LLME Toolkit Overview

Nicola Trubridge
Nicola Trubridge
Last updated 
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In 2020/21, we brought together for the first time a range of support materials for Work Group Leads into a single Work Group Lead Toolkit. We are now gradually extending and updating these materials where needed, but now as an LLME toolkit. Currently, the material is more focused on Work Group Leads, but this will evolve to have material relevant to all LLME:
  • Ten short core units (and two supplementary units) linked to the role of a Work Group Lead/LLME 
  • Key documents used in the work of an LLME
  • Links to further reading, watching or listening suggested in particular units
  • Links to other helpful resources
Toolkit Units
For each of the units, there is a link to the narrated video presentation and the slide set is also available. 
Unit 0: Understanding a Maths Hub Work Group (video link) (slides link)  - 17/11/20
Unit 1:  Understanding the participants (video link) (slides link)  - 17/11/20
Unit 2: Understanding the outcomes (video link) (slides link)  - 17/11/20
Unit 3: Understanding the work (video link) (slides link)  - 17/11/20
Unit 4: Designing the Work Group (video link) (slides link)  - 17/11/20
Unit 5: Leading the Work Group (video link) (slides link)  - 17/11/20
Unit 6: Evaluating the Work Group (video link) (slides link)  - last revised 09/02/21
Unit 6a: Evaluating the Work Group: LLME guidance video (video link) (example report link)- 13/06/23
Unit 7: Working with others (video link) (slides link)  - 17/11/20
Unit 8: The Work Group/Programme/Community plans (video link) (slides link)  - last revised October 2022 - see new HAPPI forms below
Unit 9: The Work Group/Programme/Community report (video link) (slides link) - last revised 10/05/23 - see new HAPPI forms below
Unit 9a: The Research and Innovation Work Group report (video link) (slides link) - 12/05/23

Key documents and links (2023/24 additions)
Note that for 2023/24 we are moving from the Work Group / Programme and Community plan and reports to new online Hub Activity Plan, Progress and Impact (HAPPI) forms.
*New* An overview of the HAPPI form (video link) (slides link) - 18/09/23
*New* LLME Handbook (link to knowledge base) - 26/09/23
*New* An updated video to launch the HAPPI form (video link) 13/10/23
*New* How to add documents/images to HAPPI forms (video link) 23/11/23
*New* Principles of evaluation - HAPPI outcomes section (video link) 26/03/24
*New* Principles of evaluation - HAPPI schedule section (video link) 26/03/24
*New* Principles of evaluation - HAPPI summary section (video link) 26/03/04
We expect the LLME toolkit to continue to develop, and we will both revise existing material and develop new material as time goes on. When revisions have been made or new elements added this will be made clear in the dates column. 

Feedback from users regarding the toolkit is welcome. Please send any feedback to mathshubs@ncetm.org.uk