical Clinic at the School of Medicine in Poitiers, demonstrated the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of the vaccine BCG antituberculosis drug. He fought vigorously but unsuccessfully against his legal obligation adopted in 1958. ( France is the only country in Europe where this harmful vaccine is still mandatory).

Edgard Nazare, An aeronautical engineer, he invented the "power plant" aerothermal tower" consisting of a vortex tower capable of creating a permanent artificial cyclone and producing free and non-existent energy. pollutant emanating directly from solar radiation. He never got it that his invention was "annoyed" by the EDF and the public authorities supporters of nuclear. All his other inventions remained the same Hidden.

Marcel Macaire, Doctor of Science, managed to solve the equations Einstein's ideas showed the self-confinement of energy (which confirms the identity of matter with energy), explained the order of the distribution of all the celestial bodies, and showed that the effect of Doppler does not apply to the photon and that, therefore, the dogma of The expansion of the universe is wrong. His theses have not yet been accepted by the scientific world.

René Jacquier, a chemical engineer, in 1947 elucidated the process "air travel" against whooping cough, which allowed him to invent a catalytic oxygen therapy procedure effective against many diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases. It also proved effective oxygenation in both preventive and anti-cancer treatment. curative. His thesis was never recognized, or even examined, by the Academies of science and medicine.

Antoine Priore, an electronics engineer, built a machine in 1950 by irradiating fields electrical and electromagnetic cells capable of destroying tumors and cells Cancer. Despite indisputable evidence of its effectiveness and support professors from the University of Bordeaux as well as Jacques Chaban-Delmas, his apparatus, with which he secretly cured many He was never accepted by Parisian cancerologists.

Jean Solomidès, MD, Bachelor of Science, Diploma in Bacteriology, A researcher at the Pasteur Institute for eight years, he invented the "physiatrons." synthetic" destroyers of cancer cells. Fired from the He opened his own laboratory and cured many cancer patients. The College of Physicians prosecuted him for "illegal practice of medicine" because he was a doctor of the University (and not of the Faculty) and therefore, Despite having all the necessary skills, he could not be included in the College to practice.

Mirko Beljanski, Ph.D., researcher in molecular biology at the Institute of Molecular Biology Pasteur for thirty years, then at the Faculty of Pharmacy For ten years, he invented effective anti-cancer products ( prescribed to François Mitterand with favorable effects) and also against the AIDS. He created his own laboratory and managed to cure many sick people. Denounced by the College of Pharmacists, he was arrested, handcuffed, with 73 years old, then prosecuted until he died.

Loic Le Ribault, doctor of science, inventor of exoscopy ( scanning electron microscopic analysis ) former expert in micro-analysis before the Court of Appeal of Bordeaux, renewing the French scientific police and creator of the G5, effective in therapy against many diseases, which he never managed to get accepted in France ( in he got it in the Commonwealth). Persecuted by the school of He was imprisoned for two months.

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